Monday, 15 March 2010

Craft Room Makeover Begins

Sunday Sunday, what a fun day! 
Although it was Mother's Day, my friend Jayne came to clear out and completely makeover my craft room. Who wouldn't want an amazing friend like that??!!? 
The congestion of all my stash completely daunted me lately and Jayne, believe it or not, has been dying to get her hands in and perform her magic on it all. Yes! Amazingly she loves doing it.
Lots more photos to come of the complete mess before, and the transformation afterwards, but here is a little taster of just one area transformed by my own special reorganiser. I now have an ink, dye and paint station instead of a mess of old block stamps. Everything is easy to find and so tidy. 
No prizes for guessing which is before and which is after.
 Jayne was amazing and worked so hard all day, with me as her goafer, clearing and planning so everything is to hand to suit me and it is all far more efficient. It should take another session to finish but it's on it's way. BIG THANKS JAYNE!!!


lisa said...

Wow, I need to borrow your friend too, what an amazing job. You'll be super organsied by the time she's done. Enjoy your new space.
I've just been admiring your beautiful photos of the event in Stanley Park too, it looks superb.
Have a good week.


Dotpat said...

Brilliant Jo, send her over here when you are done with her please

cockney blonde said...

Send her to Hartlepool via Bradford although I'm nearly done now. Guess you got jealous of my new craft zone and wanted one of your own, lol, x

Unknown said...

lol Jo i had so much fun and was feed some amazing food (i love my food lol)and no dishes really looking forward to going back and finish it hugs jayne xxx

Unknown said...

How wonderful -can you rent her out -what a fabulous friend and it looks perfect

Amanda said...

By the looks of it you are going to have a state of the art craft room! Jayne, please pop in at my place too - even if it just for a day :-) But Jo, you should be an expert too after this make-over - so both of you are welcome! Enjoy the rest of the week!