Tuesday, 28 January 2014


This is my first post of the year, bringing me back into the fold and I hope our headmistress won't discipline me for being away so long without a note from a parent or guardian. Miss Julia makes us show and tell all about our desks each week and she shows the whole world whether we've been naughty or nice. 
For the full register of evidence you should go over to the Stamping Ground and you'll see for yourself.

I've been away visiting family in Brighton then shortly after my return the German branch of my family came to visit bringing our new 4 month old little grandson here for his first visit to England along with his lovely 4 year old sister. We had a lovely time with them all but now I'm back in blogland to show my work desk and something of what I've been up to.
We celebrated DD2's 40th birthday whilst she was here and instead of a card I made her this heart, which includes vintage fabrics and buttons and a tiny bit of lace from my wedding dress circa 1966. 
It certainly wasn't made on my workroom desk which hasn't been used for months.... here's how it looked after my last show and tell....
but I did tidy it up especially for the New Year for a fresh start and it has remained this way for a while, totally unused. Maybe I should rent it out!!!
I have totally moved away from paper, inks and stamps and I really enjoy using fabric and threads again.
A mass of dangling ribbons and charms
 There's room on the linen at the back to write a message.
I hope I can manage to visit as many of you as possible and look forward to catching up.


glitterandglue said...

Hello Jo. I'm sure the headmistress will understand your absence - even without a note!! That little heart is great - well done. Fabric is indeed fun, isn't it?!
Your " little" tidying looks incredible - all put away - will need to do the same at some point...
Glad you have had such a fun time with your family.
Margaret #39

lisa said...

It's lovely to see you back, Jo and how lovely to have all your family around. I hope you had lots and lots of cuddles!
Now that's one tidy desk. It's funny how lots of people have moved over to fabric, must be the "in" thing this year. Love your beautiful heart and how glorious to include a bit of your wedding dress, that makes it very special indeed. I bet your daughter loved it.
Hope you are having a good week.
Hugs Lisax #59

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay, she's back...woohoo! You have been missed :-)
That heart is gorgeous, I really love all the buttons and charms. Did you sew the buttons on before you sewed the heart up? I always forget to embellish first before before sewing and then end up stabbing my fingers trying to sew on the bits and pieces afterwards....I bain't be a nat'ral craaaaafter, no sirree.
Hugs, LLJ 51 xx

Von said...

Lovely hearts Jo :) I learnt how not to make one this week but that's another story.
Take care
Von ♥

Ann B said...

Welcome back Jo, I was missing for three months and sneaked back in last week. Love the heart, so different and very Jo'ish.
If you get detention from Miss Dunnit I'll save you the desk next to mine.

Hope to see you soon.

Ann B

sandra de said...

Lovely to see you back in woyww, it sounds like you had plenty of other things enjoy. The heart is so sweet and how lovely to be able to add something special from you. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @ 8

CraftygasheadZo said...

Aw what a beautiful gift! The big 4-0 will be me next year!! Fab space you have, Jo, and it's lovely to see you!! Take care. Zo xx 64

Karen said...

Welcome back! I'm new back this week too. Love the craftroom, I'd love a room instead of my bed, but hey, we do what we can where we can. Happy WOYWW! Karen x

Twiglet said...

Such a beautiful heart Jo - I am sure it will be treasured. Glad you are getting back in the swing of things - I have emailed you re Katie. Have a good week. x Jo

Annie said...

I'm running late with my visits today [well late for me :-) ].
Have had a busy morning playing with the twins but they are both down for their naps now so I'm having a quick catch up with my friends :-)
That heart is truly gorgeous Jo and so very special made with all the love you've put into it.
Annie x # 38

famfa said...

Love that heart, what a fabulous idea. Very clever. Nicely tidy desk, well done you.
Famfa 4

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh what a beautiful little keepsake! Such a great idea, my daughter would love one of these! Thanks for the inspiration :)
Happy WOYWW!
Kate #52

Words and Pictures said...

I love your fabric heart with all those wonderful dangles... So glad to hear you've been enjoying time with your family, and especially your new grandson.
Alison x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi jo good to see you back. Change is as good as a rest they say and sometimes you even need a rest from the things you love doing, no doubt you will go back to stamping at some point. Love heart nicer to keep than a card too
Janet @37

Krisha said...

Your fabric heart is so pretty, bet your DD LOVED it, and the fact that there is lace from your wedding dress on it. Makes it so special.
Glad your back with WOYWW.
Krisha #31

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Jo, I'm so glad to see you back again. I have missed you and your adventures. That heart is truly lovely. You have the most amazing embellishments. And of course, I love, love, love the buttons, too. I love how you added buttons to the ends of the ribbons, too. Your attention to detail isn't lost on me.

Happy WOYWW from #1, but you knew that because you visited while I slept.

trisha too said...

