Wednesday, 20 October 2010


I've had an amazing, busy, exciting, interesting week and it seems like it was only 2 days since I bared my soul and exposed my work desk for all to scrutinise.  Here we are again for WOYWW 72, inspired by our leader Julia of Stamping Ground, so do hop over to spy on her desk and those of over a hundred kindred crafters who just love to nosey. 
Don't all faint when you see this but please help yourself to some strawberries. They are always there but usually under the mound of mess waiting to be tidied away. Amazing how fresh they stay!
Whilst Caz was here we toured the local charity shop and had some great finds, including the lazy susan/carousel on my desk for £1.99. As a result I tidied all the bits and bobs and organised what I wanted to go on my handy carousel. I love it!
There's a blue card WIP cut out and some Bird house die cuts waiting to be decorated, then a basket of fan stamps from Sunday needing a good clean. 
My cooky bird gift from Liverpool Lou and my Post it Note hanging from LizzyBobs take pride of place.  Thanks ladies, great to meet up with you and thanks again for your help and thoughtfulness.
My spritzer is there to remind me to tell you all to rush out and buy a litre bottle of "fragrant ironing water" from Sainburys (other supermarkets may or may not sell the stuff). Ironing water, I ask you, just who irons??? so who would use it? However I do spritz lots of water about to blend and create special effects with paint techniques, so it is so lovely to have my spritzing smell of jasmine and other gorgeousness and at 80p a litre it will last me forever and I love nice smells.
Above is my experiment cleaning a messy Stazon inked stamp. The Tee Tree oil cleaned the left side so easily and cleared my sinuses too. I left the middle as evidence and cleaned the RHside with my WD40 pen which worked really well but the Tee Tree just had the edge and was slightly better. (It was just a cheapo £1 shop bottle too).
Sorry I didn't get round many desks last week as I've been so busy but watch out I might do better this time......

Here's the one that got away in the charity shops, (they had a "Cruise wear Section with lots of sparkle and THIS!)... No! Caz and I didn't fight over it, we just thought it was hilarious and wondered who on earth would go out in it!!?? Eeeekk! So sorry if there's one in your wardrobe the same... heh, heh!!


Neet said...

Didn't quite wear a MJ suit like the one you pictured but I probably had some horrendous stuff in my wardrobe in the past.
At first I thought they were strawberries but then remembered your tablecloth - you nearly had me there.
Can I come charity shop shopping some time - you always find the best bargains - but then you'd make me more envious as you would get there first. Ah well! #22

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I recognized the strawberries, but thought I was at the wrong desk (grin). Lovely cleanup! Tee tree oil. Don't know where to get it in the States, except at the expensive shop that sells essential oils in 1 dram or so vials. Very small and over $4.oo each. I also never heard of that ironing water. Looks like you have things I've never heard of here. I DO know what WD 40 is, though (grin). And I thought that dress was a band uniform!! BTW, I have never even considered naming my rocking horses. Just knowing where I got them is taxing enough :>) Happy WOYWW (no. 12).

Cardarian said...

I love your "strawberry" desk....I have lavender ironing water in my spray too! It is much nicer to have a nice smell in the bottle!
No I wouldn't wear that red thing either!!!!

Sarah said...

Love your strawberry desk! How cheerful. I had no idea such a thing as “fragrant ironing water” existed, what a sheltered life I must lead!  Or a WD-40 pen – might get myself one of those for cleaning up scissor gunk. (must admit, I never clean Stazon off any of my stamps, I’ve always just stamped off the excess and left the rest on there, doesn’t seem to have done them any harm). As for that charity shop suit – my mum would TOTALLY have worn that :) I’m not convinced we’re actually related :)

Susie Sugar said...

Hey Jo you look busy but oh so organized I love your strawberry table cloth, and your red suit too, I guess you're gonna be the "Lady in red"!!
Thanks for sharing your desk
Hope you are keeping well
Hugs Susie xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Wow Jo, never seen your desk so tidy! Great charity shop find - the lazy susan that is. Great tips for the fragrant ironing water and cleaning stamps, thanks.
You've obviously never been on a cruise, that outfit is exactly the sort of thing all the best people wear!.........hahahaha
Not joining in this week - trying to get some stuff finished.
Anne xx

Sue said...

