Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Angel Swap info & VS Brayer Workshop

Thanks to all of you who will join in my Angel Swap. 
The swap invitation is now closed.
Very soon we will have a wonderful Heavenly Host of Angels taking flight around the world. 

Here are the participants......

Dolores(2),   Shaz Silver Wolf(2),   Donna,   AnnB(2),   Neil(2),  Morti(2), 
Vicki Okie Nurse(2),   Maria(2),  Lunch Lady Jan(2),   Chris pearshapedcrafter,   Famfa(2), Ali of Teddy Bob Crafts(1), Annie Wipso(2),and Jo Twiglet (2) 
are all definites.

Please email me so we can exchange snail mail addresses and (only if you want to swap two), please give me permission to pass on your details just to one other so your No2 angel can be posted by one of the other participants.

I hope I have not missed out anyone who has expressed an interest but do contact me if there are any queries.

We also have POSSIBLE sign ups by  Peggyappleseed, Caro,and L'il Pidge.
No pressure if you can't manage it but I'll be grateful if the "possibles" let me know as soon as they can if they will join in or not.

You only have to commit to making ONE.
If you make one angel you will receive one angel made by me. 

However, you do have the OPTION to make TWO. 
I will add (2) after the names who plan to do so.
If you want to make and swap two angels just send me one and I will draw names and tell you to whom you should send your No2.

It would be nice if you don't post them on your blog before they have been received so be sure to thank people as soon as they arrive.

Guidelines ....The angels should be small enough to use as a Christmas decoration and thus should be light for posting. They should have a facility, eg., a loop or cord by which they can be hung.
Please add a tiny tag with your name and also, for fun NAME the angels .... we might get a Gladys or a Henrietta amongst them!

The angels can be made from anything you wish, just use your imagination:
Card, Grungeboard, Embossed, Beads, Metal, Fabric, Lace, Plastic, Heavy Acetate, Feathers, Angelina(Angel Hair Fibres), Shrink Plastic, Stampboard, Wood, etc. etc!!! 
Try not to buy materials but delve deep into those hidden stashes of treasures.

Please try to finish and post your angels by the weekend of 7th December which gives you around 4 weeks to make them and around 3 weeks for them to arrive before Christmas.
I will start posting them day by day on my blog through December then the whole host will be posted together in all their glory before Christmas.

Finally and totally unconnected......
Here are the examples of my inefficient, incompetent, brayering which I produced at the Vicky Stampers workshop on Saturday and the resultant cards, which, nonetheless, I must admit I quite like. The imperfections suit the mood of the sky and the overall scene. I must practice a bit/lot/ awful lot so I can do it really beautifully and at least partly as good as our excellent tutor Jacqui! 
It was still an excellent day of crafting and lots of fun with lovely people. 


Paul B said...

Your cards look wonderful Jo - they have a far more artisitic feel, almost painterly - as you say it's the imperfections that really make them. Pxx

Lynne said...

Wow, JO, really liking these cards! When you say brayering, I take it these are not the result of your lino cutting how did you produce these examples? Lx

hazel said...

Fabulous cards Jo, I love the backgrounds and the great images.
xxx Hazel.

Annie said...

Do put me down as a def angel swap Jo as I set to and made one yesterday....will now happily make a second one so it can go to someone else if wanted :-)
Annie x

Annie said...

I just wanted to say that now I have finished my two for the swap I actually think they are more like fairies than angels...will that be allowed?
A x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Thanks for the heads up, Jo - I will have a go at two, I think. In for a penny etc etc!!
LLJan xxx

Maria said...

Hi Jo,

Put me down for two can you email me your email address so I can give you my details...

My email is

Maria from Oz

okienurse said...

Cards look great Jo! I think brayering is hard to do. There is a Stampin'Up! Demo here in the states that does classes all over and she makes it look like nothing much but does such beautiful work.
I think I would like to do two angels also. I will send my address soon.

Gaby Bee said...

These cards are really lovely, Jo! The images are gorgeous!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, I love the cards you have done, especially the bottom one, the misty brayering gives a lovely, soft, ethereal look which suits it perfectly. I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow at the Lino Workshop, it should be a fun day. Lucy x

lisa said...

I think your brayering looks great, Jo. There are no imperfections, you've just created art which I love.
Sorry to not get back to you about your angels and thanks for asking. I haven't volunteered as I don't feel up to the task. I wouldn't know where to start after seeing your beautiful examples. It'll be great to see what everyone else makes though.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Hugs Lisax

Ann B said...

Your brayering turned out very well Jo and I do like that stamp of the children.

Can you put me down for two angels, going to start mine tomorrow but can't guarantee that they will not look more like fairies - not sure of the differences.

Ann B
PS - do you need my address or do you already have it?

Lyn said...

Hello! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Have fun at the workshop tomorrow, you will love it. I am in west yours hire but my mum lives in Widnes in answer to your question and we often pop to Liverpool for a visit. Xxx

Dotpat said...

Love your cards Jo, must admit I am not good with a brayer, I should practice more