Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The Staffordshire Hoard

No WOYWW from me this week as I've been away and my desk is exactly as I showed last week so I'm not adding my name to Mr Linky. However my crochet ripple blanket has doubled in size thanks to the time I was in the passenger seat during our trip. 
Watch out though, as I'll be snooping on as many of YOUR desks as possible!

We arrived home last night after several really enjoyable days away at a reunion with DH's college friends. We packed in so much as well as enjoying the company of good friends who came from all around the country to meet up in a country hotel in the Staffordshire countryside.
On the way we stopped off to see some stunningly wonderful treasures which are just a small part of the ancient Anglo Saxon gold which was found in 2009 by Terry Herbert, a metal detector enthusiast, in a farmer's field.
Take a look here to find out more about this amazing collection http://www.stokemuseums.org.uk/pmag/hoard
Over 3,400 solid gold and silver items were discovered in the farm field in Lichfield, worth millions of pounds in bullion alone. 
Whilst only 80 items are exhibited in Staffordshire Potteries Museum, they are well worth seeing and this lovely modern museum has so much more to offer. 
There are more items on exhibition in the British Museum, Birmingham Museum and Tamworth Castle which we really hope to see one day.

It was extremely difficult to take photographs due to the glass cases but the following few are quite successful.

The treasure is predominately martial with many pieces such as sword pommels, armour fittings, and helmets but there are also crosses and other religious artefacts. 
A biblical inscription on this buckled clasp.
Exquisite detail by 7th century goldsmiths.
Whilst the original items are on display there were several reproductions available to touch and inspect more closely. These were created by modern technology methods so they were exact in detail and were so much easier to photograph.
More to come in the next few days if you are interested.
Happy Stampers North West Show
I must add an invite to anyone who is attending this show at Port Sunlight next Saturday, 29th September, to stop by Stampattack where I will be demonstrating with Carol. Say hello (wear your WOYWW badge if you have one)! We'd love to see you and we always have sweets!


Helen said...

lovely photos! Hope Port Sunlight goes well, I've never been. Helen, 35

Annie said...

Wow Jo. What amazing finds. Thanks for sharing the photos.
A x

Paul B said...

Looks like you & hubby had a brilliant time, you're such a busy lady, I'd love to have just an ounce of your energy :) Hopefully see you at Port Sunny, save a sweetie for me lol. Pxx

lisa said...

I'm glad you had a lovely time away, Jo. I love the fact that you crochet in the car. If I ever pass someone beavering away on the motorway, I'll know who it is!!!!
It's amazing to think that this beautiful treasure was buried in a field for so many years isn't it.
Hugs Lisax #80

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, love all your amazing photos but my favourite has to be the gold in the first one - wow, how gorgeous is that. Makes me wonder who it all belonged to - so much history. I have tickets for Port Sunlight but don't think I am quite up to it, so I will miss seeing you and Carol, but it will make my Bank Manager happy (lol), I think.......have fun and please say hi to Carol for me. Crafty hugs, Anne x #65

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!
I love your collection of photos of the golden artifacts and I will be looking out for your next post - amazing stuff - I bet you got some ideas for jewelry! I came home last night too and now I am just thinking about the 13th when we meet - only 18 days to go! YIPPEE! Do you fancy a Skype? Let me know!
Lots and lots of hugs

Twiglet said...

Stunning hoard isn't it. Some great ideas for designs from that lot. x Jo

toni said...

Great pictures of the hoard i have only seen a few small pieces but can't help but marvel at it. I scrolled down to see your previous posts and that blanket is truly gorgeous the colours are wonderful such skill ,i also love what you're doing with the canvas and your transfers very busy happy woyww toni 63

Angie said...

I was missing this week too ...no excuse ....just seemed to loose a day and all of a sudden it was Thursday lol.So glad you had a great time away and I hope your weekend is full of fun ...love the photos ...the last is my favourite. xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Jo, wow you surely have had fun checking everything out over there.. and love the first lot of gold pieces the best - love your ripple blanket down below too! One day will make on in that style have done squares and also one in another stitch not dissimilar that. Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Whoever called it the Dark Ages was wrong, wrong, wrong - the artwork and culture that stems from that period is completely amazing. That horse item is quite the most gorgeous artefact I've seen for many a year. Stunning :)
Hugs, LLJ #59 xx

sandra de said...

Hi Jo, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my canvas. Looks like you had a wonderful day and those pics are amazing. I get all goosebumpy thinking how old they are and how long they had been buried. The work is exquisite.

Morti said...

Hah! Just cos you're not on Mr Linky, don't go thinking you can hide! LOL. However , what a fab treat you are sharing with us. You have to take your hat off to our ancestral artisans, they knew their stuff and when you consider what little they had to work with, it's only right we should be in awe of them...

Have a good time at HSNW - and I will be emailing shortly with addresses and burble and wit and and and... oh well, you get the point.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheilagh said...

Amazing, must make a visit there. Just wanted to thank you Jo for your comment about Conor's book. Your lesson in faux leather worked very well and I had loads of compliments on it. Won't be at Port Sunlight tomorrow, but hope to catch up with you sometime soon.



Lee said...

Hi Jo,it's always a joy to read of your travels they always sound so interesting,also love your pics,you must have a very good camera as the detail is brilliant.Thanks for sharing,so where is the ripple blanket lol.I did do a practice row of the ripple pattern but have not actually started a blanket yet.Am making mini teddy bears with clothes at the mo.Hugs xx

monika said...

Jo I met you today at Port Sunlight, what a delight it was to meet you too. Your warmth and purple fingers inspired me. Thank You for my magic wallet.

Bridget Larsen said...

I was wondering why I couldnt find you on WOYWW, thought I was going blind lol. Luckily I put your blog in my favourites. Wow those are some amazing artworks, your travels are just as exciting as travelling around desks