Tuesday, 6 November 2012

WOYWW 179 / Angels from the Realms

Another week, another Wednesday and another WOYWW.... 
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 
courtesy of the one and only, the inimitable, Julia of Stamping Ground.  

After a great weekend with Donna, who came across for a workshop with Vicky Stampers, I am continuing with my Host of Angels for my decoration swap. Here on my desk you can see them in varying stages of completion but none have yet had their faces or bling and sparkle added. Some are waiting to be squirted in the eye and other regions with Dylusions and Glimmer Mists.
There, spot in the middle, is the first edition of Donna's new Mail Art Stamp, one of her new range, designed for the Artistic Stamper, just waiting to be inked. Thanks to Donna for gifting it to me and I will put it to good creative use very soon.
Below, at the front there's a skinny angel and you can see that, just to be quirky and just because I've had it for eons and wanted to find a usefor it, I am using African tree bark for the bodies, moulded paper clay for the faces and Grungeboard for the wings. For some of the wings I used the left over areas after the swirls were removed from the Grungeboard sheets and one can be seen below..and a there's a set of wings (much too good to discard) amongst the spare faces above.
Celebration Prize
Here's the box of Bits & Bobs I offered last week for someone to win and thanks to all who entered...
 the winner is ................
Ta Dah!!!!!!!!




It's Caro  ... (A WOYWW and I think from Yorkshire)
Congratulation Caro... if you will email me your details (or if you put them in a comment I won't publish)
Your prize has grown somewhat as the little box became too small so you'll get this melange of tiny treasures to sort out and I'll also send a little hand made gift from me. Hope you enjoy sorting through it all however the little Homepride flour grader man has been returned to his rightful home. I didn't realise it belonged to my DD2 but she spotted him and claimed him!!
I forgot to post my homework from the Wiltshire WOYWW Crop for Miss Julia, last week, so here at last before I get detention is the results from the pack I was given to make up into a card.
Here's the Christmas card kit I should have made on the day...... finished at last and probably the only one I will make too!
Finalyl here's one of the little Belles I visited recently in Brighton and you can see why I call them the Curly Girlies...ooh I do miss them but I'm going soon (at the end of Nov) to Germany to see my little Fraulein Curly Girly.... so excited!
In a day or two I will contact all those who said that they would like to swap an angel... mine are almost ready to wing their way to their new homes so if you put your name in... get fluttering those wings.


Maria said...

Hi Jo so loving all your angel ornaments, going to start creating your ornament do you have a preference on what kind you want?
Let me know and then I will start on making your's for you......

Maria in Oz

sandra de said...

Gorgeous angels even the the little curly one.
Sandra @10

Lynn Holland said...

Even more strings to your bow this weekend Jo when you learn how to lino print. Can't wait to see what you do.
Lynn//18. xx

Unknown said...

Ohhh love the box of goodies! Thanks for sharing.

Craft Donkey

Lindsay Weirich said...

love the angels! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #16

Spyder said...

ohooo lucky Caro!! (I'll let her know!) Love the angels and what gorgeous curls!! Have a crafty great week, thanks for my snoop!
HapPy WoyWw!!
((Lyn)) might be #22...

scrappymo! said...

Your angels are gorgeous! The tree back bodies are going to look so good.
Your grandchildren have gorgeous thick, curly hair...Little Miss C is green with envy...she so loves curly hair.
Maureen # 32 and the pnly girl#33

Nan G said...

Cool Angels! Hope you post the finished ones next week. Nan 19

Carola Bartz said...

Jo, your angels are fantastic! I love them. You are so creative.

Nikki said...

Congrats to Caro and beautiful angels :) Hugs Nikki #21
I also have Candy to give away HERE!!!

Neil said...

What a gorgeous inspiring desk this week. I am so looking forward to the agel swap, need to get cracking on mine!
Have a brilliant time in Germany I know it will be VERY special for you all.
Neil #49

Ann B said...

You don't need any more angels Jo, you have an absolute corker covered in curls - she is a beautiful little girl. Best get cracking on my angel for the swap, have a few ideas, just need a kick up the bum to get going.
Ann B

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh lovely busy desk there I am loving those angels. Sounds like you have had a fun week and what a fab giveaway you have given! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 54

Helen said...

You have been busy! I heard you on the radio last week too, after Julia alerted us!. Love the angels, and your Crop makes - I still haven't done the card I was meant to do on the day, yet.... Have a great week. Helen 4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your angels are looking good - I'd better pull my finger out and start thinking of mine! And congrats to Caro, she's going to have a high old time furtling through that little lot!!
Hugs, LLJ #58 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

As usual jo, you're getting on with it instead of just talking about it...you leave that to me, it's my skill!! I love the tree bark for the angel bodies, what a great idea. I also love your homework cards...but if it means seeing you again, then yep, you get a detention!!!

lisa said...

Wow, you are definitely in angel production mode there, Jo. I love the thought of squirting them with glimmer mists but I hope you don't really squirt their eyes!!!
What a treasure trove Caro has got there, she'll have wonderful fun exploring it all.
Love those curls!!!!!
Hugs Lisax #71

Annie said...

Hi Jo,
I didn't join in the angel swap cos I was so poorly last week and this week has come with yet more challenges [think we have a parking space and bed reserved for us at the local hospital now!]. If I can get round to doing anything creative I will make you a little fairy and send you one but it might not be this week!
Love the curls in the photo :-)
A x #64

Cardarian said...

Hello Jo!
Love the angels, especially the curly one!!! Will send an email and yes the idea for my angel is already in my head - will start on it this afternoon and send it ASAP!
Lots of hugs,

Caro said...

