Friday, 23 November 2012

Angel Landings!

The first flock of my host of angels fluttered in this week with more, I'm told, already winging across the heavens as I write.
They have gathered to hover above my fireplace and have already gained admiration from all who have laid eyes on them. 
I love that they are all such very different characters, a part of their creators. Thanks so much to all who took part in the fun and next year I plan to host another swap (but on a different theme), as so many bloggers are now really sorry they didn't participate having seen what they are missing.
In order of receipt....
Here's Neil's (of classy, stylish, slim line beauty,
named "Celestia", she is a Heavenly French Angel, Ooh, La, La! for elegance! Lovely techniques there Neil!
All the way from Canada here's Famfa's of busybutterfingers cute softy, in pretty, beautifully crocheted, swirly tutu and beaded limbs with a swirl of a halo above her golden locks!
Dusty by name but not by nature!
This dainty curly girly (a tiny Shroppy Lass) below was created by Jo Twiglet and is so pretty in her ribbons and starry skirt.
Named "Joy" and that's what Jo hopes she brings. She certainly has but I'll have to keep her out of reach of the real curly girlies!
I bet you didn't know there are angel bears around..... well, one flew in, see those dainty wings, from Shropshire courtesy of Annie Wipso who makes the cutest dumfed (felted) bears all with individual characters.
This one is called "Eolande" and her name means quite aptly "Violet". 
My favourite colour and Annie's too.
Today this fabulous, quirky, felted and stitched angel character  arrived from Chris of pearshapedcrafting. I think she's been singing in Chethams College in Manchester by the music on her wings. 
It's thrilling that there are still more to fly in but, in the mean time, thanks again to all the talented creators of this little host of beauties.


lisa said...

What a beautiful host of angels you are gathering there, Jo, all so different but equally beautiful. It's a brilliant idea for a swap at this time of year and thrilling to think there are so many angels flying about. We all need one in our corner.
Hope all is good with you and yours and you are staying warm in this wild weather.
Hugs Lisax

Annie said...

What a beautiful collection you have there Jo...and all so very different.....bit like us then? :-)
A x

Lynn Holland said...

Well done Jo they are gorgeous. You must e delighted
Lynn xx

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what a fabulous collection of Angels you have there, all so beautiful, all so different. Lisa is right too, we all need one in our corner and you certainly have a lot looking over you at the moment - how lovely for Christmas! Hugs, Anne x

famfa said...

All so different, like you said, just like us. What fun this has been. I was scared to pin in things before because I don't do the 'normal crafting' but I really enjoyed it. Thanks Jo

Cath Wilson said...

Ooh, what a lovely selection, Jo - that was a great idea of yours - again! xxx

Words and Pictures said...

Glorious - congratulations on the huge success of your swap... what wonderful creativity winging its way around the world!
Alison x

Ann B said...

A beautiful choir of angels there Jo. Both of mine have gone postal as well so you should have one in a day or so

Ann B

Twiglet said...

Bit late getting over here to check out your angel flock! They are gorgeous aren't they.It was a lovely idea to do the swap and it's amazing just how different they all are. x Jo

Unknown said...

Love all the angels that have flown in.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are drop dead gorgeous. And of course, I missed the swap. Didn't even know about it. I really LOVE all of them, including Jan's whose angel I saw above. The hazards of reading backward.