Tuesday, 26 June 2012

WOYWW Robots & Gift Packages

It's a varied untidy desk his week, in fact it's a table looking out onto the garden where I've been messing about.
Why am I showing this today? If you visit Julia, our Boss, at stamping ground blog, all will be revealed and you can join the weekly mega snoop around the globe of all the loony lovely people brave enough to show the state of their creative workplace. It's a revelation!!
 I prepped simple craft make and takes for the Summer Fete at the Deutch Kirche (German Church)which I attended with my friend Jacqui, in the centre of our city, and whilst it was mainly for children, quite a few ladies enjoyed having a go. Here rest the remains of my endeavours still waiting to be cleared. A nice bunch of lavender there too drying in the window.
We made simple, small, gift packages in which we popped a chocolate and the mini handbag with a bangle handle holds a post it note pad. They were all really popular and a wide range of ages and levels completed them successfully. Some came back to make all of the items through the day! It was really good fun and such a happy day and, with almost everyone speaking German, I felt as though I was back in Germany with my family. Shame I never had a minute to take some photos of the lovely handicrafts cakes and bread on sale. I did sample the most amazing flowery herbal punch... Waldemeister Bowle... delicious and quite potent!
Initially I created the robots as an item for the boys to make but the girls really loved them too and some ended up decorated all pink and sparkly!
There is acetate behind the apertures which is effectively "see through" when coloured and hung in a window.
Use brads to attach the arms and legs.

If you fancy keeping any children occupied through the school holidays you are  welcome to print off these templates, 3 different robots with 2 on each sheet. I find that I can cut out duplicates if I lay 1 or 2 plain sheets behind the print out (print it on card).

Older children would probably be able, with supervision, to cut out single printed sheets for themselves.

More fabulous WOYWW Birthday ATCs to share and thanks for these 3 gorgeous gals, go to,  L to R Bridget Larsen, Cardarian, and Tuire.
Thanks (L to R) for a fab topical Jubilee atc from Michelle of the Hobbyroom, the lovely living atc of poppy seeds and heart card is from LLJan and the beautiful sparkly wisteria Dream is from Lisa of the craftgarden.
Exciting times next week as Doone and I will be flying off to Slovenia, woo hoo!!! I'm so excited! We're going to wear our WOYWW badges in a far off land and visit our lovely WOYWWer friend Cardarian who has so kindly invited us to craft and have fun in her beautiful country. We are taking a couple of T shirts and a few pairs of undies and the rest will be crafty stuff.... I do hope Slovenia knows what it has got coming and I wonder what will be on our workdesk next week?? Be sure not to miss it.


Annie said...

Oh wow thats so exciting Jo. I bet Slovenia doesn't know whats coming? I can just imagine you 3 together. How special. Have a wonderful time and don't forget your camera.
A x #83

Sheilagh said...

What a wonderful adventure:) Slovenia is such a beautiful country I look forward to seeing what you are inspired to do there. I love the robots and the lovely packages.

Enjoy your trip and keep safe


lisa said...

Your fete sounds brilliant, Jo. I love the makes you did. DD will adore those robots, she has a thing about them at the moment which is really unusual for a girl. I expected her to like the cutie stamps and yet she wanted robots!!
Have a great time in Slovenia, you'll love it there, such a beautiful country. I won't say behave as that would just be silly!!!
Hugs Lisax #98

Angie said...

Those robots look such fun ...I wonder if our boys would enjoy them???.

You are quite the globe trotter ....hope you have an amazing time ...I kind of envy you as I have never ventured out of the uk except a couple of times as a youngster ...and I have never been brave enough to fly...how sad am I xx#93

Ann B said...

Robots are a great idea Jo and thanks for the template. Enjoy your trip and if you run out of clothes I'm sure it will only take you an hour to run something up - or glue it, and if you run out of craft stuff (I doubt that somehow) then you could always alter your underwear.

Ann B

Redanne said...

Love the robots! How lovely to go on an adventure to Slovenia and be with crafty friends, hope you all have a wonderful time and that we get to see some pics too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #57

Helen said...

