Tuesday, 30 October 2012

WOYWW 178 & Swap an Angel?

My work desk is pretty clear this week as I'm only just getting back to crafting time due to all my recent wanderings around the country.  I will be attending a Vicky Stampers workshop on Saturday and we always have an ATC swap, which is in progress on my desk, but I can't show the finished result until after the swap. We have a secret vote and the winning ATC becomes the leader picture for the group site.
Why am I even showing my desk I hear you muttering?..... because I had an invitation from Julia of Stamping Ground. Mind you, she invites the whole wide world each week to join in this mega blog hop of spying on creative desks. 
Spy  OR show or spy AND show.. 
it's entirely up to you, but one thing is sure, it's FUN!
My hit counter has almost at the magic number 99,999, as I write this post, so I am offering a small gift to one of my followers.How wonderful that so many people from so many places have popped in and out of my blog in almost 3 years. 
I'll send an item I will make specially, plus this tiny box below which hold lots of little treasures tidied from my desk over the weeks. 
I'll add to it and fill it to capacity but you will get all the bits and bobs already in it that I can't be bothered to put away into their individual pots. They are all too interesting to just throw away and they have accumulated to quite a little stash!
I'll draw in a couple of days from anyone interested who makes a comment on this post...
 just mention that you'd like the BOX of BITS! 
This RED snowflake trimming below is from M&S 3 metres for £3. It will be a challenge to use it as I've never seen RED snowflakes! I think a piece will squeeze into the prize box above.
Last year I made lots of Angel Decorations... here are a few examples. I'm going to think up some different ideas this year so now I am wondering if anyone would like to do a one for one swap with me?
I'll set some easy guidelines if enough are interested and if  more than I can manage want to join in then I'll draw, say 10 names. 
Doesn't matter what they are made from but I'm thinking small angels for tree decorations.
To all our friends and visitors over in America....I hope these little angels will watch over anyone who is in the area of the hurricane and that they see you through safely with no damage to you or your homes. Stay safe and I hope it passes away really soon.


Maria said...

Jo your angel ornaments are so beautiful I would love to do a decoration swap with you lol.... Those are just gorgeous.....
I love what's on your workdesk this morning...


Elizabeth said...

Lovely post and I so enjoy seeing your desk each week too - though I do miss the tablecloth still :) I remember the angel ornaments from last year, admired them then and admire them still. 99,999 is a truly amazing number and well worth celebrating - congratulations - and I'm sure someone is going to love winning your box of bits. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x (no number yet)

famfa said...

Would love a box of bits. Would live to swap an angel if I knew how to make one! Live the red snowflakes - gorgeous
Famfa (10 &16)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i love that first angel with the feather wings! i've been planning to make an angel using some angel wings shells that i kept from being thrown away but i can't figure out how to get it done in time for a swap. perhaps if i have an idea i will get back to you! congratulations on your 99,999 hits! and yes of course i like the BOX of BITS!

Sandy said...

I so love the little angel with the dragonfly so adorable.. Your box of bits looks like it would be fun to have a play with, so I am interested. What a great idea for your 99,999 give away.. Sandy :) #42

Nikki said...

OH look at the decorations of angels you've created an 99999 wow!!! I have to agree never seen red snowflakes unless I've grabbed a marker they are sweet
Your desk is very tidy and not soo messy messy
hugs Nikki #6
P.S I have candy too ends on Nov 1st

Eliza said...

Now that is one interesting "box of bits" I wouldn't mind poking a finger or two in there to peek a bit regardless that I was to mention it or not. Those decorations you made are really beautiful I especially love the one with the blue background.

Eliza 40

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow - nearly 100,000. You've probably passed that by now!! Many congrats, Jo - but then you do have a very interesting and entertaining blog. And now I've met you, I hear your voice as I'm reading it!!!
Having seen some of your gorgeous stuff, I would like to enter the Box of Bits competition. I would like to have a go at the angel swap too but is there are loads of entrants, I don't mind if I get booted off!
Hope you are well and happy after all your travels.
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

Helen said...

Love those angels! I'd love to be included for your Box of Bits!! What a hit rate - go Jo!! Happy WOYWW, Helen, 4

donnalouiserodgers said...

ooh I think we might be making angels on Friday night - I may be able to arrive early as I did overtime Mon Tues Weds Thurs - is that okay>


Paul B said...

Your angels are superb Jo. Creative, whimsical & each one unique. You must have an amazing tree during the festive season. Pxx

Julia Dunnit said...

