Tuesday, 9 October 2012

WOYWW 175 & New Brighton

I've got to be good this week because on Saturday I will be meeting "the Boss", "the Queen of the Desks", our own dear lovely Julia... grovel, grovel.... I hope it's enough to get me in her good books before (Woo Hoo!!!) I see her in person at the WOYWW Crop.
Maybe I should have tidied up for some brownie points but I really haven't had time and I'm busy sorting out all I need to take with me to the crop......besides the kitchen sink and all.
It's worth calling in on Julia's blog Stamping Ground to discover all about the goings on at crafty desks around the World via.... 
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday
Here on my desk you'll spy the green remnants of Saturday's Victoria Workshop given by our club member Gill who always treats us to fab projects. I haven't yet finished my "Anything Goes" book but I love it and will get back to it as soon as I can. 
All those new stamp acquisitions need to be filed away. I was lucky that my friend (Thanks Helen!) kindly snapped them up for me at a bargain price at the QVC outlet shop.
On my other desk I am sorting out the bits and bobs I need to take to do the projects I intend working on at the crop with Cardarian. I can't wait to meet up with special old friends and meet up with WOYWW friends I have never before met in the flesh. I'm really excited wondering just who will be there and a huge thanks goes out to Morti who is kindly hosting Donna and me.
Here's a great find.....You may not have spotted these washi tapes which are a recent addition to the range of gift wrapping materials in IKEA... available in 4 colours they cost £5 for 4 reels.  
This week, recovering nicely from a cough and cold, I wanted to have a walk by the seaside for some fresh air so we crossed the River Mersey, through one of our two tunnels, to visit New Brighton. This is a seaside town which was once booming as a holiday resort, long before package holidays, in the days when the Queen was newly crowned. We would often go there as children, crossing the river by ferry, for a day out. It became so dilapidated until it was regenerated over the last few years and, whilst it is nothing like the traditional old time seaside place it used to be, once again it has developed into a pleasant place for a day out.
The seagulls faced the wind as our sunny day turned to rain....
but it had the reward of a double rainbow and the seaside breeze certainly blew away the cobwebs of being housebound for days.
We drove further along the coast of the Wirral Peninsular to Hoylake and visited Chantilly, right opposite the railway station, which had been recommended for lunch.
Wow! what a place to know about!!! It's bookmarked for a definite return as the food is superb! All local produce cooked on the premises by Les, the owner, who greeted every customer and gave us such a warm welcome which made our visit so special.
Daily, he makes these mouthwatering, wonderful, cakes and pastries. Just look at the height of the lemon meringue top left and the depth of the apple pie bottom right.!!! There's a blackcurrant topped Bakewell Tart bottom left and I intend to go back time after time just to sample all of them. The trouble is that  the delicious main course of Chicken & Ham Pie with salad only left barely enough room for us to share one piece of cake!


Maria said...

I love all those bit's and bob's your taking with you to your crop, hope you have a fantastic day crafting...
That Chantilly place looks gorgeous from the outside and looking at the cake display yummo all those luscious goodies....
Have a great WOYWW


Angie said...

Great shots and those cakes looked amazingly yummy.
I so wish I had an Ikea nearby ...its the little odds and ends I love but not having a car makes it a an exhausting day out, to get there and back.
I know you cant wait until the weekend ...I hope you have an amazing time....I will be thinking of you all.xx

Unknown said...

LOVE the washi tapes and love the pies even more! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at no. 25

belldoubleyou said...

Well, I was admiring the black/grey striped tape, but then you showed me all those pies. I gotta say tape is no longer at the forefront of my mind.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I'm #34 this week, and I love all your photos. What fun it will be for all of you to meet up at the Crop..Can't wait for pictures. I miss bakeries sooooooo much, all of our old fashioned, sweet delights have closed and rarely do you find any when traveling about that still make the Danish, Czech, or Swedish I so love. It's even hard to find a homemade PIE. Have fun with your travels and preparing for the crop.

HeARTworks said...

That is super exciting to be able to join the WOYWW party! Like I said to Julia, if I was a millionaire I would be there, along with Peggy of course!!! So do take lots of pictures ok? I am so interested in what'll happen! I am sure you will all have a lot of fun! Patsy from

Darnell said...

