Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Today it is What's on Your Floor Wednesday, from me, as that is where I'm busy sorting out some projects for make and takes at Vicky Stampers forthcoming party. These will all be packed into kits ready to make in a jiffy. A few really useful ideas which I originally wasn't going to show before the party but then I realised that most of those attending don't look at my blog and I'm sure the couple of people who do see them won't mind!
I also thought that it might be useful to some of you incase you fancy having a go at these simple wraps for chocolate bars as it will be a while to wait until after the party and you could have them made. They'd make good craft fair sellers, I'm sure. I use the packs of bars from Aldi, which are lovely chocky and so reasonably priced.
Some came from ideas on the web and as there are lots similar out there I don't need to give direct credit but I have drawn and printed, altered and adjusted all the designs, some are my own, and I will give instructions for making them over the next few days. I have some other designs too but my scanner/printer is playing up, so watch this space if you are interested.
Why am I showing you my work place at all ? Because I do every Wednesday, just as nearly 200 others from around the world do too. All because of the crazy idea by our lovely Mrs D, (that's our Julia at stampinground). Interested? Get over HERE PDQ and see the rest or join in if you've got a desk to show us.

Above you'll see my penguin candy wraps... entirely my own idea, this one, and so easy to make. A really quick attractive table gift or decoration.
Below are the kits for my reindeers.
A close up of the little penguin.
 This, below, is a simple sleigh made from a bar of chocolate and two candy canes as the runners. These would decorate a table and look great.
 Frosty the Snowman keeping the chocolate from melting!
My swap angels have been landing and I will post pics soon of those that have arrived in their new homes. 
I am still awaiting contact details to send angels out to Vicki Okie Nurse, despite leaving messages for her. I really do hope she is OK and wonder if any other WOYWWers have heard from her recently? 
I'm off to Germany next week, all on my ownsome leaving DH to fend for himself... aaaahhh!!!! Going to visit my lovely family and the Christmas Markets will be on so it's a double treat.  I'll be missing next WOYWW but I'll have lots to show and tell about when I get back home. 


mamapez5 said...

Well done for being so inventive. The little sleigh is so simple but very effective. I love the penguin and snowman too. I might make a few and see whether the Spanish would buy them. Thanks for being inspiring as ever.
Have a lovely family time in Germany.
Kate x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Jo, well your desk is truly abuzz with everything that is going on there - amazing indeed! just adore the wee penguins! and the choc decorations too with scarfs etc!! and also the Sleighs as you say great desk setting ! have great time with family - and Vickie commented on my post about last Thursday but more than that I cannot say..
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x # no number yet...

Helen said...

Hi, welcome to the floor gang! Though I want a desk now... Love all your festive makes, they look fabulous. Vicky has posted today so she's around, hope she'll get in touch. Enjoy your trip - sounds fabulous! Helen, 9

Neet said...

Jo - came to you from my own blog, couldn't find you in the WOYWW list.
Off to Andy's for his birthday so might make a couple of those treats for that day - thanks for the ideas.
Now get yourself sorted for Grandee in Germany and stop worrying about stuff for VS.
Hugs, Neet 47 xx

Paul B said...

Love these cute projects Jo, especially the sleigh, such a fantastic idea. Have a great time in Germany, seeing the markets and family. Hope you come back with lots of photos to share :) Pxx

Annie said...

What a lot of wonderful ideas you're sharing today Jo. Really hope you have a wonderful time with your lovely family next week.
Big hugs,
A x #48

Jan said...

Wonderful creations xx Jan (57)

okienurse said...

Hi Jo! I heard you are looking for me. I don't know what email this thing is sending you to but haven't seen a message. Will email you with my particulars. Love all the chocolate bar creations you have made. I may have to try and dress up a few. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

CraftygasheadZo said...

Superb idea - love it! Hope your trip goes well, the markets are supposed to be amazing so I've heard so look forward to hearing about/seeing them. Take care Zo xx 59

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah I am confused - will you make it to the party now?

love your chocolate embellishments,

see you soon,

dx 58

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

I am so sad - I can't post photos - blogger says I have used all my space and I don't know how to fix the problem! I wanted to show your angel and now I can't! I hope someone knows about this and will help me!
Your post is wonderful and I can't wait for the instructions for all these lovely makes! Thank you for sharing! The sleigh is amazing! You are so clever!
Have a lovely time in Germany
Lots of hugs,

Neil said...

