Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Liberty 3 Cushions & Quilt

I have been quiet here on my blog since Christmas but not in my stitching. My machine has been whizzing away and my fingers have been hand stitching too. The proof is below but I cannot yet show my biggest project, which I started on Boxing Day and finished before the end of January. I finally made a quilt for my daughter's marriage which was September 2016. due to all the problems we have had I could not begin to think about it and my daughter told me to make it whenever I felt up to it. I am pleased that it is finished but I want to give it to her personally to share her reaction.
I recently played around with some of my Liberty Hexagons and I really enjoyed making the cushion below, and I love the result too.
It really doesn't matter how the fabrics are laid out as Liberty designs all seems to go together beautifully and there are about 50 different designs here.
The triangles in the next cushion were all hand stitched but I machine stitched the quilting and borders.

Hand stitched Granny's Garden Hexies
The back of the cushion above in simple squares.
This quilt is a smaller on than my daughter's wapping king sized one. I made this as a wedding present for a friend's son who we have know since he was a little boy.
I think I am addicted to using Liberty fabric as it is so lovely to handle and produces good results from the simplest of designs. It relaxes me and makes me happy!


pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh Wow Jo! These are all so beautiful - liberty fabric does feel and look so good so the must be a real luxury to use! Hope you are both OK, Hugs, Chrisxx

tilly said...

2 lovely cushions and a stunning quilt, held beautifully by 'Him who must obey' lol.... can't wait to see your daughters quilt, I hope you are both keeping well
Tilly x

peggy gatto said...

Absolutely a treasure, beautiful designs and skill!!!

Mystic Quilter said...

I love these Liberty projects, the cushions are little works of art.

Quayquilter said...