Stunning photographs, Jo! I really enjoyed my visit and snoop! Have a wonderful week and have a blast with Queen Julia for me! Darnell #28

Lisa said...

Hope you have a wonderful day crafting this weekend. You are making me drool as those cakes look amazing.

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jo
I love how you get about so much, not be long before you will be reporting on your trip over to me.
Thanks for showing us New Brighton I went some years ago so it was nice to hear about it. Now Hoylake I have a relative in law over there so I will be asking if she goes in that lovely eatery it looks gorgeous.
Have a wonderful time with Julia and gang.
See you soon xx

LuLu said...


Your desk looks very productive this week.

Thanks for the tip on the washi tapes at IKEA. Michael's is selling a slew of washi tapes now too. Everybody seems to want to get on the washi tape bandwagon. Do you have Michaels in the UK?

Would love for you to stop by my blog when you have a moment or 2.


okienurse said...

Sounds like you had a great day! I am like Angie I wish I had an Ikea close by! Love all the cakes and goodies displayed there. My mouth is watering and I need to go check out the cupboard...it is going to be poor solace though! You guys have a good time at the WOYWW weekend and think about us poor folks in the states that can't be there. It is such a distance to go anywhere here that a get together would be difficult or I would try and arrange one. Have a great week. Vickie #41

Annie said...

Oh Jo I could just use some deep breaths of sea air too....head colds really do make me feel miserable and I'm struggling to shake mine off! Your day sounds just perfect. I will be at little Steve's 1st birthday on Sat so and unable to join you for fun so please have a great day and send my love to all you meet.
A x #68

Neet said...

That lemon meringue reminds me of one at a cafe in Cleveleys. The first time I had a piece (years ago) I ended up with it on my nose.
Have a lovely time at the crop - boo hoo time for me as I would have loved to have been there.
Thanks for sharing -
Hugz, Neet 29 xx

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, you will have such a great time with Julia and the gang! Great photos, love that rainbow and that eatery looks wonderful, it will have to go on 'the list of things to do' for sure. Great new haul of stamps too, like the Dyan ones. Going to Ikea next week....... Happy WOYWW, Anne x #60

Rita said...

Jo, a very creative desk I say. Your trip looks super especially the one with the rainbow, then on to those mouthwatering cakes Mmmm. Anyway, enjoy yourself this week-end at the crop. Hugs Rita xxx 81

Julia Dunnit said...

I wonder how much we'll all actually do on Saturday!! Am very much looking forward to it all...if not a bit nervous!

Words and Pictures said...

Ooh, exciting new stamp stash... and thanks so much for the tip on the Ikea washi tape - though I should think it'll go like hot cakes (or those delicious looking ones in your photos) at that price! Glorious rainbow... thank you for sharing it, and a happy WOYWW to you!
Alison x

sandra de said...

You are all going to have such fun at the crop and I am sure there will be a few woyww's there is spirit. Love the pics of Brighton and that rainbow is gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend.
Sandra @31

Paul B said...

Ahh you're making me want to go visit New Brighton :) Haven't been for a stroll there in ages and i'll definitely bookmark the Chantilly. Great find in IKEA! Gorgeous colour tapes. Enjoy your crop this weekend. Pxx

Artyjen said...

Ooh! I love my coffee and cake break at the weekend! Will have to remember that place if I'm ever that way ;)
xoxo Sioux

Twiglet said...

Oh Jo - that took me back to being 9 years old and staying at our cousin's in Birkenhead. Jan took me to New Brighton for the day, then a trip on the Mersey Ferry to see South Pacific at the cinema. Happy Days. Fantastic rainbow pic - and those cakes - Yum!! x Jo

Helen said...

Great that you are coming on Saturday! It will be great to meet in person. Love the pictures of New Brighton - only ever been the "our" one down South!!! The stamps look a great grab. Helen, 6

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

I love all the stuff on your desk and looking forward to us making things together! I will send you an email, writing it just now!
Lots of hugs, see you soon!!!!!

