Friday, 29 June 2012

Concertina Niche Card

With being away so much I haven't crafted for a while, (other than my crochet on the move), but I found these photos in my files and realised that I had never posted them. A chance to post some crafting!
This is a concertina niche card that I made after I missed the workshop given by my friend Paul of the Artsiders.  Paul is really talented and makes some gorgeous shabby chic cards.
The Front
The Outer Cover
Here I used my favourite background of Distress Inks and stencils.
I then spritzed over it with gold Glimmer Mist to tone it down.
The niche before I stuffed it full of sewing ephemera
The niche before it was spritzed with inks.
From making this card I had the idea to make a concertina tag bag and the instructions for this are in my 21st May post on the sidebar. It's made in exactly the same way as the card but with one end missing and, of course, the concertina sides are cut to fit the size of the tag.
Here's another card using my latest fave stamps by Michael Powell from his Urban Stamp range.
The Concertina Sides
The Front

Thanks to her very generous invitation (does she know what she's up for?) I'm off to Cardarian's Happy Place in Slovenia, with my friend Donna, and besides plans to visit some beautiful places in a country I've never before visited, we will be doing lots of crafting on the balcony in  the shade, whilst trying to stay cool. It's 35C there!! Hopefully, I will be able to post some of what we get up to.
Watch this space!


Annie said...

Really hope you 3 have an amazing time together. Big hugs to all,
Annie x

Helen said...

What wonderful pieces of art!! They look really fiddly to make but so effective. Have a fabulous trip, can't wait to see your photos!

Paul B said...

Both these are so different to each other in style, showing off your fantastically varied creative talent. Love them! And I'm yet again envious of you for your trip to create in foreign lands. You have such wonderful adventures. Enjoy your stay and bring back a heap of memories to share :) Safe travels my friend. Pxx

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, your niche card is so beautiful, I really love it. So glad that you like Michael Powell too, they are very high up on my favourites list too. Have a wonderful trip.......of course you will! Anne x

sam21ski said...

Glad you're jetting around all over the place Jo, great to get out and about isn't it, gives you a sense of freedom.

Lovely card by the way.

Sam xxx

lisa said...

What an amazing creation, Jo. You always come up with such interesting and different creations. I love those Michael Powell stamps too. I used to do his pictures in x stitch so it's great to play with the stamps now.
Have a brilliant holiday. Yes please to lots of photos!!
Safe Trip
Hugs Lisax

Hettie said...

Ooo! Wonderful pieces Jo. Aren't you lucky to go on such a great trip!
Have fun!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Jo how I love this work and recognised the stamp at once as have the same one myself and love how you have used it clever indeed Shaz in oz.x

Julia Dunnit said...

Niche card...lovely idea, geat way to prsent a litle gift too. Fab. Am so excited To hear of your plans to visit Dolores, oh my word I will want to read every detail! Plese give her a hug, and have huge fun, Slovenia is beautiful.

Rita said...

Our very own Globetrotter, can you imagine it. Crafty backpack maybe too. Joking aside Jo, I love your Niche cards, very nice ,maybe I'll have a go while your away. You enjoy your break with your friend and take loadsa piccies too. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

Neet said...

Hope you three are having a wonderful time - well, no need to hope, you will be (do you get what I am saying).
Great cards Jo, glad you made the despite missing the class.
Hugs, Neet xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

happy WOYWW! great 3D cards and i love the sentiments. thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Linda Simpson said...

Hi Jo, found your blog and I am so glad that I did it is fabulous. Loving your work and will be back too. I hope to see you next time.

Linda xxxx

Cath Wilson said...

They're lovely to make, aren't they, Jo? Love the Michael Powell one in particular x