Monday, 24 November 2014

Farfield Mill, Sedburgh

While we were in the Lake District we met up with Chris, (pearshapedcrafter) and her DH who so kindly took us to Farfield Mill in Sedburgh. 
They drove us through all the little country lanes, through beautiful Cumbrian countryside we had never before travelled. We saw a huge rainbow, so intense in colours, and we could clearly see both ends in fields at opposite sides of the road. We were disappointed we couldn't manage to stop to photograph such an amazing sight or venture to find that legendary crock of gold.
Many thanks to Chris and Tony as this was a fabulous day out. 
The old water mill has four floors of quality crafts and materials, to see and to buy, with exhibitions and demonstrations too. We had a really good crafty natter whilst exploring and the DHs sat in the bookshop on a big comfy sofa and did a bit of man nattering before we went into the cafe for an excellent lunch. A place well worth visiting if ever you are in the area. 
Check out the link above.

The Technicolour Dreamcoat 
One of the wonderful projects on display, overflowing with the dreams of hundreds of children.

You can appreciate the scale of the coat as we stand next to it.
There were lots of crafts to try and I loved this giant sized French Knitting frame.

The results......
Chris, clutching some of her crafty purchases, and watching a weaver set up a loom.
Super hand made items for sale, beautifully displayed
I wondered if this sheep, Baabra, was knitting up wool from one of her family?
whilst her DH is on the pc!
Thanks again to Chris and Tony for such a great day out.


pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh Jo! It really was a 'grand day out'! We both enjoyed it too! It is a great place and always something new to see. Lucky we went on a Monday and the weaving group were in. My little wool samples are being very useful!!! Glad you got that fantastic lamp into one of your photos! Hugs, Chrisx

mamapez5 said...

Hi Jo. Our paths haven´t crossed for quite a while, but it is nice to catch a post again. This looks an amazing place: the sort of place I could browse around in all day. Isn´t that coat something else! It is a beautiful centre piece for all those crafts. Kate x

Annie said...

How lovely to be able to share such special times with blogging friends....and thank you for sharing it all with us.
Big hugs,
Annie x

Helen said...

What a great place! I love the Dreamcoat.. it's huge! Chris is so lovely, isn't she?!

Twiglet said...

That's my idea of the perfect day out! What a fantastic piece of art the Dreamcoat is! Thanks for that Jo. x

Lee said...

Hi Jo,sounds like a Grand day out,beautiful pics.The dreamcoat brought a tear to the eye,what a Stunning creation too.Baabra,made me nearly fall off my chair laughing as I really did know a girl at school called "Barbara Woolley" hee hee.Hope all your lovely family are well,especially lttle

Carol Q said...

ooh what a lovely day out Jo - right up my street and wowie zowie - what a coat!!!

voodoo vixen said...

What an absolutely wonderful day out and that coat of many colours is just amazing... all those dreams, what a wonderful representation.

Carola Bartz said...

That dream coat is amazing! What a lovely gallery to visit - such beautiful handmade items!

Diane said...

Very fun post and pictures.

Hugs diane

Neet said...

Sounds wonderful and that coat is amazing. Great
Hugs, Neet xx

Anonymous said...

A coat of many colors is beautiful. I think Dolly Parton had a song about a coat of many colors. About her Mom making it as they were poor.

The song is on you tube by Dolly. Key it in. Beautiful meaningful song.