Tuesday, 2 October 2012


It's amazing how time flies and to prove it...it's already WOYWW again and here's the state of my desk for this week. 
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday???
 No apologies that mine is in such a state as I just dumped the contents of one of my bags there after demonstrating on Saturday at the Port Sunlight Show. A fifteen minute tidy up will put things back in order but I know you prefer something to snoop on! 
Thanks to all the lovely people who stopped at the stand on Saturday... it was such a great day. Not as busy as usual except for an early squash but then again we have the 2 day Harrogate Show up North next weekend. 
If you are a snooper or a spy or a voyeur then I'm sure you would love to see lots more so hop over to Julia's blog, Stamping Ground but first get yourself a nice cuppa as you may be quite a while!

Here's a close up of some of the items I demmed on Saturday.  The calico tag bags (an idea I had for a gift bag and a card all in one) were a great success and we gave out some blanks as a challenge so people can decorate their own and let us share their ideas. 
I coloured lots of "spoiled" waste card that would have otherwise been thrown away. Using a variety of inks, Distress, Dylusions then stamping and stencilling over the coloured ground it produced some gems which I used to make this Secret Message card.
Here's the front
The main inner section
The card itself was of great interest to those who watched my dem...
It has hidden sections which open out... 
and it looks so complex but is really very simple to make and I ended up quickly making and giving away lots of blank templates for visitors.
No photographs from the show this time, not even of my, much commented on, very inky purple and gold hands so don't be too disappointed, Paul!!!

With talking so much (no comment!) on Saturday I lost my voice and after getting a soaking in Monday's rain it has developed into a really tickly cough and cold so I've been a couch potato and spent a couple of days hooking away at my crochet rippled afghans. So here they are for those of you who asked how they are getting on.
This one is getting too huge to work on in the car ...
so it kept me cosy whilst I overlapped and I started another one...all this in three weeks of spare time which would have otherwise been wasted. I love having something so worthwhile to show for it.
Why don't you try it?


Angie said...

Seeing your blankets makes me want to have another go ...they are so gorgeous.I love the colours you used in your demo bits ...your creations are amazing.
Hope you feel better soon xx

okienurse said...

WTG! Love all the makes this week Jo. Sorry to hear you lost your voice and were feeling bad. I think there is something going round and being in public just worsened your chances of getting it. Love that afgan! I need to dig out some more yarn and start making one. Where do I get a pattern? Have a great week. Vickie (no number yet.)

Neet said...

Sorry to hear that you are not well, you seem to be 'copping for it' lately with one thing and another.
Great bags and a fab rug you are making at the mount - looks huge!
Happy WOYWW when you get up.
Hugs, neet xx

Neil said...

Hi Jo. You've been busy! Hope the cough goes soon. Love the calico tag bags, they look fab. Take care and stay snug under that rug.

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, your Autumn coloured card is gorgeous, it looks like one of those never ending cards but the shape is different - what fun - you must had kept people guessing at that one! I always love to see your crochet work, love the big one, it does look really cosy. Hope you are feeling much better now. Crafty hugs, Anne x (no number yet)

Annie said...

You always keep so very busy Jo. Your card is stunning and I think it looks very complicated [but what would I know :-)]. Your blankets are wonderful....I esp love the colours of your new one.
A x #2

Paul B said...

Glad you had a good time at the show Jo :) Beautiful samples you made. Hope the voice comes back soon and the cough disappears. Your crochet blanket more than makes up for your being housebound. It's absolutely beautiful, with that gorgeous rainbow of colour. Get well soon. Pxx

lisa said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend, Jo. Those tag bags look gorgeous. No wonder you were so in demand.
I hope that cough is feeling better, there are a lot of bugs around at the minute. I need you to be well if you are coming to Harrogate, at last we might get to say hello. I'll be there on Saturday with F and my Sister so will definitely come and seek you out.
Happy WOYY
Hugs Lisx #40

Lynn Holland said...

What an abundance of energy and talent you have Jo. You are a star
Lynn 38 xx

Helen said...

Hope your cold/cough get better quickly! The weather has been (and will continue apparently) to be awful this week... Hope the weekend show is good - they do all seem to come together, don't they!! Helen, 4

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Hope you soon feel much better. I really love that afghan, it looks so bright and cosy, just the thing to make during the winter - productive and warm too. Do you have a pattern for it? Mind you, I do have an Aran jumper to make very soon. Have a good week with lots of honey and lemon drinks and anything else that makes you feel better. xx Maggie #36

Francesca said...

Wow those vibrant colours of autumn love fab. Thanks for your visit to my blog. Francesca #54

Ann B said...

Tidying up in 15 minutes, confess, you are superwoman. Missed Port Sunny this time so didn't get to see you and your fab makes, you will have to show me the cards when I next get to Vicky Stampers.

Love the afghans, must have a go at one for the camper.

Ann B

Eliza said...

I love your card and so earthy too. Now that blanket is getting to big to work on and the weight of it must be tiring to hold. Beautiful colours in it. There is no way I could tidy in 15 minutes that would have to be a record.

