Monday, 8 March 2010

BLOG CANDY, 6666!!! and thank you all!

I sat down to write this and to offer some blog candy when I noticed, coincidentally, that my counter had reached 6666 hits!!Wooo hooo!! What other excuse do I need to offer a few goodies in appreciation! I find number links amazing. We have a projector clock our the bedroom and each time I take a peek if ever I wake at night the digital clock is always at a "special" number  such as 2:22 am or 4:44am and it freaks me. Hence, you can imagine how I felt when I noticed the 6666!!! It's meant to be!

So first I must say a HUGE thank you to all who have stopped by since I started all this around 4 months ago at the end of 2009 and I wondered then if anyone at all would be interested! I have received so many lovely comments and I must admit that they are all appreciated. I have also become quite friendly with some of my regular visitors and it is lovely to make new friends from all around the cyber world.

Just leave a comment that you'd like to enter the draw which will take place on 16th March...... there has got to be another 6 in there somewhere. I will probably make it 3 prizes as I'll find a few more items. (don't know if I can make it 6!)

Additional comment added 11th March
Yeh! I have just added my 100th post so I am going to add a bit more stash to my blog candy in celebration!!
In the picture, amongst other items, there are over 20 clear Anna Griffin UMs and also some amazing flat antique pearl buttons which I cut off an old bag I found in a charity shop.


Anonymous said...

6666 how cool is that! Your creations are beautiful, so it's no wonder that you're getting a lot of reactions. Please enter me for the draw. The Celtic swirl stamp is already in my collection but the Anna Griffin UMs look very appealing.

Yvonne said...

6666 that is impressive! Always enjoy browsing your blog!

JAN said...

congratulations on your 666 your blog and have been a follower for a while now..i dont always comment but i do always read your posts and its great to see some great uk crafters on the net.. i must say i really adored your Moo's i dont suppose you would wanna trade for one of my tags.. see my post here
oh please put my name in your hat for the Jan

Tanya said...

Beautiful number and fantastic candy!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win! Really want to be the lucky winner.

Unknown said...

All the 6's clickerty click. How wonderful to get so many visitors - just shows how good you are - otherwise we wouldn't keep coming back for inspiration - and to drool.

Hope you get as many sixes as can possibly be!

Queen La Rubba said...

Congratulation son your hits! I love the crafty cyber world!! This is gorgeous candy! What a lovely give away! As much as I agree that your number hingy is a little freaky, weird things like that happen in our family! Goes back to my great grandmother so freaky yes but you are not alone! LOL!!
Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

kisieltruskawkowy said...

You are great! thanks for the chance to win amazing prize! Have a nice day!

cockney blonde said...

Wow Jo, that's some number of hits in just a few months. Just goes to show how much people appreciate your artwork, and rightly so.
Fingers crossed my number comes up, x

Tinkertaylor said...

Just goes to show great minds think alike, we all love your blog. Love the buttons so please enter me into your draw.

Robin said...

I know what you mean about the numbers thing....waking up at 2:22 sometimes is kinda weird! I absolutely love anything Anna Griffin so I am in on your giveaway!! Congrats on your successful blogging...from one of your loyal followers!

Glennis F said...

congratulations on such a magical number!!!
I looked at my car speedo the other day and it was 22222 - and I nearly missed it.
Thanks for the chance to win, and I have been a follower for quite some time.

Larisa said...

What a special number )))) But it brings only the glad but nothing more )))
Thanks for nice candy )

Dotpat said...

All the sixes Jo that ia a lot of hits, congrats to you and your lovely work

Valentina said...

Congratulations on your hits!
Lovely candy. So many clear stamps! WOW!
Thank you for the chance

Anonymous said...

Thank you for offering another blog candy giveaway! It's always amazing to see the visitor's counter go up and up...

Ukka said...

Congratulations on your 666 hits!!! Your blog is so lovely.
Have a nice day

paperscissors said...

the drawing is on the 16th and you had 16 comments to this post before i commented! i totally understand what you mean about checking clocks or dates!!! i am happy you received the award i sent your way and that you will be crafting soon! your visit to the conservatory sounds so lovely as i enjoy looking around and imagining what life was like at that time, thanks for the opportunity to win!

Neet said...

It's 6's all the way for us clickety click girls in more ways than two LOL. I'm entering for your blog candy and hope you will pop over to mine and enter for my blog candy too.

Artyjen said...

Congrats on the number ;)
Thanks for the chance to win

Olga said...

Oh impressed - so many hits! You deserve it!
The candy is really SWEET, I would be more than happy to win it because I'm a beginner in scrapbooking and need materials and tools so you can be sure they come in handy and not be collecting dust in the box :).
Thanks for the chance!
I've linked your candy to my sidebar.
My best regards!

Sissi said...

Congrats... in the name of 6! :))
I have put a post on my blog for your candy:

Hugs from Italy!

Unknown said...

great stuff Jo getting so many hits tho i am not surprised as you always have fab stuff on your blog i love it your pics n discriptions are always great and yay another chance to win some great goodies thank you and keep sharing your crafts and life with us as we all love it xxxx

Rosa Forino said...

WOW!!! 6666 hits...congratulations
This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
saluti dall'italia public tomorrow the post on
Hugs, rosa

gocanucksgo said...

Hi! Happy 6666 (now 7132 lol) hits and now your 100th post =) Whenever the clock has all the same numbers, I like to make a wish. Thanks for celebrating with your visitors =) Keep up the fantastic work!!!

Amanda said...

Hi there Jo. Congrats on such a huge amount of hits! And look where it'g gone to in a couple of days. Soon it is going to be 7777 :-) Thanks so much for the candy offer, I would love to enter for it - I am off to post it in my Candy Lane right away.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Uuuh! Congrats! <3
Lovely candy! Thanks for the opportunity!

Lilang said...

Nice gift!
My birthday is March 16 :)

Create With Joy said...

Hi Jo,

What fab candy you are offering! I always love visiting your blog! I've added your candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy - stop by and say hello when you have a free moment!

Ramona :-)

Lorraine said...

Hi Jo,

Having finally found you, I've managed to sign in - 2 good things in one evening! Love your work, especially the butterfly ATC's. Can I enter for your blog candy?? Pretty please?!

See you soon, Lorraine xx

Glo said...

Let's try! :)

Scrap by Rô said...

Congrats on your hit... Your candy is really yummy. I've become a follower too.
Hugs from Brazil.

Алёна Сидорова said...

Candy so sweet! Thanks for chance to win!

Kathy K said...

Congrats on 6666 hits & your 100th post. Please throw my name in the hat for a chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

HI Joe just love the blog - keep up with the good work, can't wait to see the new Alice creations, do us a favour and throw name in th'at. Look forward to seeing you in September in Hagen. Take care Christine in Germany

Deb said...

Congrats on your hits and your 100th post--how exciting. I'd love for you to add my name to the drawing.

deborah150 at