Sunday, 24 June 2012

Horizon Field Hamburg

Whilst we were in Germany my DD took us to Hamburg to see Antony Gormley's project
Horizon Field
Antony Gormley states that the entire project is a sounding board for the spirit and consciousness of the viewer.
The subject of the work being the people who participate. 
We entered the vast hall and had to remove our shoes and climb an open metal staircase up to the platform which is suspended high above on spiral metal cables. 
When we reached to top of the stairs we could see considerable movement of the platform and my DD was really unconfident to face taking the little one onto it as the only safety factor was a net around the edge. As soon as I stepped onto it with my DH we couldn't feel any great sensation of movement although it oscillates and the surface ripples when stepped upon. 
DH at the edge
People interacted in a variety of ways some jumped about to try to create more impact, whilst others just moved about slowly and tentatively. The surface was soft and looked like a pool of dark water and visually it was so effective producing silhouettes and reflections.
A pregnant woman meditated at the edge and another woman lay peering over the drop.
A group of women expressed themselves by Bio Dancing
The exhibition was free and whilst I was pleased to have the opportunity, I really was disappointed that I felt no extremes of emotion or sensation from the experience. If it comes to England I would certainly go again and maybe take more time to think about the experience.
Afterwards we enjoyed a fabulous lunch at the restaurant opposite the Deichtorhallen as a Father's Day treat for DH. A great rainy day!


SueH said...

Sounds very interesting Jo but I don’t think you would get me up there.
My knees are shaking just thinking about it and looking at your pictures, Lol!


Helen said...

What an interesting exhibition! Not sure that I'd have been able to interact in public being a bit shy, but I guess if you're in a group it would be fun!

lisa said...

Looks most intriguing, Jo. Sometimes, these things can be really amazing and sometimes you just are not sure what you are supposed to feel but it's always worth trying I think!!
Glad you had a lovely treat afterwards.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, we are going to see the Olympic Torch go by later!!
Hugs Lisax

My name is Cindy said...

How interesting! The photos are stunning. Not sure myself about an emotional connection to something like this but a great thing to experience nevertheless. TFS. Cindy

Neet said...

Great pictures Jo but I would not have dared go on it - don't think so anyway.
Hugs, Neet xx

Paul B said...

Wow!!!! So jealous. I'd certainly go see this if it came to the UK. Love interactive art pieces, especially if they are done well. Pxx

sam21ski said...

Hmmmm....very weird indeed!!!


Carola Bartz said...

That seems to be a very interesting project!!! I wish I could see and experience it.

Angie said...

Wow amazing ....great shots ...not sure I would have made it up there. xx