Monday, 11 December 2017

Christmas Cut Outs

Christmas is creeping into our house. 
My back has been playing up, due to all the work clearing my late friend's house, so I've been sitting and cutting these paper house silhouettes to decorate our front window. Whilst I was on a short trip to my daughter in Germany last week, she asked me to make some for her and I loved them so much I decided to cut some for my own home. The designs are from the main buildings in her pretty little German town and the centre one is their Rathaus (town hall). Must cut out another reindeer for Santa!

From inside with fairy lights lit.

From outside


Glennis F said...

They look lovely Jo

tilly said...

It looks stunning, I am sure you had a great trip to Germany, wishing you both Health and happiness in 2018, and much sewing of course lol xxx
Tilly x

Helen said...

hope your back eases soon... the houses look fabulous (rathaus is one of the German words I remember well from my school days studying O level (showing my age); not sure why it stuck so firmly!)

Annie said...

That’s really lovely Jo. I hope your back improves very’s been sciatica for me ☹️ Thankfully better now but it was painful while it lasted.
Annie x

pearshapedcrafting said...

These look lovely Jo! One of my son's loves paper cutting. They do make fabulous Christmas decorations with the fairy lights! Thank You for the birthday wishes! Big Hugs, Chrisx