You have it the wrong way round....it's your wonderful blog that means people drop in so often, you are a very inspiring crafter. shock at your empty desk, but I'm guessing now you can stop I one place for a minute, it will change!!

Neil said...

Morning Jo. Thanks for the peek into your world. I'm still loving using all the bits you gave me when we met so I'm sure whoever wins it will enjoy it. (I won't enter)I'd love to do an angel swap with you; as long as it's not too complicated!

mamapez5 said...

Hi Jo. What a cute set of angels. I need to think outside the box. My angels are far too traditional!i would love to swap but as I am running out of time for several projects I am working on, plus our post goes to pot over the holiday season due to some odd fiestas they celebrate in November/December, I think I had better leave that one.
But your 'Box of bits' looks very intriguing and I would love to have a rummage through that, so please pop my name in the hat.
I am glad you enjoyed my ramble around Ireland. We had a wonderful time. The second week is posted now.
Kate x #82

sandra de said...

I would like to mention that I would love that box of bits. You are such an angel of course we all visit. Congrats.
Sandra @87

Ann B said...

Congrats on all those hits Jo, but no surprise as everyone loves your blog. I love your box of bits, I love your box of bits, I love your box of bits - is that enough to qualify?
I'm up for an angel swap as well, good to get the old thinking cap on.
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday, and your ATC (mine was covered as well).
Ann B

lisa said...

Your desk is looking very bare this week, Jo. Hope you manage to find a bit more crafty time this week.
Your box of bits looks fascinating!!!
Hugs Lisax #95

mammafairy said...

hi Jo,
I would love to be considered for your box of bits! that would be fun.

Annie said...

I'm sat reading my WOYWW blogs on my sick bed this week but have my mask on so you don't catch anything. I'm enjoying reading what everyone is up to this week [it's better than reading magazines :-) ]. I'm leaving a copied comment so you know I've called by because my hands are too weak and shaky to keep typing out my comments this week.
Big hugs,
A x #93

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the angels, they're gorgeous. I'd adore the box of bits, so please put me in the draw(I nearly typed drawer then,lol)and the Angel swap sounds like a real fun idea. Maybe all the WOYWWers could do one & send to each other?A bit like the PIF Julia did earlier in the year- we could put a star next to our names, then you'd only have to tell each of us who to send to? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #90

Cardarian said...

Hello my lovely friend!
I am glad you are back home - love those angels - you have given me lots of ideas with those angels - if you want to Skype at some time tell me - we have holidays today and tomorrow so I am at home!
Lots of hugs and love,

olive said...

Hi Jo
i will see you on Saturday...... cant believe your desk is so tidy!!! love the Angels, so important to us all. xxx

Neet said...

Love your angels but I am so busy that I will decline joining in. Congrats on the hits, imagine what it would have been if you had started at the beginning (I remember you starting).
See you Saturday
Hugs, Neet xx
(not in the box draw)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hello there Jo - not taking part this WOYWW, too much going on, by that I mean I've been told off for doing too much and have to rest and not spend time at the puter, but wanted to pop by some of your desks anyway! So I am here before I get caught again, ha ha. Great desk, super Angels and I would love that box of bits for sure! Take care Zo xx

Twiglet said...

I would love your box of bits Jo. Congrats on all those page views for your fab blog. Now if you would like one of my little angel dollies just let me know - might be bit big for a tree but would hang around the house looking glamorous. x Jo

Angie said...

Wow ...so many visitors ...I find it hard to believe sometimes just how many visitors fron abroad I have and I am nowhere near you.
You are a talented lovely lady ....You are always so generous with your gifts ...that Box of bits looks so much fun ...and I like those red snowflakes. xx#101

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your angels! Love a swap too! Your box of bits looks interesting - funny how other peoples bit look more interesting than your own! Did a scrap jar swap at craft club last year - great fun! Chris 126

Robin said...

I love your box of bits! Red Snowflakes? I agree with you about the challenge! It will be fun to see what you come up with. Have a happy Halloweenie!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That little box of bits looks wonderful. I am not sure about those red snowflakes though, maybe they are stars really just masquerading. So it was you we have to thank for lots more WOYWWers from now on. It is good to pass on what a great way of keeping in touch it is. Thank you for your visit today, and the moody look was not deliberate, but just that I had put on all the lights I had available. Have a good week. xx Maggie #42

Julia Dunnit said...

