Friday, 15 December 2017

Swag of Bunting for my Fireplace

I've managed the next stage of making our house look a little festive before the South West contingent of my family comes to visit. No tree up yet but I have made this bunting swag for the fire place. I made three in total and gave one to a friend who was desperate to have one and the other, a much bigger one, is almost finished ready for my South West daughter to decide if warrants approval to hang over her large fireplace in her new Devon home.

Since posting I have had a request about a pattern to make the triangles for the bunting but I was unable to reply. The following might help......
The pennants are all of varying lengths between 20 and 25 cms and widths of approx 9 to 12 cms. This is just a guide and they can be quite easily be made longer or shorter to suit individual locations. 
They are very casually made just with a toning backing, fabrics stitched right sides face to face then turned inside out and pressed. I zig zagged across the tops before arranging and stitching them onto a ribbon or cord for hanging. 
As easy as can be! The balance of the colour scheme and the variable lengths makes the finished item a little bit different and unusual than the spaced out traditional bunting.
Here's the longer one for my daughter made in more "homespun fabrics". Hope she likes it!


tilly said...

it's lovely for the fireplace, I have just made two lots of very long ones, leaving a 1 1/2 inch gap between, may have a go at this one for my Grandson!
Happy Christmas and good health to you both for 2018 xxxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow Jo! Both of these look fabulous - your home must be like a Winter Wonderland! Wishing you both a Happy Christmas! Hugs, Chrisx

Preeti said...

That bunting is beautiful - it lights up the room :-)
Wish you a very happy new year and thank you for visiting my blog.