Oh Wow! Thank you so much. What wonderful news....I am so excited to be receiving that amazing looking bits and bobs box - Alex and I will have such fun looking through it all! I love your angels but sadly don't think I have time to join in the swap...the joys of working full-time. I will let you know if I manage to make something. Thanks for sharing. Caro #73

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow you've been busy Jo. Lovely pics and your angels are fab! Take care. Zo xx 82

Lauren O'Donovan said...

Wow stunning Christmas card. I love the little box of goodies too

Please hop by my desk #87 Lauren x

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Your desk of angels are very impressive already. I need to think about what I am going to make - never made an angel before. I love the cards. I am being a lot more relaxed about making Xmas cards this year. Got a fair few done already, but there is always a charity shop for the rest! Ali x #63

mamapez5 said...

Your angels are becoming a rather beautiful 'heavenly host'. Caro is going to have a great time sorting through the bits and bobs box.
thanks for calling by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed our little song!
Happy Wednesday.
Kate x #72

Morti said...

I didn't pick up a Christmas card pack from the crop - didn't realise what it was till we came home.... and everyone is showing their lovely work...

Well done to Caro too!

Thanks for stopping by my dearie... hope to see you again soon!

Anonymous said...

Fabby angels - and in a WOYWW stand too! I think I missed the whole angel swap thing but the way my life has been going probably best :) Happy WOYWW

MA (2)

famfa said...

Wow those angels look amazing. Your gorgeous curly haired person is gorgeous too. Love our card and your homework.
FAMFA (20)

Paul B said...

Gorgeous craft projects Jo. Love the angels. Can't wait to see more of them. Those quirky heads are brilliant. Pxx

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, not joining in this week but just popped by to say hello. Love your angels! Your little angel GD is gorgeous too!

Twiglet said...

Oh such lovely work on the go and you challenge is fab - it's amazing how you all made such different things with the same few bits and bobs. Those girly curls are gorgeous - my hair doesn't have a bend in it and Mum used to perm it from an early age!!! Think she really wanted a Shirley Temple! x Jo

SandeeNC said...

I love your angels and am so impressed with the wings! That is a fabulous idea, I will have to look at my left overs more closely now! I am also drooling over that box of knick knacks, I could run my fingers through that! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Krisha said...

Wonderful angels, each so unique. Your Christmas cards are just as wonderful.
Krisha #45

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your desk today, looking forward to taking part! Loved your peacock pics btw! Will have to go for a look myself - especially if they have coffee and cake!

Anonymous said...

Love the angels, the African bark ones are stunning. Well done to Caro, I spotted the Be-Ro man immediately! Love the cards you made, especially the Christmas card, you should definitely be making your own! I always love your German photos, you'll be going to some Christmas markets I would imagine?

Brenda 3

Anne said...

The angels are gorgeous! Well done to Caro on winning those lovely 'bits and bobs. Fab cards as well. Happy WOYWW Anne x #91

Karen McAlpine said...

Tons of angelic goodness!! Love the angels with the wings and all those embellishments. Happy WOYWW
Karen 113

Linda Simpson said...

Gorgeous creations as always Jo, I love to visit to see what is on your desk. I hope you have a fabulous time with your curly girlies in Germany.

Linda xxx

Lynne said...

Hi Jo, I do have rather a fondness for angels of which ever variety, yours are super.And I particularly love the cards.but it'sthe house one which floats my boat...I have to make one shortly for the young man who teaches me music, he and his partner are moving house soon and I'd like to make a collged card for them, incorporating some manuscript paper (they are both musicians). The lay-out of yours has given me some ideas! Lx Oh, looking forward to seeing the lino prints......... Lx

okienurse said...

love all the angels! Did I put my name in for one? Is there still time? How many do I have to make? OH MY! Love the angels and I love that pic of the angel with the golden curls too! I need to plan a trip to see my grandbabies soon! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Have a great week! Vickie #77

Annie said...

Your angels are stunning as are the cards. . Fab desk


Annie x

Angie said...

What a wonder headful of curls on your beautiful GD.
It feels funny not joining in this week but I had a jippy tummy and didn't feel like it.Love your angels .... and your homework.
btw ... Vicki will be making Pumpkin Jam with the flesh ...she does it every year now...its yummy.xx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo
you know you will never go to heaven if you squirt angels in the eye!
they are looking good. I wish I had time to join in, but alas not at the moment.
Using the left over bits from the florish is brilliant, no waste there then
Have a great crafty week
janet #25
PS love your homework makes too

trisha too said...

Your angels are fabulous, Jo, and your homework turned out great!


505whimsygirl said...

Your angels already look amazing! Please post a photo before you send them on their way.

Oh, I'm envious of that curly hair! How adorable!!!!

Hugs, Kay #5

Shoshi said...

I work really hard to get my hair to curl like that...

I love your angels, Jo. I must make more use of my face mould. Love the "waste" from the swirls to use as wings - that's really imaginative!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Neet said...

Congrats on all the angels and thanks for showing the curls of your eldest little angel.
Congrats to Caro too and what a good idea to put together lots of bits like that. Treasure indeed.
Thanks for visiting me - have a lovely weekend.
Hugs, Neet x 43

Elizabeth said...

I'm not sure if I popped in to say hello on Wednesday or not - though I did but as I'm having more than a few senior moments these days, perhaps not. I did see your desk, that's for sure, because I did enjoy it, admired your box of bits and bobs and your cards and loved the photo of your curly girl - very Shirley Temple. Also think your dragonflies in your recent post are simply beautiful. Elizabeth - later than ever this week - x #75