Friday, 31 January 2014

Crochet Necklace/Collars & Friday Smile 54

I thought I'd experiment with this idea but I really don't know what to call them. 
They aren't really collars and they aren't necklaces but they will add interest to a plain sweater in the Winter or would look effective with a Summer Dress on a bare neckline.
I'd welcome any suggestions for naming them!
 Before Christmas I made lots and lots of   friendship bracelets for my grand daughters' school craft sale, which were a success, proving very popular  with children and adults and these neck decorations are simply a progression from that idea.
The neck "thingys" fasten with a button and I added two buttons or two loops to allow for size adjustment.

 They are quick to make and I managed 3 in an evening whilst watching TV.
 Still experimenting with stitch combinations, shapes and colours
 Zig Zags and points here....

It's Friday and time for a smile or two which Annie Wipso helps to provide each week courtesy of her Friday Smile Post.
 My friend in Australia sent me some funnies this week and the following two gave me such a chuckle but I really do think that this recipe holder made from a hanger is an excellent idea that I will use. 
It's such a good idea and with a sheet of acetate in front it would be wipe clean  or the recipe page could be slid into a clear file pocket.
 and this is just my kind of exercise ......
Have a great weekend and I hope it's not to wet or too cold.... Oh, well, and I suppose I'd better say, or too hot for those down under!


Annie said...

Hi Jo. I love your neclaces....they remind me of the beautiful lace collars our Grandma used to have on her plain dresses. So pretty.
Love the funnies too...what a great idea with the hanger.
Annie x

Lynne said...

Now that's my kinda exercise, Jo!

Loving your necklaces and bracelets. I don't know what you'd call 'em. "Fischu's" maybe, like those things ladies used to tuck in their cleavages to conceal their bosoms? I dunno, they are fine as necklaces to me!Lx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm still laughing over your perfect way to exercise. Guess I should agree it's the best exercise book ever!

Those are lovely necklaces. I can see why the bracelets were so popular. And as a natural outcropping of the bracelet, those necklaces look like they would sell quite well, too.

Since I'm not very good with cute catch phrases, I think calling them necklaces works for me (grin).

Twiglet said...

Thanks for the funnies Jo - I love the coat hangar idea too. Just nipping for a walk around the block!! Those necklace thingies are fab. How about calling it a neckcrochet! xJo

mammafairy said...

I think I would just accept them as craft necklaces, too. They are pretty.

And your funnies! yes I can relate to them!

Carola Bartz said...

What about "collaces" as a name? They're beautiful and I can imagine them both on a sweater and around the neck in summer. Lovely colors, by the way.

mamapez5 said...

Well done to Carola for actually coming up with a suggestion, but hand-crafted necklaces does it for me too. They are very pretty. That's what I like about crochet. It is such fun to mix and match colours and stitches.
The funnies certainly made me smile; especially the exercise block! Kate x

Cath Wilson said...

Love the coathanger recipe holder - cool! Good to hear from you, too. Seems a lot of us have been slowly finding our way back to blogland. Glad you're okay, Jo and your crochet looks brilliant!

Caro said...

Hi Jo,
Thanks for popping by and checking that all was well with me. The answer is yes, everything is fine, just insanely busy with work, church and the family. Tim's illness and Alex's ADHD make for a challenge at times, but we are still smiling and having fun. Love your crochet...they are stunning and I a sure will be very popular. Thanks for sharing and caring. Caro xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Yes, they did make me smile, especially the Aussie Exercise block. Not sure the trainers at the gym would agree, though. xx Maggie

cockney blonde said...

Loving the collars and think the recipe holder is brill but as for the exercise kinda gal, lol, x

fairy thoughts said...

hee hee

fairy thoughts said...

hee hee

Laura said...

Now that is a workout I might manage! Thanks for the smile :)
Those collars are amazing too

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Those collar necklaces are delightful! So pretty, and what a great and colorful way to dress up a neckline!