Thursday, 11 October 2012

Rolf Harris Exhibition

Recently I visited the wonderful Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool to see an exhibition of art by Rolf Harris. I can remember the large scale fast sploshings with a decorating brush that he did on TV when I was quite young and it was always fascinating to see the finished result. Rolf used to ask... "Can you tell what it is yet?" as the huge free style painting progressed.

I was really impressed at the exhibition to examine close up the quality of his work, far removed from his free work performed on TV. The detail of his wild life pictures was superb.
Photography was not allowed but I snapped away until I was made aware of this fact and luckily managed to capture some of my favourites.

Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King
I was able to have a pic taken...... with his cardboard cut out !!!.
His famous portrait of Her Majesty fascinated my little fraulein grandee..... just look at those gorgeous curls.....No! not the Queen's!
I felt as though I should step in and start painting in this reconstruction of his studio.
His palette was a work of art!
It was one of the best exhibitions I have visited in a while with his music, excellent videos and support material. A joy for all ages.
Shame you missed it! My fault as I was too busy to post it whilst my family visited and I've just found it unpublished in my files. I wish you could see the rest but if it comes within reach be sure to GO!!!.


Lynne said...

Hey Jo - my recollections of the Walker Art Gallery is a s a Lower-Sixth former at Aigburth Vale, hanging out in the hopes of meeting and art student! Then we'd be across to the library pretending to be researching...oh the times of our lives!
Looks like a good exhibition, I rmember watching the show where he painted the Queen and thought he was actually quite good!

Neil said...

Wow, what a treat. Must have been fun; he has such a diverse range of styles. Have to say I love the first picture. Glad you enjoyed it.

Helen said...

I used to love watching Rolf painting those huge canvases on TV too, they used to fascinate me. Thanks for sharing these illicit photos!

Annie said...

Would love to see his work...he really is anamazing artist isn't he? I have to say my fav pic has to be the one of those special. :-) :-) :-)
A x

Paul B said...

He's a great artist and made painting approachable to the masses with his friendly style. I think he won many over with his portrait of the queen. I can understand why you loved the exhibition of his work. Pxx

Angie said...

Oh I LOVE the man ...and his art.
My first memory of him was a kids programme when I was a child ...he drew a figure of a man and it came to life and jumped off his drawing pad ... and there was a story that evolved too. By the time he did the programme you recall, I was quite a bit older. I wonder if his art will ever come to a place near me.xx

Redanne said...

A lovely post Jo. Rolf is such a fabulous artist and a lovely man too from what I have seen. I too, used to love seeing him on TV, working his magic. I love the pic of his studio mock-up and his palette is indeed a work of art on its own! Crafty hugs, Anne x

lisa said...

Oh I would have loved to visit this, Jo. I love Rolf Harris and think his art is amazing. It's incredible to watch him work, what you think is just a splodge of colour suddenly jumps to life, how I would love to paint!!!
We are lucky enough to have a RH print on the wall after an exhibition in one of our local art galleries. It's beautiful, a baby's face and everyone who visits asks if it's DD, it has a uncanny resemblance. We love it to bits.
Enjoy tomorrow.
Hugs Lisax

Carmen said...

I remember first becoming aware of him with Rolf's Cartoon Club when he used to draw before the cartoons. Used to blow me away. I love his art and it looks an amazing, amazing show. I wish I had a thimbulful of his talent.

sam21ski said...

Oh Rolf Harris was great when he was on tv wasn't he. I also watched the tv programme of him painting that portrait of the Queen, he was a nervous wreck, well who wouldn't be.

As I say every time Jo, you seek out the most wonderful exhibitions to visit and then are so kind by sharing them all with us. Thanks once again.

Sam xxx

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for sharing your photo's Jo, they are gorgeous. I too used to watch Rolf painting on TV too.

Linda xxx

Cath Wilson said...

That looks so interesting, Jo - cool. Didn't realise he was so talented, cos I - like you - remember the freestyle painting he did on TV and nothing more. I loved it, though - he was so good at that x

Unknown said...

Hi Jo

It sounds lovely and yes, far removed from the stuff we used to watch on TV when I was a kid... I think he is a most genuine nice guy. Love watching him on TV too - particularly on animal programmes.

Love the recreated art studio - I can just imagine being inspired to paint there too...

Thank you for sharing.

Paula x x x

Tertia said...

So sorry I am only getting back to you now. My world has been spinning out of control these last few weeks. More about that tomorrow at WOYWW. My e mail address is tertiaj at telkomsa dot net, if you send me an e mail I will let you have my snailmail addie.