Tuesday, 16 October 2012

WOYWW 176 /Crop Aftermath

I haven't even turned the key in the lock of the door to my work desk as I only returned home from Wiltshire last night after a night with Donna in Derby. 
I spent what little time I've had posting photos of our fabulous trip to the
 Wonderful Weekend With WOYWWers in Wiltshire and thanking all involved.
I'm only just winding down......
I've just decided that I had better unpack my bags, but I started thinking about the mini challenge (below) that Julia included in our goody bags and also admired my fabulous pincushion which was in the bag courtesy of the nimble fingers of LLJ.  
Did I really take all this gear all the way from Liverpool to Wiltshire via Derby and back? There was a weekend case of clothes etc., too!!
Well I will KNOW I did when I finally get round to putting it all away but it can wait a while whilst I relish my lovely weekend of (to quote Zoe) fun, friendship and food. Oh, the food... the cakes.....the fun... the crafting...
Lots of photos of Saturday in my previous post (and also in the blogs of most of the WOYWWers who were there) but if you missed it, make sure you are there next time. If my lovely, special friend Dolores can get there from Slovenia then most people should manage it.
Hope, Carol, that you are better and it was such a shame you were poorly sick so couldn't manage it!
Thanks to the brainchild of Queen Julia at Stamping Ground so many people have made so many online friends and now a happy band of us met those friends for real. If you too would like to share in the fun pop over for a visit.


Maria said...

Hi Jo,

You all sound like you had a great time at the crop, is it very far from where you live?
I spy a big Timmy tool with all your crop gear is it a good investment?
Have a great week crafting...


505whimsygirl said...

Oh I do wish I could have flown over and joined you all. It sounds like it was so much fun! Was there mention of it becoming an annual event?

Hugs, Kay #18

Neet said...

Another wonderful recommendation for a weekend of fun and friendship. YOu were so lucky to go. Hope you come back to earth gently and not with a bump.

Hugs, Neet 15 xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, I so enjoyed reading your previous post on the crop and wishing so much that I had been there too ... maybe next time :) The pin-cushion is so pretty and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the supplies in your challenge - Di has already posted hers. However, I'll wait until you've unpacked and settled in again :)) Here's wishing you a great week and a happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #40

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It was so wonderful to meet you, Jo - I just loved the fact that everyone fell into conversation as if we'd known each other for years...which I suppose is the case really! I really appreciated the help with the crochet, now to have some time to practise...!!!
Take care,
LLJ 56 xx

Sandy said...

Oh what a lot of fun you looked like you all had. have fun with your challenge card will be interesting to see what you come up with. Sandy :)

jill said...

What a fun time you had at the crop, glad everyone had a good time. jill #51

Annie said...

A fun day out and homework??? I do love what WOYWW has done to so many lives Jo. So many lovely people with like minds all together in one room has to be a recipe for fun.
A x #62

Neil said...

Have fun unpacking that lot! After a cuppa first though to give you the get up and go! I'm sure you had a great time at the crop so I'm off to have a peek at your post.

Helen said...

Isn't the pin cushion fab?! I have yet to tackle my card challenge - but I have unpacked! Great to meet, and hope to do so again one day. Helen, 4

Paul B said...

Sounds like you could do with putting your feet up for a day or two to get your breathe back lol. What a wonderful few days you must have had and some terrific memories to bring back with you. Pxx

Redanne said...

Love the pin cushion from LLJ and it will be very interesting to see what you all come up with the contents of your goody bag too. Julia really has created a wonderful thing with WOYWW, so glad you got to meet so many like-minded people. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #41

Julia Dunnit said...

Well I LOVE your previous post Jo - I think I'm still singing! Cant describe how fab it was to meet...and how fast it went...we need to get strangers in to do the catering and coffees so we can focus on chat!! I have to say that your 'stuff' seems to shrink in the packing, I'm kind of surprised that it wasnt shed loads of bags more!!

Sunshine Girl said...

Sounds like you all had a fabulous time! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57

Anonymous said...

SUCH a lovely day, and I cannot believe your travel pile! I took two canvas carrier bags and felt weighted down! Funny how travelling by train focuses you on your packing LOL!

Better get unpacked - there's crafting to be done!

Mary Anne (20)

Kate said...

I think we all came back with more than we went with and took more than we needed!!!

** Kate **

sandra de said...

That looks like a goodly amount of stuff to take to a crop. ... definitely all needed and fun had by all. Love the pics.
Sandra @93

Angie said...

I haven’t woywwed this week but thought I would drop by a few friends.
I do feel guilty that Dolores made it and I didn't but I'm no traveller and its a rediculous journey by train...I shall just enjoy it with you from your photos. xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

That's why we went in the estate not the astra!

ha ha

I suspect the stash was of greater value than the car once we had you me and Morti in there with our crop bags!

dxxx a hundred and something (106)

Ann B said...

