Monday, 11 January 2016

Liberty Christmas Tree & Weeping Windows Poppies

I know, I know.... you can call me mad but I really did think I was finished with Christmas 2015 until I spotted these little Liberty Fabric Trees on pinterest. I am obsessed with Liberty's Tana Lawn and have recently finished my 3rd quilt so I have lots of scraps which will be perfect to use up on these little beauties. I just had to have a trial run so I would have a sample to remind me to make more at the end of this year. They are so quick to make and will be ideal fund raisers, bazaar sellers etc. I think I'll use star buttons for the toppers to keep the vintage look. Must remember to save all my old cotton reels.
Click to see the full information in my November post about the 
(part of the installation which were at the Tower of London)
Only one more week left to see them in Liverpool as they will then be moved to another city after 17th January.

Over Christmas I heard an appeal on BBC Radio Merseyside requesting people to make poppies towards and installation within St George's Hall, which will follow after the Weeping Windows move on.
The appeal was a bit late, as everyone is so busy over the holidays, and the closing date was 9th January, but the ladies of our quiltiing group managed to make a small collection.
Sadly when I delivered them, with only one day to go,  only around 20 others had been handed in towards the project.
Our few included felt poppies, silk, machine and hand embroidery and even some beading. Thanks to everyone who participated and now we'll wait to see just what comes of them.


tilly said...

What a pretty tree in that lush fabric, I can see a whole forest of them for next year lol. Xx

Lee said...

Hi Jo Gorgeous lil tree what a great idea.Gorgeous poppies too.Hope all ok with you,thinking of you.xx

sandra de said...

Always lovely to see your beautiful creations.

Neet said...

Wish I had had time to see the poppies, you know me and poppies! Wonder if they will get to Manchester at some time?
Yes, I saw Dawn Bibby - she walked past me at the show on the day Chas went with me. Did you like the Yarn Bombing I showed? I put that up with you in mind - you would have loved it, must have taken ages. Can you tell it got even smaller than the year you went?
The crayons look interesting but I need to play with ordinary pastel crayons and see if they do the same as the techniques Tim showed - awesome colours though.
Must email you with all the news - hope you and Dave are well.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx
ps maybe we should meet up when I get back.