Love the robots!! Have a fabulous time in Slovenia, give Cardarian my love as I have met her twice at Ally Pally now!!

Twiglet said...

Those robots are fab - I bet the kids loved them. Hope you have a fab time with Cardarian - take loads of pics so we see what you get up to! x Jo

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

I see you are all excited - so am I!!! I love those robots - such a good idea to make with kids! I might use that the next time I will babysit my nephew! Donna says she is already packing, are you???? Ha, ha...
See you soon!
Love and hugs,
P.S. I sent you an email! Have a look!

Bridget Larsen said...

holiday, how exciting wish I could come. so glad you got my atc.Some wonderful creations you have there
Bridget #28

Neet said...

The thoughts of bailing you and Donna out because you have been running around in knickers and t-shirts when you get there had me laughing.
No point me saying "enjoy" because I know you will. Fabulous company, fabulous food, fabulous weather (think of us in the rain - no don't)and fabulous friendships - what more could anyone ask for.
See you when you get back.
Neet xx

Anonymous said...

Super cute robots! Have a lovely holiday.


Zoe #54

Jingle said...

Okay, LOVE the robots! Awesomesauce! The ATC's are stunning, and those little treat packets are just delightful!

Inkypinkycraft said...

Some great atcs youbhave received ! Hope you have a great time next week! Trace x 58

ScrappnBee said...

Have fun on the road! How cool to get to go and meet another WOYWW-er! Love the little crafts. The robots turned out positively darling! Thanks for the peek at your place! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda x64

kay said...

am sure everyone enjoyed themselves,fab atcs :)
happy blogging
kay #69

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Does Slovenia know what's going to hit it??? LOL. I may have to warn the Foreign office :) I hope you and Doone have the best time with Cardarian - don't bother taking spare clothes, craft stuff is far more important!
Hugs, LLJ ~3 xx

jill said...

Thanks for sharing the robots with us jo . enjoy your hoilday jill #73

Danielle said...

Great ATC's! And thanks for the robot printables. My nephew will love them. Dani31

Ali H said...

Love the robots ! Also have a nephew who will love them ! Your trip to Slovenia sounds great fun - looking forward to you sharing what you get up to! hope you have a great trip ! Ali #66

Princess Judy Palmer said...

The bangle handle is brilliant! I've made those post it holders before with a ribbon handle but the bangle is so much nicer. Is it free standing or somehow held in there? I've made longer versions of the treat boxes in black before, add some bat wings and then fill with candy corn. Such fun things! Yes, you make crafts for kids and then all the adults want to have a go. So funny. Have a happy trip!

Unknown said...

It looks like "happy mail" .... And super cute robots!

okienurse said...

great looking gift boxes and thanks for sharing the robots with us. Vickie #159

sandra de said...

The robots are a great idea and the little bag with bangle ... just gorgeous. Enjoy your trip to Slovenia. Lucky you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Jo, love how you're always busy doing stuff and encouraging others to craft and have fun. Have a fantastic trip to Slovenia, it looks like a really interesting place to visit.

Brenda 5

Elizabeth said...

The robots are terrific and I love the little gift boxes. I'm not a bit surprised the adults wanted to have a go too. Like your packing policy ... have a safe journey. Elizabeth x #17

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Enjoyed my AM coffee reading this fun filled post. Each design was a Joy
The robots sound like a great fun project...made a note for fall creating
Enjoy your trip, sounds like great fun. Will wait for Pictures!!! we are having Sauna weather high humidity and temps in high 90's/could be 100

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ha ha, I can just see you sunning around in your tee shirts and undies in Slovenia there Jo have a great time and do love those robots well done thanks for sharing Shaz in oz.x #50

Ohhh Snap said...

LOVE your make and takes! And ooooooooo Slovenia (I've never been). Have a wonderful time :D.

Thanks for visiting and in answer to your spinster/sheep stick pin question, I use the really old definition of spinster, someone who spins fiber (often wool) into yarn or thread :D. My understanding is that spinsters had the economic choice to marry or not and seeing where the definition often lands today I'm thinking many chose not lol.