Hi Jo, these are super cute! Have a fab time in Germany and look forward to seeing what you've been up to when you return.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am seeing the angels all over WOYWW desks and some annoyed with myself that I didn't make more of an effort. NEXT years, for sure. They are so cute - and I actually already have an idea.... :D

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (16)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Guess what was waiting for me when I got home from school just now?? Thank you so much for my beautiful angel - she will take pride of place this year. I shall be sending mine out very soon. All the extra ribbony bits were very welcome too - thanks Jo, you are a star!
Hugs, LLJ #36 xx
PS Have a fab time in Germany!!

Nan G said...

Your candy wraps are adorable! And the angels you've sent out that I've seen are beautiful!! Nan 93

famfa said...

Your chocolate makes are lovely. So clever, I will definitely be using some of those ideas. Very very clever. Have seen your angel on other blogs, am excited to receive mine. Have you got mine yet?
FAMFA (86)

Jacqui Chimes said...

What a lovely idea - thank you for sharing. I've seen your angel on ???s desk - it is beautiful. Jacqui #96

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Looks like you have had some creative fun.Cute candy wrappers. Adorable little angels you sent for your swap.AnD Okinurse was on WOYWW I visited her
OH GERMANY!!! I'd love to see my son that's there and his family..they bought a home in Remstädt. and have yet to have had the Internet to be hooked up. Seems the company just don't follow thru. I had more communications with him while he served in Iraq. Have fun and travel safe.

Unknown said...

Fantastic Christmas treats and thanks so much for sharing the ideas with us, especially love the sleigh.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Lo, love the penguin wrappers. I adore penguins, so I was a pushover for them, lol. Got my Angel yesterday, thank you. She is gorgeous! Hard act to follow, you are, lol.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #107

jill said...

You've quite busy making the chocolate treats , Great idea, jill #49

Shoshi said...

Well done, Jo, you've made a great collection of goodies there! Love the way you've made the sleigh runners - really imaginative! Have a great time away.

Happy WOYWW,

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wonderful! But even more wonderful was your angel, who was waiting for me when I came back from town(went on bank business and got distracted by Christmas Market in Manchester!). She really is beautiful and I'll show her off tomorrow! Thanks too for little bits and pieces - Great Minds etc...yours is wrapped ready to fly but didn't want to upset her by taking her on the bus!! Hugs, Chrisxx

Laurart said...

Love all the ideas - especially the chocolate sleigh - My chilren would love that! I must make some! I missed out on the angel swap as I found out about it too late - I hope you will do another. Happy WOYWW xxx Laura #51

Louise B said...

Love the snowman wrappers and the sleigh. Cute. #75

fairy thoughts said...

Ah too cute let's all p p p pick up a penguin or a snow man, they all look yummy. I have seen a couple of your angels already, they look gorgeous.
Have a fab time in Germany, look forward to seeing the pics
janet #31

famfa said...

Glad you got 'dusty' am pleased she flew the right way xx

scrappymo! said...

Fab treats...I will try the sleigh for lLttle Miss C and Little Mr P! They will love them!
Thansk for showing us all.
Be sure to take lots of photos at the Christmas markets...that sounds like fun.

sandra de said...

Ohhh your xmas critters are all so cute.
Sandra @18

Ann B said...

Thought I had been on your blog but it must have been the previous post. Great ideas here Jo and I'm looking forward to making them - just sorry you wont be there. :-(

Ann B

Twiglet said...

Fab little Christmas makes Jo. If only there was a bit more time... Ah well I think our tables will be groaning under the weight as it is. Have a super time in Germany - hope those market stall holders are ready for you!! x Jo

Ali H said...

Been seeing your Angels popping up on desks all over the place this week - just wanted to stop by & say how lovely they are ! think you are very clever - the colours & the styling are beautiful !
Have a fun time in Germany ! Gute Reise ! Ali #21

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh am totally loving the floor today..the sleigh is such a worn full idea. As always with you, generosity and sharing first. Hope ...no, scratch that, I KNOW you'll have a wonderful week in Germany...looking forward to seeing all about it already.

Words and Pictures said...

Such delightful Christmas wrappers - hope you have a brilliant time with the kits at the Stampers Party. Must also say how much I've enjoyed seeing your angels arrive in the various posts I've hopped round - and the joy they're spreading - what wonderful works of art, winging their way around the crafty world! Sorry I'm late getting back round here... but belated happy WOYWW, and have a wonderful weekend!
Alison xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

great projects you're working on. my absolute favorite is the peppermint sleigh! i love it! enjoy your time in Germany! happy WOYWW!
thank you for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hey there, Jo - my angel's name was AGNOLA. She is hanging in my workroom at the moment! I am sending my two off today. Have a great trip to Germany!
Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

Caro said...

I love your chocolates....can you tell me where you got the little hats and scarfs or how you made them please? Have a wonderful time in Germany. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60