Oh Jo, love the heart--what a beautiful birthday gift!

Your art space looks completely different when it's tidy, lol! As does mine, probably, but we'll never know for sure . . .

(You are so right--it really is a bit unnerving to see very tidy work spaces!)

Thank you for stopping by this week, and a Happy WOYWW to you!
#21 this week
with a BIG mess

trisha too said...

Oh Jo, love the heart--what a beautiful birthday gift!

Your art space looks completely different when it's tidy, lol! As does mine, probably, but we'll never know for sure . . .

(You are so right--it really is a bit unnerving to see very tidy work spaces!)

Thank you for stopping by this week, and a Happy WOYWW to you!
#21 this week
with a BIG mess

trisha too said...

Oh gee, I left a comment, and then got an error message, but it says my comment has been saved . . . blogger, sometimes you make me a little bit crazy!

Anyway, if the first one did "take," just ignore my little rant . . .

The heart is absolutely precious, what a sweet gift, Jo, and thank you for stopping by this (cold) woyww!

Happy WOYWW to you!
#21 this week
with a BIG mess

Helen said...

Welcome back, Jo! I love the heart your made for your daughter's birthday, how unusual and a complete treasure. Helen 9

Paper rainbow said...

such a sweet heart <3

Unknown said...

Gorgeous heart its so tactile it made me want to reach out and touch the screen. I think its the ribbon tassles.
Hayley G #106

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Your desk, made me feel right at home. Seems mine was that way for so long I hardly know how to act when it is cleaned off. I too vary my projects, I go from paper to fabric, to yarn and whatever. Master of nothing. I love your hearts and the little ribbons at the bottom make it so fun. I plan to do a few from my dads old ties, as a keepsake, just hope I get them done by 2/14 for my sisters.
Enjoy the week, we had some fun time out and about it was 29 here and almost sunshiny spring.

Julia Dunnit said...

Missed you, but am shocked that its been a month! Delighted that youve had some real quality time with your darlings,so important and of course, so utterly fulfilling. Love your birthday gift for DD bet she was delighted. Looking forward to enjoying your fabric and threads phase!

Anne said...

Good to see you back, the heart is lovely. Anne x #63

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah sooo long Jo, and surprised at your once strawberry decorated desk being so neglected!!! however do love the resulting hearts happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #29

Eliza said...

So pleased to have you back with us again, you have been missed as for your art, it doesn't matter what you create with it is all art, so go with what your heart is telling you to do. Lovely little heart.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 15

okienurse said...

Welcome back Jo! I know what you mean about being divorced from the group for a while. Life certainly can put limitations on what we do. I have been doing more painting and drawing lately so cards and paper arts are on the side line till it runs its course. Have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #111

Jackie said...

Welcome back
How nice to have that family time
Love the heart and what you added to it... Looks fab
Jackie 33

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

The heart for your daughter is simply charming ~ what a special gift.

Neet said...

What a wonderful idea the heart is and including a scrap from our wedding dress makes it even more special. I bet DD was thrilled to bits with it.
Welcome back to blogland Jo, missed you. Thanks for so supportive whilst I have been off side.
Hugs, Neet xx

mamapez5 said...

Your little heart is beautiful. A lady at my sewing group brings a basket of fat-quarters in for sale each week, and I could sit and stroke them, and drool over their colours all morning, but I am not drawn to buying them. I think I shall be sticking to papers and ink. I am aiming to do more scrapbook pages, probably digitally as hands and eyes are not what they used to be, but cards too of course. The regular Wednesday post was becoming too difficult so I shall only visit occasionally for now though. It's nice to see you back! Kate x

Eliza said...

Thanks for the offer on the fish but Yoda won't eat fish at all not even crab or prawns strange ha. He does love ice cream and twistes LOL

Stay warm

Huns Eliza

cockney blonde said...

OMG Jo, I can't get over that desk pre tidy up, lol. Glad to see its more accessible now. Love the heart, x

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Love that heart. You made me laugh about renting out space. I move among media and can't settle on one. I am not always regular here but enjoy the snoop. Peg R-13

tilly said...

I wondered where you had got to.... but I knew you would be busy lol..... how nice to see lots of the family, your little heart is beautiful

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Those little fabric makes are lovely. It is good to have lots of different crafting interests, helps to keep things fresh for us. How lovely to have your family around to enjoy their company. Have a good week. xx Maggie #2

Kelly said...

Oh Jo... How lovely and precious is that heart! I love it! I find we seem to all work in waves. Today is one thing... next month may be something else. What we create in isn't important. That we make the time in our life TO CREATE is. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #92

Anonymous said...

Love the heart Jo and great to have you back. I've been having a catch up on your posts, love the photos of the Lakes, always a favourite place.
