Monday, 5 November 2012

Peacocks at Lydiate Hall Farm

Here's one I almost forgot to post.
Recently, on one of our jaunts, we visited Lydiate Hall Farm which is in Lancashire about 30 minutes North of my house. There is a farm shop where we buy local produce and also a nice little cafe for a good lunch or home made cake and coffee. 
Best of all there is a big duck pond and a little country walk with so many peacocks, far more than I've ever seen in one place.
They performed beautifully and I was able to get really close up for my photos.

Such a small place but it is a little gem for a short visit not too far from home.
The ducks keep children and adults amused for free!

These two proud cockerels were real bossy boots.
Lazy sheep in such an idyllic setting
The cafe and pond
Nothing much there but it's a little hidden gem where we love to stop occasionally and I just thought it was worth sharing.
Better by far than MacDonalds!


Lynn Stevens said...

What gorgeous photos. Love the peacock ones!
and Oh my gosh. The roosters look just like my Miracle (my pet).
Such a great day that must have been.

Thanks for entering my giveaway and best of luck
hugs Lynn

Paul B said...

Much more beautiful setting than a MacDonalds. Gorgeous photos esp. the close up of the Peacock. Px

mamapez5 said...

What an idyllic place. The peacocks are so beautiful. I have a friend in UK who used to run a deer farm and they had two peacocks on their land. They were so noisy, and it was quite annoying at times, but you forgave them because they were so lovely to look at.
Kate x

Angie said...

How wonderful ...definately a hidden gem ...beautiful shots ....I LOVE Peacocks ....the males are so stunning ...thank you so much for sharing. xx

Cath Wilson said...

Looks like my kind of place, Jo. The main reason I like going to our local farm shop is because I like to watch the swallows and to see the horses - not to mention the chickens running around your feet while you try to shop! Love that kind of life x

lisa said...

What lovely photos, Jo. It sounds a perfect place, will have to look it up. I know someone who would love the peacocks and ducks!!!!
I love how places like this become part of going out, we always have a stop on the way to The Lake District for bacon butties at a cabin at Kirby Lonsdale. We've been going since we were tiny and now I've introduced my family to it. It's firmly tradition now. They make the best mug of tea too!!
Hope you are having a good week.
Hugs Lisax

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, a hidden gem indeed, those peacocks are fabulous, such glorious colours. Great photos too. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Tamika said...


Anonymous said...

Anywhere is better by far than Mcdonalds IMO!! Love the peacock, love the photos. I played your radio phone in to Andrew at the weekend and he thought you said Parkgate too!!!
