Thursday, 28 June 2012

Lavender at Inglenook Farm

Making these lavender posies reminded me that the local fields of lavender would be in bloom if mine was already out at home so we decided to take a trip to see them. I was worried I'd miss them and it would all be harvested if I left it until I returned from my visit to Cardarian's Happy Place in Slovenia, so off we toddled to the only organic lavender farm in England....
here's the link and I really wish we had "smelly blogs"...
Moss Nook Lane, WAll 8AE, on the Rainford bypass near St Helens.
I bought my plants from them some years ago and have three different varieties. Each smells so different. It would be understandable to expect the deeper colour of Pete Pan to smell stronger but the best is Munstead on the left and next is Hidcote, the right hand one.
We were disappointed as surprisingly the fields were not yet in full bloom
The essential oils and products from these plants are superb and I have used them for years.
I think I may manage to see them again so we plan a visit when my DD and family come over soon from Germany to visit. I promised the little fraulein some fish and chips and mine were so delicious at Inglenook.
The farm has really developed from just producing the oils and now has a really excellent restaurant, cafe, craft shops, art gallery, wood crafts as well as the essential oils shop, beauty and holistic therapies, farm shop and a variety of chucks and animals around the place. 

Gordon, who carves these birds and animals is self taught and it was interesting to talk to him when he took us around his woodshed and showed us his work in progress. 
We are thinking of buying one of these for in the garden but can't decide which one or where to position it.
Here's an owl in progress and one of the birds "in flight" above the wood pile.
The chucks found the shavings warm and cosy
These little Shetlands are only quite young and so sweet that I could have brought one home but it didn't want to get into my shopping bag.
There were fluffy white silkies (fowl) and goats too and as the farm is situated less than a half hour from home it is a place we will visit over and over. A nice little, short, relaxing day out.


Elizabeth said...

Lovely and interesting post ... I can almost smell the lavender :) Hope you are enjoy your holiday and the visit to Slovenia and the meeting with Cardarian - exciting stuff! Elizabeth x

Twiglet said...

Funny - I thought I could smell it too! I love lavender - so typically English to me. Sounds like the perfect place to take your little one to, when she is over. The carving is amazing. My Dad started wood carving in his retirement and was really good - sadly didn't have enough retirement years though. x Jo

Artyjen said...

Love lavender smells! If I'm ever that way I shall pay a visit ;)
xoxo Sioux

Redanne said...

I love lavender too, shame it is not fully out but I guess the weather (rain) has something to do with it, they need sun. I think you will find plenty of sun in Slovenia! Hope you have a wonderful time and love all your photos above too. A x

Annie said...

Looks a fab place to visit. I've clicked on their 'where are we' links but can't seem to find out where they actually are. Like Elizabeth I can smell the lavender from here.
A x

Paul B said...

You can add me to the list of Lavender lovers. The gite I stayed in last year in France had a garden full of it and our own bushes produce masses of lavender each year. It's wonderful when all the bees buzz around it. I often use the oil on my pillow. Such a soothing scent. And I've never heard of Inglenook farm, so that's yet another day out added to my list :) I think the majority of our excursions have come from your posts haha. Enjoy your trip next week. Pxxxxxxx

Angie said...

I used to have the Hidcote variety in my old garden ...every time I passed the bush I had to stop and enjoy the aroma but DD just ran past saying 'I hate that smell'...never understood her. Those carvings are beyond beautiful ...they are so real it might scare little birds from your garden....have a great time away. xx

Helen said...

That looks a beautiful place to visit- I can imagine the scent!! When I was at Kew (again!!) on Saturday the rose garden was magnificent... as you say, oh for smelly blogs! I love the wood carvings, fabulous.

Ann B said...

Thanks for this Jo, another place to add to the 'visit soon' list. Must have driven past it a few times on way to Southport but never knew it was there (my excuse is I was concentrating on the driving).