Eliza #55

donnalouiserodgers said...

last time I lost my voice Niall was heard to mutter 'so there IS a God' hope your dulcette tones are back to normal by next Friday - it feels like ages since we nattered,

big hugs

Dx 76

sandra de said...

Ohhh I do hope you cough clears up quickly. Love that card it is gorgeous. All those folds would bamboozle me no end. I really have to see it being created to get the idea. Can never read instructions!! Your rug is coming along beautifully, actually everything you have posted is amazing.
Sandra @73

jill said...

Great colours so warm & earthy. You have done a lovely job being creative, jill#29

Joynana said...

Hi Jo, first of all let me say that your card is just fabulous, do you have directions for making that. I would love to try it for a reall great friends birthday card. Thanks for stopping by. I got in early to Julia's but, there was no linky now I am #83. I have to go and play catchup.

Glenda said...

Love the card...beautiful Fall colors. And another crochet buff too. I love crochet, but shoulder does not!
Glenda #73

Sandy said...

Oh I love that rug the colors are so vibrant will have to have a go at that one.. Your cards are lovely and the gold just stands out so wonderful. Sandy :) #85

Twiglet said...

Oh so much lovliness. The colours on your blanket are fab. I love all your demo bits and bobs - we really must come and see you in action somewhere!! x Jo

The House of Bears said...

We love the tag card and may have to try that. The crocheted blanket looks snuggly.

The bears @#75

trisha too said...

Gorgeous tag card, and what a great design, too. Your comforters are lovely, and you know, you are so right--I'm not good at it at all, but I can crochet a bit, definitely enough to make a blanket.

Nothing as wonderful as yours, though, Jo!

#101 this week

Anita said...

hi, luv the fall colors on the cards. Your images on your blog are so beautiul and thank you for sharing.

Lee said...

Hiya Jo.LOVE your creations,fab colours n so artistic.FANTASTIC blankets,would love to make one but oh ALL those stitches lol,I'd forget the pattern half way through the row,think I'll stick to me giant granny square one.Big Huggles xx

SueH said...

I love the idea of a bag and card to match JO, as you say an all in one present….perfect! It’s such a shame I don’t live nearer to Port Sunlight otherwise I’d have been there for some tuition.
I can’t believe how much your throw has grown since I last looked at it but if you’re using all your ‘wasted’ time to do a row or two it soon grows. I’m the same with my cross stitch and like to have a small, easily portable project that I can pop into my handbag when I’m out and about, I can’t just sit in front of the TV in the evenings either, if I’m watching something I’m always stitching at the same time.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 79

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, lost your voice, eh! I'm not surprised, I've experience of some 'public' speaking and it left me without voice every time. However, you demmoed some beautiful projects and I love the colours you produce. I'm still working on a granny square throw for my wee grandson, in his favourite football teams colours, but when that's done I'm going to try something different and your rippled effect looks tempting. I love the choice of colours in both - beautiful. Hope you have a good week and happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #49

SandeeNC said...

Your demo sounds like it was fun if you talked so much that you lost your voice, lol! I have a demo on Saturday, but don't have to talk too much although I do love to rattle on sometimes! LOVE the afghan, looks so pretty and cozy, almost makes me wish I wanted to knit! Almost!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

pearshapedcrafting said...

You certainly were busy on Saturday and what a brilliant show Port Sunny is! Sarah and I loved your book - couldn't get any nearer and we did come by twice! Would loved to have seen the card close up! Not surprised you just dumped your bag! Hope you feel better soon, Chrisx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

If I were going to learn a new craft it would be knitting or crocheting, no question about it. I don't understand how that card works at all, but it so pretty, great colors.

Jackie said...

Your blanket is just fab. I'm a knitter but can't get my head around crochet!! Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog :) x

Tracey said...

Sorry this is a bit late, it does take me some time to work my way through the blogs. I hope you are soon feeling 100%. Love your crafty items Tracey ±93

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That blanket is lush, immense, awesome, mint - to use the vernacular of the kids I'm working with!! Gorgeous colours - I'm really looking forward to being shown how to do it at the crop :D Hope you'll feel better by then!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xxxx

Darnell said...

Really cool card and blanket, Jo! Hope your cough is just from over-doing it and that it goes away soon and it's not a nasty virus you picked up! Darnell #145

Tuire Flemming said...

Lovely cards and beautiful blanket!
And time really flies!!! I´ve been away from the Blogland for a couple of weeks because of lack of time. Now Tuesdays goes first with prepairing for my art journal course, and then the evening with the course itself. Last Wednesday I was babysitting all the day (my favourite job!) and on Thursdays I have to do what I have not done on Tuesdays and Wednesdays...
Tuire #80

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Lovely fall colors in your projects and you are right, I prefer a desk that is not too tidy! Happy WOYWW!

Gaby Bee said...

Sounds like you had a gorgeous weekend! The blanket and the card are really beautiful, Jo. Love the autumn colors!

Have a great weekend!

Morti said...

Oh dear - and here's me just coming down with a cold in time to infect everyone on Saturday...... :-(

Love the afghans you're crocheting - wish mine was coming along that fast!

See you VERY soon!