OKay, I'm back again..just found out about your spot on Radio Mersey on Monday and have listened to the show waiting to hear what you said - how fun you are and never a truer word....A Team for sure Jo! xxx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi again Jo. forgot to say 'I love a box of bits' me always a challenge to see what you can make with them
janet @58

Anonymous said...

Very tidy desk and your angels are sweet. I have a box of bits too but there never seems to be anything in it that I want to use. It is great for my smash book though.
Not sure if I have visited before but have seen your name mentioned on lots of blogs so you are a very popular lady. Will definately viist again.
Tricia 111

Unknown said...

Quite a challenge to use red snowflakes. LOL I will have to see what you make. See you on Saturday.

Carol xx

Anonymous said...

Fab little angels - heard you on the radio too (iPlayer, as you know I am not in Merseyside!) and you are a wonderful ambassador for WOYWW.

MA (2) a day late.....

okienurse said...

great looking lot of angels you have there Jo! I would offer to swap but things are really hectic right now and I probably shouldn't get involved with another. Wish I could have heard the radio broadcast people are talking about! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! Vickie #37

Dotpat said...

Well Jo your little box looks very interesting and as always you look as if you are really busy

Kyla said...

Fab box of bits, love the idea of the angels and that you were on the radio!

May have to have a go at these angels, new to me but love the look


Anonymous said...

Red snowflakes are EVERYWHERE, just open you eyes, you'll see them! You do live in Liverpool.... never know what's going to turn up there do you??! Someone is going to be very happy with your box of bits and homemade loveliness! Don't put my name in, some one else should have a chance to experience it all! When were you on the radio? Can we still here it? I don't know if there were ant choccies in the pile of stuff from home, most of it went under the bed or in his bedside cabinet with strict instructions not to go snooping!!!!!

Brenda 1

Bridget Larsen said...

That shiny round table is at it again crafting madly.
Bridget #3

Darnell said...

Hey, Jo! Your's is the only yellow ATG gun I've seen so far, so see that was worth the snoop to me. Not to mention that I'd like the BOX of BITS! It's fun how new bits are always exciting. Not that we don't love our old bits, too! Congratulations on SO MANY hits!!! And many more! Darnell #63

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Jo, ah your strawberry-less table.. and yes know is is much better to work on :D..
..and wow 100,000 that is one lot of hits.. I sometimes wonder when look at my stats what they are really made up of? or maybe you dont get spam on your comments... and sometimes they seem to stay static for ages.. and could go on but wont...Thanks so much for sharing so generously as always dear kind Jo ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #37

SueH said...

What an amazing achievement to break through the 100,000 mark JO, but I’m not in the least surprised it’s happened. Your work is always fabulous as is that ‘box of bits’ you are giving away to one lucky person…….please let it be me!

Loving your table this week and the fabby angles, they are all so different.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 125

Lee said...

Hi Jo,glad you are all ok.LOVE your angels but wont offer to join in as I do not have the skill to make one,great idea though.Would love a chance to win your gorgeous little box of treasures as I know they will be so interesting.I am still knitting n crocheting n baking,can't show my latest knit as it is for a blogger who looks at my blog lol.Huggles to all the family.xx

Anonymous said...

Ooh I finally got to hear you!! Started my day off right I can tell you, LOVE your accent, and you sound so chipper and cheerful too! Was that Parkgate you mentioned? Over near Neston on the Dee? Or is there another one? Had coffee on that front a number of times! Bit nippy right now though. Have a great weekend.


Caro said...

Your angels are fantastic and that box of bits looks so interesting...would love to be in with a chance to win! Thanks for sharing Caro #80

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Your angels are very artsy and fun looking! I have a box 'o bits 'n bobs too, only I admit yours are much more exciting than mine. Isn't it funny how after awhile bits of this and that accumulate and you can't be bothered to put them away (or there is no 'away' to put them to!). Love the snowflake trim--very cool. I have a similar one with flowers. It makes me think I should keep my eyes out for snowflakes.

Linda Simpson said...

Loving to see what is on your desk and fabulous angels. It was great seeing you today.

Linda xxx

Shoshi said...

Sounds as if you are being as busy as usual, Jo! I do love those arty angels...

Thanks for your great comment on my blog - so glad you enjoyed my post. I'm very behind with my replies to comments, and visiting people's blogs this week, partly because our broadband connection is dropping out at the moment and we can't get online for hours at a time.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #15

Morti said...

Hi Jo!!!

I'd love to win your BOX of BITS - and I'd also love to swap an angel with you (that'll get me back into my craft room, won't it???) so let me know when etc.... and I'll need your address....

Thanks for stopping by this week.....