Saturday, 24 November 2012

Chocolate Bar Wraps

I've had several queries about the various candy bar wraps I posted a couple of days ago so I thought I'd give some info to help those who'd like to make some, incase they are needed  soon for a school or church fair or just for gifts. They'd make excellent little teacher gifts or teachers' projects and are simple enough for children to make with very little help.

A few extra bits of info to help in making Frosty the Snowman, Pingu Penguin, The Sleigh and other chocolate bar wraps.

I buy chocolate bars from Aldi, it's lovely choc, and cheap at 5 bars for just over £1.
They also have candy canes for £1 but these are also available in lots of other places for around that price, in fact, I saw them in Home Bargains for only 75p!
For hats & scarves;
They are best made out of fleece or felt as neither will fray. 
Cheap option, buy a pair of Father Christmas pants in the 99p shop,  cut them up and you'll get lots of hats and scarves. They are made from a synthetic type of felt and do very nicely. 
To make hats and scarves; 
Cut fabric approx 4 ins height x 4.5 ins width to fit around head,(check fit of your choc bars) sew up about 2.5 ins at side, make cuts into top of fabric approx 1 inch from top into fringe. 
Turn inside out, tie at the top below the cuts to make a bobble and pop onto head on choc bar. 
Tip... add a little 2 sided tape to top edge of bar to stop hats coming off.
 Cut a long thin strip with fringed ends to tie around neck of each character as a scarf. 

My template template with the penguin and the snowman's broom (below) should be printed onto CARD and each piece cut out. 
As you can see there are other characters on this sheet which can be just stuck onto wrapped bars with trimmings added to suit.
Rudolph the Reindeer
 For the reindeer wrap the chocolate bar in brown paper. Add a lighter shade for the fringe, Add shaker eyes and a punched out red disc for the nose. A strip of card makes his collar with a tag and a bell. The little wrap of straw around the bottom is optional.

 To make the sleigh, first wrap up the chocolate bar in coloured plain or printed paper. Wrap up little empty boxes which can hold gifts , or wrap up packets of sweets, mints. chewing gum or tictacs, adding a ribbon with a bow on top.
Then stick the canes, with red line or any strong double sided tape, along the side of the chocolate bar in the position in the photo.
Stick the base of 2 or 3 little boxes, stacking them on top of sleigh.
Tie a length of ribbon around the base and right over the top to hold everything in place and add a gift tag and a bow. A sleigh bell is a good idea too if you have some.
You'll find similar versions of this on the web, but here's mine.
Pingu Penguin
This one is entirely my own idea.
For the penguin;
Wrap the chocolate bar in black paper. 
Stick on the cut out penguin card shape from the templates and stick on shaker eyes. 
Fix on hat and tie on a scarf. The scarf here is just a piece of tartan ribbon.
Add punched snowflake/s to trim as in photos.
TIP; It would also look even better with a wrap of cellophane over the paper wrap before adding trims!!
Frosty the Snowman
This one is available all over the web and this is my modified take on it.
Print out wraps (below) onto PAPER

Cut out card broom
Stick wrap around a chocolate bar.
Add hat and scarf, snowflakes and broom as in photos.

Ollie the Owl
Inspiration for this came thanks to Roni from instainswithroni blog where she made a simpler, similar one from felt. I have added to it and modified it quite a bit and I made it out of coloured card.

The details for making this are written on my template sheet below.

Any queries just leave me a comment and I'll do my best to help but otherwise I hope you have fun if you make them.


sam21ski said...

This is a fab sleigh Jo and so generous of you to share your ideas.

Sam xxx

Words and Pictures said...

Very cute... the candy cane sledge runners are genius! Thanks for sharing all your making-of details so generously...
Alison x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what fabulous makes! I love all of them and will definitely have a go at these for the Grandchildren. Thank you so much for the inspiration and taking the time to explain things so well.... Big crafty hugs, Anne x

Paul B said...

Great tutorial Jo. Kids will love this, so simple and the result looks fantastic. Px

Linda Simpson said...

Great tutorial Jo and I am sure they would be very popular for the children to give their teachers.

Big Hugs
Linda xxx

Hettie said...

Brilliant sleighs there and containing chocolate too! Double blessing!

hazel said...

These are wonderful Jo, thank you for sharing the tutorial with us.
xxx Hazel.

Angie said...

Inspired ...these are so cute ...and the sleigh is brilliant.I have just had a catch up of your posts as things have just got in the way of doing much blogging....sick cats...xmas ...and a hedgehog!!!(will explain later)
Love your angel display. Take Care xx

Hettie said...

You are going to laugh at me Jo...I have spent about 3 hours tonight searching for this post as Hubby got the candy canes today for me to use your idea but I wanted to see them again! Off to bed now having written a note on the candy cane boxes of where the post is!
It must mean that Hubby likes the idea as I did not actually ask him to get the pieces, though he did forget to get the chocolate. Good try though on his part!

Di said...

Wonderful Jo - some great ideas to try out here...Sam shoved me in your direction, I now need to follow you for fear of missing stuff!

Off to Germany in a couple of weeks to see the little ones before Christmas. Hope to get to a Christmas Market or two - bratwurst and gluhwein, bliss :)

Belated Happy WOYWW, Di xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are adorable. I think they would be perfect for children, too. And who would ever think of turning down chocolate? Not me!!