Saturday, 6 February 2016

Quick Makes & Stitch & Craft Show Visit

My week....
I've sewn all my strips together for the panels of my French Braid/ Jelly Roll quilt. Now for a "stitch in the ditch" fest!
I made a few quick items towards the goodies for my quilt club's May event.
Shopping bags......
Children's bags and aprons....
Handy pouches with clear zip pockets. 
Credit and thanks for this idea goes to my blogging buddy 
Event City Trip
Yesterday we took advantage of my 2 free tickets and ventured over to Manchester to visit the Stitch & Craft Show at Event City. I had arranged to go with a friend but her health intervened so I am adding the following pics as a taste for her of a little of what she missed. (Get well soon too!)  It was a good show with so much to see, exhibitions, trade stands and make and takes. The catering facilities were increased and, very wisely, there were groups of 3 or 4 seats suitably placed all around the halls as rest areas.
It was well worth visiting and a step up to last year as we found so much to interest us other than the trade stands. 
Check it out if you fancy a visit as I think it is still on tomorrow.

First a few of my favourite pieces .....

Close up of the detail of fabulous machining skills.

This little panel was beautifully hand embroidered and quite a jewel amongst all the machine stitching.

The following pieces were entries in a competition with "Glimpses of Scotland" as the subject.

This delicate panel was stitched on a piece of an old pianola roll

The detail of this collage of stitched postcards was amazing and it was wonderful to see how this lady, from Denmark, really captured the essence of her holidays in Scotland.

Pauline Walsh produced a really imaginative piece inspired by the distorted image through a glass of whisky.
This pheasant was beautifully stitched and the tiny heather flowers were exquisite.

Here is the winning entry....very imaginative, good fun and well executed but not one I would have chosen or would have on my wall.
I enjoyed seeing the costumes from "Far from the Madding Crowd" but I couldn't believe how tiny the waists were. It's hard to judge from the photos but they must have only been 20 inch at the most.

Over all a good show and my only complaint..... 
I scoured all the trade stands looking for 100% cotton quilting thread and there was only one stand selling any thread at all and that was bog basic cheapo polyester. 
All that fabric to sew and not a reel of thread worthy of using to sew it.


Helen said...

love the photos from the show - what amazing skill those ladies have! shame about the cotton.. Your own work is gorgeous too.

sam21ski said...

Oooh thanks for the pickies Jo, I got free tickets too, but was unable to go. Did you make it over to the Powertex stand? I'm sure you'd love that stuff what with you and your fabrics. Hope all is well your end xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Fantastic show, looks like you had a great time. There are some brilliantly talented people. Have a great weekend and thanks for the visit to mine, Angela x

Lynn Holland said...

Great photos Jo, I'm glad you took them as I didn't get there either.
You are a real sewing demon, I wish I could stay as focused as you.
Lynn X X x

Lisca said...

Wow! Thanks for posting the photos of the show. They are amazing! I love the quilts. And all that embroidery work is so beautiful. I can't say I was enamored by the winning entry, but hey, that's a matter of taste.
Thanks for your visit,
Have a smiley week,

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo. Your totes are very cute. I like the idea that clear pouches.

It looks like you had a great time despite having to go without your friend. I agree with you though I wouldn't have picked out one for the winner.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Such a wide range of amazing crafts both at the show and in your craft room! I love that jewel colours on black piece :-)
Hugs, LLJ xxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh Jo! Thank you for sharing these photos - I am glad to have got the op out of the way but I would so loved to have seen the Scottish work IRL! The mixed media piece on the pianola roll does look amazing! Sorry you didn't get the fabric you wanted! I sent you a text but must just tell you that my pocket cross has been beside me since you sent it! Looking forward to seeing this post on the computer, maybe later today! Big hugs to you my lovely friend, Chrisx

Twiglet said...

Fab photos Jo - a great day out I am sure. Your little plastic pocket pouch is a brilliant idea - I think I might give that a go! x Jo

Neet said...

Great pics - both your own and the shows. I love the piece by Josie Frazer and had a smile at the whisky one. Was the lady drinking the whisky at the time? I know she wasn't but if you read it it sounds as if she could have been, it is lovely by the way.
Pity I was laid up and unable to attend the show - maybe next time.
Hugs, Neet xx

tilly said...

looks like a great show, lots to see, I,m sure I could fit into those outfits !!! if only !! love the aprons and pouches.
Tilly x

Lee said...

Oh WOW,thanks so much for sharing these fantastic pics.Hugs xx

Hettie said...

What a delightful post Jo. First your wonderful makes, loving the bags. I quite like to stitch in the ditch sometimes. I also like your plait, we made a similar table runner, mine was C fabric of course!!
Then your lovely pics from the show. Gorgeous pieces and too many clever people out there!!
Thanks for sharing.

Carol Q said...

coo - some stunningly talented work there Jo. I'm liking the look of your French braid. shall be interested to see the finished results!