Tuesday, 23 October 2012


See all the fun of the desks via WOYWW and join in if you dare! Just go over to the blog of our inventor Queen Julia at Stamping Ground to discover all about this weekly wonder of craft desk exploitation.

I'm away from home staying near Lewes, near the South Coast of England, so we can easily pop over to Brighton to visit our family and see 2 of our curly girlies. 
My desk this week is a hotel bed so I have to be really careful that I don't splash paint and mess up the pristine white bedding!!. 
I made good progress on the 6 hour journey with my latest crochet blanket 
(No 5 since March) which is almost ready for one of the girlies. 
 I've also managed some scribbly free sketching of the Brighton Belles, the curly girlies, with a permanent fine liner pen as I haven't yet found my pencils in the few crafty items I've brought with me. I might add some water colour tomorrow. I'm so very tired after the drive so the results aren't wonderful but I did enjoy the freedom and fun of just scribbling knowing I could not erase any errors. A pencil would be so much easier for shading too.
I'll try to get around as many desks as possible this week but it mightn't be until the evening as I will be otherwise pleasantly occupied during the day with tiny little people! At least we have good free internet connection here which makes a welcome change.


Angie said...

5 blankets since March ...wow ...where do you find the time with everything else you do....they are beautiful and colourful ...so cheery.
I love the sketches too... they remind me of ones my mum used to do now and then.Enjoy your break.xx

Maria said...

Hi Jo,

Your blanket is looking lovely so love the beautiful colour combination.. How long are you away from home for?
Your sketches are beautiful, have a lovely visit with your family....


Redanne said...

Hi Jo, your blanket is looking beautiful. I really love your sketches, they are fabulous, you are so talented to be able to draw like that, I am green with envy. Hope you have a lovely time away, I am not joining in this week as will be away too, hope to catch up with everyone next week. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Words and Pictures said...

Hello neighbour (WOYWW-wise, that is)! Great blanket - a rainbow of cheerfulness, and much needed in the current grey gloom. Your sketches are just delicious; I've such admiration for people who can draw, and to be able to capture a likeness is one of my great "wish-I-could"s. Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Inkypinkycraft said...

Love the colours in your crocheted blanket ! Looks wonderful! Have a great week, trace x 46

Neet said...

Those pix are gorgeous! Don't do yourself down. Brief Internet connection here but I linked at 54 and now I don't seem to show. Not a clue what it happening here, my I telnet ting is all to cock.
Hugs, Neet x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, having seen the speed you crochet, I'm not surprised you've done 5!! That one has grown in the past two weeks!! I am going to Hobbycraft with Julia tomorrow so am going to buy a crochet hook and carry on with those lovely squares you gave me. There simply hasn't been time before...sigh. At least next week is half term, so I can have a good practise!
Have the most wonderful time with your grandees :D
Hugs, LLJ #66 xx

Helen said...

Love the latest blanket, the curly girlies will love them! Your sketches look pretty good to me, a non artist! Have a great trip and a safe journey home. Helen, 19

Annie said...

Hi Jo,
Your latest blanket is just gorgeous and I'm thrilled to see you're a sketcher too. I haven't done any for ages and am not very good at it but I found my little sketch book on Monday and Jo and I were having a giggle at my sketches :-)
A x #68

KatzElbows said...

Your sketches are great. I like the idea that using a pen freed you up because you couldn't keep rubbing out; definitely a tip I'll have to try.

Enjoy your hotel bed/desk!
Happy WOYWW.
cheers, rachel #67

Paul B said...

What a great way to spend the 6 hour journey. Given that i'm someone who hates travelling, I'm impressed with your stamina and can understand how tiring it is. Love your sketchy drawings, and in permanent pen too. My jaw is on the floor. I so admire how you can bring creativity into every aspect of your daily life. You're an inspiration to us all. Enjoy your hols. Pxx

Neil said...

Hi there. Hope you have a lovely time down in our world. If you have time The Craft Barn in Lingfield is not too far away for a crafty visit.... (I'll be teaching there on Sunday....) Enjoy the Grandees and the rest of your holiday.

Unknown said...

Hi Jo - love that snuggly blanket no wonder you are feeling tired after your journey! Have a ton of fun today with your little ones - I love wandering round the Lanes at Brighton and then a brisk cobweb removing walk on the pebbles! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 16

okienurse said...

Love the bright colors in that blanket! I bet the Brighton Belle that gets it will love it too! Great looking drawings. Hope you have a great week. Vickie #91

Kate said...

Like the wavy design of the crochet blanket. See your hotel craft desk has chocolate on it, so that means it's a proper craft desk.

** Kate **

Cardarian said...

Hello Jo!

Hope you are enjoying your stay at Brighton - you have made a lovely blanket - ha, ha feel like I could just crawl under it and have a nice sleep!
The drawings look very nice!
Lots of love and hugs,

Ann B said...

I love the pretty colours in your blanket Jo, but don't know how you can crochet while in the car - I need to 'help' Andy when he is driving ha ha.

Enjoy your visit with the girls and yes, I will see you on the 3rd - can't wait to catch up with everyone.

Ann B

Twiglet said...

Oh Jo - those "scribbly little sketches" look wonderful to me! Have a fab time with the Brighton Belles. x Jo

donnalouiserodgers said...

you have made fab progress on the blanket, hope you didn't suffer too much in the fog, enjoy your time with the family, see you next weekend...


Anonymous said...

So sweet, both the belles and the blankie. I just love crochet, but never manage to find the time anymore. Maybe over the holidays lounging in front of the TV :) Or is that simply wishful thinking? I suspect so...


Mary Anne (15)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope you enjoy your time with the girlies. Your blanket is full of amazing colours. Wow! Take care Zo xx 71

Barb King said...

That blanket looks so soft. Enjoy your visit with the girlies. Barb #32

Unknown said...

The blanket has grown quite a bit since I last saw it. Have a great time with the little people. Is it half term down there?
Ours break up tomorrow.

Katie said...

Love that blanket! It's gorgeous!

Katie 34

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo
fab funkey blanket (dont I sound 'hip')
Enjoy your holiday

pearshapedcrafting said...

Gorgeous blanket, one day I'll learn to crochet! Love your pen drawings, I like to use a pen so that I have to just go for it - I'm no artist but like drawing! Chris#150

Anne said...

beautiful blankets and your sketches are brilliant. Enjoy time with your little ones. Anne x #146

Anonymous said...

So I take it you don't do the driving, lol!! Or at least I hope not! Never been to Lewes yet, I was at Hastings the last time I was visiting my sister just North of Brighton. Are you still thinking of moving to that region? Love the little drawing of the curly girlies!! They really are curly aren't they? Oooh!! I spy a crunchy! Are you teasing me or what!! Have a lovely break, and believe me, I'm as happy as you are to see your lovely parcel on my table too!!

Brenda 3

lisa said...

Have a lovely time with your Brighton Belles, Jo. I love the fact that you even create in the car!! Love the colours in your crochet make.
Have fun
Hugs Lisax

Robin said...

Your blanket is beautiful! I love how you still did WOYWW in a hotel room! I am always amazed at folks who draw. Your girlies are beautiful, how you can do this after a drive, is beyond me. What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing.

Kyla said...

What a fabulous blanket....you have made so many! Love your sketches and hope you have a wonderful time.


Gaby Bee said...

This blanket is just gorgeous, Jo! Your color choices are simply perfect. Love your drawings too!

Have a wonderful week!
Gaby xo