Monday, 1 October 2012

Staffordshire Potteries Museum

Catching up from last week's trip away. We visited the Staffordshire Potteries Museum to see the Anglo Saxon treasure , the Staffordshire hoard, but there was so much else to see in this super museum.
I promise some crafty pics very soon once I collect my camera from Carol, later today. .... I left it safely stored in one of the cupboards at the Port Sunlight Show on Saturday!

In the entrance hall there was a collage composed from shards from many of the Staffordshire potteries and I was amazed to spot many brands I had used over the years.
Here's a close up and you may spot some you have had on your dining table! 
Here's the larger picture...

Some very elaborate Minton ware.
I loved the old woman and her shoe full of children.... so beautifully stitched!
I seem to be finding wonderful doll's houses wherever I visit and this one is exqusite.
DH was especially interested in this Spitfire, designed by local man R.J.Mitchell. 
Life as it was over several eras.
I used to help my mother to black lead and shine the brasses of one of these every Friday night! I can smell the toast now which we always made on the embers. My DD2 still uses the toasting fork, which my Dad made, to make toast on her wood burner stove.
Mum used to hide my tin whistle on the top shelf of a built in cupboard just like this but I would climb the shelves just like a ladder to retrieve it!
Yes, we had one of these airers too but our clothes were far less tatty!
Ah, memories but I still prefer modern labour saving appliances!!


Redanne said...

Hi Jo, that mosaic is stunning and I love that doll's house and the shoe, your pictures are brilliant, thank you for sharing. I remember the drying rack so well, my neighbour who lives in a modern house has just had one put in her Utility Room - everything that goes around as they say. Hope PS was busy for you, still sorry to have missed it. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Angie said...

What a wonderful trip ...your words and photos brought back so many memories ...the smell of toast done over the embers cant be beaten...wonderful oak fixtures in shops ...stone hot water bottles that made such a noise when accidently kicked out of bed ...and those airers hung where the heat of a fire or cooker, dried things so quickly....mum used hers until she moved house around 1984.
I love the mosaic ...I would love to do one on a table top ...would look amazing if one had a large kitchen.
Glad your DH found something of interest too xx

Paul B said...

Beautiful photos Jo. Especially love those ceramic shards set in the wall. Superb. Sorry I didin't see you on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing your piccies though. Pxx

Annie said...

Hi Jo. That looks like a fab day out. Thanks for sharing your pics.
A x

sam21ski said...

You capture the most amazing photos Jo - Thanks so much for sharing your travels

Hope you and the family are doing okay.

Sam xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Marvellous - love the collage of potteries...would love to have a kitchen wall like this!!

Lee said...

Amazing pics Jo,thanks for sharing.Hoping all the family are well.Hugs xx

Neet said...

Gosh some of those pictures take ;me back in time - but only what I saw in pictures (ahem) - far too young to remember them (double ahem)
Hugs, neet xx