Sunday, 23 November 2014

Elf Clogs & Angel Decorations

Just back from a most enjoyable few days in the Lake District, where we stayed in a super log cabin. 
We had perfect weather and, after days out visiting many of the lovely places, I managed quite a bit of crafting.
I'm sure you know the story of the Elf and the Shoemaker ......well I'm sorry to disappoint you, these little elf clogs did not appear in the morning by magic. 
I made them!!!
I found the pattern on pinterest but I reduced the size to make them cuter. They are so easy to make from felt and can be blanket stitched or simply just over stitched.
The little tag says, "Somewhere a tiny elf has lost a shoe" but it would have to be "Somewhere a tiny elf has lost his shoes" if you display a pair.
Bells or bobbles, added as trims, make them extra special.
Some are going to be posted off to my family in Brighton and Germany and will have little chocolate treats popped inside before they go on their Christmas trees.
You can judge the size by this collection which is in an A4 box.
I also found these little angels on pinterest. 
Also easy to make, from lined circles of fabric cleverly folded to make the angel's robes with a felt heart shape for the wings. Different colours, fabrics, ribbons and trims give them character.
To find the patterns on pinterest search "patchwork angels" and "elf clogs" and you will see lots of pins come up.
All the spare ones will go to my grandchildren's schools as fundraisers or little gifts for their teachers.
I also had the idea to make a Shepherd and a King from the same pattern.
Here's the view from our lakeside cabin window which was an idyllic spot to see the birds on the lake and the amazing skies at sunset and sunrise with all the reflections on the water. 
I kept forgetting to take photos so I missed capturing the best scenes and 
these inferior pics were taken from indoors. 
The two large dots on the windows were to stop the birds flying into the panes.
The birds swirled in patterns around the lake each evening at sunset.


Helen said...

Sounds like a very productive break - I really LOVE the little felt clogs, they are fabulous, and so cute.

pearshapedcrafting said...

It certainly was a lovely spot! I have my felt ready but so far that's it - we seem to have been out every day and a couple of evenings too since we got back!! I love your additions to the nativity theme! Chrisxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, your lakeside break sounds lovely and busy too. I love the little felt clogs - they are delightful - and the wee angels are cute too. Elizabeth xx

Annie said...

Hi Jo, what a lovely place to spend a few days and haven't you been productive. I love both the designs as I'm sure your grandies will too.
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

Dotty Jo said...

You are so clever! I especially love the elf shoes, Jo x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hello Jo! I saw you'd been away when I saw the pics on Chris' blog :-). I love those clogs, so cute but my favourite are the angels. I'm going to have to search those out on Pinterest!
Hope you are well and happy :-)
Hugs, LLJ xxx

Ohhh Snap said...

Love the shoes!! I think I need to make some full-sized : D

Anne said...

Hello Jo. Looks a lovely place to stay. Just love your makes - especially the shoes :-) x

mammafairy said...

Love your elf shoes, and your angels! What a lovely make! Great fundraiser, too!

Julia Dunnit said...

It looks like heaven Jo, what an amazing view. Dots on glass are also very useful for us fools who forget when the doors are open or shut!!
Love the little shoes and Angels, how fab to find a pin and actually do it!!

Cardarian said...

My dear Jo, you have made lovely clogs, angels and I also like the shepard and the king. I will need your guidence when I finally get up to these things. Speak soon on Skype. Lots of hugs Cardarian

sam21ski said...

WOW Jo, you have been a busy little bee or should that be an elf!! Love those cute little clogs, you always find some wonderful ideas and how lovely to give the remainder as fundraisers for the school.

Sam xx

tilly said...

what stunning views , pleased you had a lovely few days, I adore your little clogs and angels..... must go and look and get some off to Oz and NZ

Lee said...

Oh my golly gum drops I ADORE these lil clogs sooooo cute and you are soooo clever.I'm sure the grandees will love love love them.The other decorations are also Stunning.Love all your wonderful pics.Huggles xxx

Hettie said...

Oh My Jo! These little shoes are so darned cute. Off to Pinterest to see if I can find the patter. I like the angels to, but the shoes appeal to me more.