Thursday, 21 January 2016

Quick & Easy Patchwork Bag in Batik & Friday Smile

I've been playing around trying to replicate a bag I spotted at a quilt show in Germany. I couldn't figure out exactly how to make it but managed to transform the patch work panel I prepared into this  finished product.
I don't know if it is right or wrong but it turned into a very simple effective bag construction to make from scraps.
I'm calling it the Twin Peaks Bag! A quick and easy make for gifts or charity sales.
The panel could be plain, fully patchworked and quilted to choice. Whatever!
Mine is made from left over 2 inch Batik strips.
I made a panel approximately 11 inches x 33 inches (22 strips of 2 inches before sewing quarter inch seams).
It was then lined and lightly wadded ... ( or could use Vilene interfacing)
Below, I have laid strips of paper purely to indicate the folds........
Then the Left side is taken up to the top edge, and the Right side down to bottom edge, to first produce this shape......
then it is folded across the central diagonal (bottom left to top right of the purple lining) to produce the bag shape below...

With just two diagonal seams to stitch up, the body of the bag is made.
Add a fastener and a handle and  it will be complete.
The bag can easily be sized up or down. Try it out in newspaper first to see if it is correct before making the panel to size.
TIP! An inside pocket can be added before the lining is sewn in.. just check the positioning.

               Blooming Gorgeous Bargains & Friday Smile
Adding my smile on to Annie's weekly fun as, since I posted this, I found out that Standfast & Barracks factory shop, in Lancaster, will reopen on Saturday after the flooding they suffered in December. 
I buy my Liberty fabrics there at bargain prices and I am in need of stocks to make a king size quilt for my daughter as a wedding gift. I've been longing to get cracking on it but so sad to hear that the shop had been through so much. They have also taken the opportunity to refurbish their shop so there will be a Gala Re-opening Day on Saturday... and I will be there. Yes! I am a fabric-holic!

Shopping in Morrisons last week, I spotted these roses reduced to £2.50 (for 15 blooms) I was almost dancing in the aisles. I didn't expect them to last more than a few days but almost a week later they are still glorious.
The patchwork panel on the coffee table is my latest project. I finally undid the ribbon on the jelly roll I won last year and started a French Braid quilt. I'm really enjoying making it and the first strip went together so quickly.


Neet said...

Love your twin peaks and guess what? I might be able to bring you a pattern for making something else - of course it will cost you - I need help in making one for myself.
Joking apart I so want to make one of these things and am sure you will be delighted with it too - just up your street Jo.
Hugs, Neet xx

Helen said...

what a beautiful bunch of roses, and a bargain to boot. your bag is just fabulous!

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fabulous bag Jo! Great bargain with your roses -I bought some yellow ones from Sainsburys last week and they are still looking fresh too - mine were only reduced to £3 though! Hugs, Chrisx

Words and Pictures said...

Wonderful rainbow of colours and patterns in your bag design, and those roses are glorious - what a beautiful colour they are.
Alison x

Diane-crewe said...

well done for figuring the bag out ... and the roses are beautiful .. we all need some colour in our lives during the drab winter days xx

Diane-crewe said...

well done for figuring the bag construction out.. and the roses are beautiful.. we all need some colour in the dark winter days x

Annie said...

I chuckled at the way you casually called the fabric you've used for your bag 'left over'!! It's gorgeous Jo and obviously took ages to patchwork together. You must have quite a supply of left overs lol. Love your roses too...what a bargain.
Annie x

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday Jo, how gorgeous and clever is that 'scrap' bag and your French Braid quilt is looking super under the lovely roses. Have fun at the fabric shop Cheers Robyn

Lisca said...

What a great bag! It looks so simple! Quilting is on my 'would like to do' list. Jelly rolls are very expensive here. Sometimes 40 euros plus another 20 for postage. No wonder it is not very popular here.
The roses certainly are a bargain! They are beautiful. I remember when I lived in the UK I would buy flowers at Morrisons. Their flower department has won an award.
Thanks for visiting earlier, have a good week and keep smiling!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gorgeous bag and so much work. I have had flowers from there before and they do last well whereas some other places they have only lasted a couple of days. Many thanks for the visit to mine too. Happy crafting, Angela x

Twiglet said...

Such stunning fabric for your twin peaks Jo and those roses certainly made me smile. x Jo

Lynn Holland said...

Going to show it to a friend of mine, I think it's something she would like to make.
Have a good weekend Jo
Lynn xx

Hettie said...

What a beautiful bag Jo. Love the fabrics you used.
Liberty fabric. Did you know the "Tritex man"? He used to travel around the country selling fabric. He used to sell little bits of Liberty fabrics and I still have alot, as well as some of my Mum's and am just making a cute mini quilt which I will share shortly.
Have fun and don't spend too much!!!!

Barb said...

What a beautiful bag. I wish I was able to do work like that. You did well with the roses. They've lasted very well and what a beautiful colour. Enjoy your visit to the gala opening and have a lovely week. Barbxx

Walter Baker said...

Wow Beautiful bag collection. Thanks for sharing your bags for women.....

Women's Handbags New York

Lee said...

WOW,Jo you are so talented,love this bag and your roses.Hugs xx

tilly said...

Just back from my long holiday and seen this gorgeous bag, must try one..... And I have pink roses on my table at the moment, love fresh flowers