Monday, 19 November 2012

Mitton Hall/Samantha Murray

On Friday I had the honour to attend a presentation to one of our Olympic Team GB medal winners, Samantha Murray, at Mitton Hall. This was a very special venue to honour an exceptional young woman who is a real credit to this country and to herself.
On a cold November day, we gathered in the main hall with a welcome roaring log fire, for a delicious afternoon tea and a champagne toast to Samantha. 
Mitton Hall near Clitheroe in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire, is now a beautiful country inn, but was originally a manor house dating from the 15th century and it has been lovingly restored.
Check out Mitton Hall here

This gallery wraps around the entrance hall.
Here is Samantha wearing her medal which she won in the pentathlon. My DH on the left presented her flowers and our friend Reg presented the award.
She is such a lovely charming person and such good company, generously sharing her medal around giving us all a rare opportunity to handle it. (It amazed everyone by how heavy it is!) 
I really feel that she will go far in life with her qualities but first let us wish her the best of luck for at least one more medal in Rio 2016.
The cakes were delish!
Part of the main hall.
In the bar the superb, ornate, carved panels were salvaged from a Methodist Church in Clitheroe.
Samantha, to her credit, is spending all her spare time visiting schools giving motivational talks to pupils and has also become president of a children's charity.


Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what a fitting place to have a ceremony for one of our cherished Olympians. The hall is gorgeous, Samantha sounds like a great embassador for sport - and those cakes look pretty yummy too! Hugs, Anne x

Angie said...

An amazing venue for an amazing athelete ....she looks a lovely person ....and those cakes look so yummy. So glad you had such a great day. xx

Twiglet said...

Brilliant! it's so lovely to hear such positive news about our youngsters - it bodes well for the future. x Jo

fairy thoughts said...

Wow what a fabulous day you must have had, in such beautifull suroundings too. Cakes dont lookk bad either:)

Words and Pictures said...

What an astonishing place... thanks so much for sharing the pictures of the venue. And she sounds like a remarkable young woman.
Alison x

Ann B said...

Beautiful venue, lucky you, and a very talented young woman. Thanks for sharing.
Ann B

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing day Jo! I love the photographs and a talented you lady too.

Linda xxx

Lynne said...

Great post, Jo, and what a super day it must have been. The setting is glorious, and what a lovely way to celebrate and congratulate a lovely young achiever. Lx

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh my word what a wonderful place. And a marvellous occasion. my word Samantha looks beautiful in her fitness, so fresh!

Unknown said...

The Hall is beautiful isn't it. I went in Mitton church with Becky last year, part of it is very old.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What always amazes me about England is when I see modern-ish buildings on TV, how small and compact they are. I often watch Lewis, the spin-off of Morse, the detective stories. I have always noticed how small the houses are, with doorways short enough even I might be able to touch the top.

And then I see all these wonderful old halls, with huge rooms and spacious staircases. Such disparity, such dichotomy.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful space and young lady with us.