I can see a whole lot of craft stuff there Jo but no clothes, was it crafting in your knickers (again) ha ha.
Of to have a look at your photos, looks like a fab day.

Ann B

Unknown said...

I also enjoy the 3 f's crafting with friens is always fun...amazing how many things we take along though..and i never seem to have what i need!
lovely pin cushion...enjoy...
zeffy 103

CraftygasheadZo said...

I didn't realise quite how much travelling you were doing! Wow. It was super to see all that stash and I know I was so envious over all your inks in that super storage box. We sure had a great day. Take care Zo xx 78

Morti said...

I'm looking forward to the crafting challenge (just remembered this second that Donna didn't take any lavender!) so I'm guessing most of us will be putting that on our desks next week!

I've not found your ring yet, so I'm guessing it's at the bottom of a bag somewhere - hope you find it!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wanted to get here first to leave a comment, but right after I left a comment for Ros, I got super tired and left my office. I was thrilled to see the Crop photos. Yours are the first I've seen that had FOOD in it. Most people didn't include the food tables. That was wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing all those photos. It must have truly been a magical event.

Twiglet said...

I love that little pin cushion and I wonder what you will do with your challenge? Hope we get to see the results. x Jo

lisa said...

It sounds like a brilliant day, Jo, you certainly took plenty to keep you busy by the look of all that.
Hugs Lisax #84

Danielle said...

Sounds like such fun! The little pincushion is really cute and I would like to see what you come up with for the challenge. dani #132

SandeeNC said...

Since I am too far away to go to the crop, I had to settle for taking a peek at the pictures. Seems you ladies had a great time! My unpacking from a crop goes like this...what do I need to work on? OK, I'll unpack that...eventually it all comes out! lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Anne said...

Sounds as though a great time was had by all. The pincushion is fab and it will be lovely to see what you do with the challenge. Anne x #136

Mary Jo said...

Really sounds like a fabulous crop!
Glad you all had such a good time!!
Mary Jo #115

Brenda Brown said...

Well looking at the photos you all had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing the bags in your hall haha. Happy WOYWW and have a great end to the week.
hugs {brenda} xox

pearshapedcrafting said...

Sounds like a brilliant time was had by all - so jealous! That challenge looks interesting - look forward to seeing the results. Chris109

Unknown said...

What is the red house thingie? Love all the photos and I am glad everyone had a great day. I will have to look forward to the next one.

See you soon


Anonymous said...

Hhm, wouldn't like to see you packing to go to Germany in that case!! I like that Julia gave you all a challenge, and that you have to post it too, very clever. I keep stalking the postbox, I'm hoping it will be there tomorrow.... but boo hoo!! No choccies!! I've asked for a box of Thorntons from England from Andrew though, that should make up for it!! I'm wearing my socks at the mo, had a shower and got ready for bed and didn't put anything on my feet, and there they were staring me in the face!!

Brenda 3

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Hope you are getting back in the grove of being home. I loved all the photos you have shared here and in the prev. post. Thanks it is fun to see each one of you having fun. Enjoy the challenge

Hettie said...

Why is everyone taking the mikie about what I took when you had a pile too?!!! Humpf!
It was a fabulous day and the evening was fun too!
Don't worry about the challenge...I haven't done mine either! Oops!
Here is to the next one ey! Is that right YOU are hosting it up your neck of the woods next time?! Hee Hee!

Linda Simpson said...

Hi Jo it sounds like you had such a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing you at the group in November.

Linda xxx

Kyla said...

It was lovely meeting you on Saturday, glad you had a fabulous time.
Thanks for visiting my desk already

kyla #55

fairy thoughts said...

hi jo
doh, I think i just commented on the previous post, but hey ho!
Great post, why does unpacking take so much longer than packing.
I look forward to seeing what you do with your challenge, I'm hoping to do mine tomorrow as I have a day off for coughing!
janet #47

Words and Pictures said...

Sounds like it was a blast! Is that a TH cargo case there... and is it marvellous? And do I need to put it on my Christmas list?!? Belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Lynne said...

Hi Jo, I read your previous post with envy..and I think you did well on the luggage front - if I go to a stitching event I have just as much if not more, or a music gig....don't go there! And it's all so HEAVY!!

I love that little pincushion, so cute!

Words and Pictures said...

Thanks for the TH cargo case thoughts, Jo - I'm about to have to work away from home for about a month, so I'm thinking I need SOMETHING to carry my stuff (though how I pick what makes the cut stash-wise is a whole other question!)... Sorry to hear about the lock - I hope it's not like the Vagabond, which I seem to read about breaking down all the time - could it be that TH is mortal and fallible like the rest of us after all?!?
Happy crafting!
Alison xx