SueH said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day out Jo and make all the more special by all those yummy cakes no doubt!
I haven’t been in IKIA for a while but never fail to find something in there I use for my crafting. Those tapes were a real bargain so I think I’ll have to make a visit very soon.

Happy Crafting!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Now I am seriously hungry. Those cakes and pastries look really scrumptious, my jacket potato for dinner looks really boring in comparison. I am also very jealous of you going to that crop to meet so many friends. We are just too far away to fit that in. Have a wonderful time. xx Maggie #88

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lucky you, new stamps - haven't been to the QVC outlet for years - maybe I should! I still haven't been to New Brighton - maybe I should go there too - it looks lovely! Chrisx

Ann B said...

Glad you are feeling better Jo. Haven''t been to New Brighton since I was about 9 years old. Thought it was very exciting going on a boat to get to the seaside.
Have put the cake shop in my to-do-list - look scrumptious.
Late this week so number 118 - how did that happen?
Ann B

Cath Wilson said...

Gosh, Jo - haven't been to New Brighton since I was a little girl and my Mum's uncle took me on the Ferry! Long time ago and so exciting. It looks a little different, he, he. Great buys there - well done you!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Saturday's Itinerary:
Talking, crafting,talking, eating cake, laughing, talking, eating more cake, crafting, eating lunch. Repeat as necessary.... :D
I'm really looking forward to it too!!
See ya then,
Hugs, LLJ #50 xx

lisa said...

What a lovely post, Jo, so much to see and enjoy. I loved sharing your breezy walk along the front and those cakes look absolutely delicious!
Have a great WOYWW get together, I shall be thinking about you all.
hugs Lisax

Caro said...

Can I come and play with your new stamps? They look almost as tempting as those gorgeous cakes! I love your rainbow photo. So glad you are feeling a bit better. Caro #77 xx

Sarah Anderson said...

now that's what I call a ReaL cake shop! Glad you're recovering from your cough/cold, love your seagull piccie Sarah #127

Tamika said...

I'm loving your stamps and washi tape! Have fun at the crop you ladies are so lucky to be getting together! Tamika #14

fairy thoughts said...

great post, I am going to have to visit ikea very soon that tape is lovely. when you go back to chantilly...... dont bother with the main course .... just eat cake:)
janet #49
See you sat ...

Hettie said...

Yeay!! We get to meet too!! I have washi envy...I went to Ikea last week and could not find the washi tape :-(
I think Julia should have a communal box of tissues on Saturday as there are a few of us with colds.
Nice pile of stamps and fabby photos.

Unknown said...

What a lovely place to live! I hope that double rainbow brings you some beautiful fortune. :)

Happy creating!

Annie #140

Unknown said...

I am suffering with a sore throat and a cold and if it does not improve I will not be going to the Crop. boohoo. Packed my kitchen sink too.
I used to go to New Brighton as a child with my grandparents in the days when we had good summers.


Joanne said...

What a great day out by the sea you had and what a great day you have to come at the crop. Enjoy.
Joanne x

Carmen said...

So much to see in this post but my eyes keep wandering back to those cakes! Yum! Not surprised you'll be going back again and again!

Carmen #113

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your posts Jo, love the informative bits and the trips out etc. Have fun at the crop, sigh, would love to go, how ironic that my husband is in England and I'm not!! Keep checking the post with anticipation!! Love how your ruffle blanket is turning out in the earlier post, really pretty colours.

Brenda 1

Kyla said...

Love the Rolf exhibition (and your sneaky shots!).

QVC outlet shop and now Ikea!!! I feel a trip down the M32 (my nearest ikea) calling.

I am going Saturday too....can't wait to meet fellow WOYWWers.
kyla #74

Unknown said...

Fabulous post Jo.

You will have had your day by now, so hope you had a blast. Wished I could have been there - but ill health (and poverty lol) has prevented me from being able to get there... I sure hope there will be other opportunities to meet the wonderful people i've 'met' through this wonderful feature - even if I don't make it each week, i've been doing it since the day I started blogging in Jan 2010.

Anyway, from 20-30 people doing it back them, we're now reaching loads more - and this week, I'm last on the list and #148!

Happy WOYWW 174

Paula x x x

Pam said...

Lovely to meet you yesterday Pam x