Hi ya Jo
lovely strawberry desk, great lazy susan find,never thought of using nice smelly water for spritzing! lol, Nop i dont have a suit like that in my wardrobe! lol,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)

cheryl said...

oh love your strawberries i am with bluebeard,I TOO thought it was a band,uniform he he,and would not wear that,either love your desk,
hugs cheryl x

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I could work witht he strawberries - I would be wanting to eat some all the time. good idea about the spritzing solution thouh will have to try it.
x Tricia (79)

Jan Hennings said...

It's great to see your Strawberry desk! (MINE is too cluttered to see the bottom :)

Morti said...

Oh my word - that suit is very red! Great to see the strawberries, but they would make me hungry, or I'd end up going cross-eyed while trying to work. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

olive said...

you can see your desk!? you do well with your bargins don't you... suit reminds me of Sgt Pepper's record sleeve.... Ciao

Phree said...

OK, I picked myself off the floor now - WOW that's a tidy desk. The carousel looks like a brilliant find in the charity shop... but you left those button buttons behind.... oh, I guess you had to as they were still attached to the ummmm outfit [insert evil grin here]. Thanks for the tip on cutting out the stamps this morning.

Zue said...

You never know, it could even be one of our WOYWW 'ers who fancies themselves in it..
Love the strawberries.
Have a great Wednesday
Sue xx 72

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Wow fabulous tidy desk and I love the strawberries. Sounds like you had a great day out and purchased some great finds, can't believe that carousel was so cheap, great find. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x

Elizabeth said...

Love the strawberries and the neat desk/table - the lazy susan is a great idea. As is the idea you left on another blog - was it Phree's, sorry I can't remember as I've visited so many today - but it was the tip to put talk on the mounting stuff before cutting out. I hate that job so much I tend to avoid as much as possible, so thanks again, I will give it a try. Elizabeth #60

Annie said...

I use ironing water every time I iron my red top with lots of buttons :-)
Only joking of course. Thanks for sharing and making me smile.
A x

Rosie said...

I'd be hungry all the time if I worked there! Great charity shop finds, why do I never come across interesting stuff?? (71)

Dotpat said...

Well Jo what a lovely tidy desk, wish mine was so good.Hope you have recovered from your hectic week

Carola Bartz said...

The lazy susan is a great idea for staying organised. I have to look at thrift stores for them and do that as well. Thanks for sharing!

Terry said...

I love the Lazy Susan and your comments about tea tree oil vs WD-40. Good to know!

Terry #4

Anonymous said...

Love your strawberries, but I think I'd always feel hungry if I had them on my desk. ;-) Thanks for dropping by! # 82

Sherry said...

Isn't it great when you find something in a charity shop that you can use - love your carousel thingy! Thanks for the fragrant water and tee tree oil tips too.

Sherry (103)

Sheila said...

Those berries look yum.

Mandi said...

Your strawberries have made my mouth water lol

Oh dear at the jacket!! There was a time though hehehe

mandi xx

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh lovely charity shop finds!! I love my lazy susan (shame i left it behind in the UK) as it simplifies the reach for everything syndrome!! OK... the strawberries would have to go... they would make me hungry all the time!! Happy woyww from Annette #33

Kate said...

omg that red thing....i really hope no one has one lol.
Kate x

Siobhan Brignull said...

oh that outfit is a classic, and how busy do you keep yourself, love the idea of the ironing water, think ive got some in the cupboard, shall have to have a root and tea tree oil to clean off staz-on, ingenious thinking, linky 78

Twiglet said...

Just chuckling at Wipso.....
a) that she says she irons!!!
b) that she would be seen dead in the bright red outfit!!!
I am sure I could have re-cycled it into something funky!

Maggie's Crafts said...

Love the strawberries. :) Thank you for sharing.



Daniele said...

a fetching little number ...the red suit that is, I couldn't work with all those strawberries on view I'd be hungey all of the time
thanks for the peek

Ciara said...

I can't believe a charity shop has a cruisewear section!! Gosh, what an outfit, I wonder if anyone will buy it.

Just checked out your pics from Japan Day, it looked great - although sounds like it needs a bigger venue for next time


Pat said...

I love your neat desk. I need to join this clean desk group! maybe it would inspire me! lol I would have to fight with the cat to get to my desk, and she is very viscious! lol

I would buy that red outfit. Red is my favorite color. No, I would not wear it, but I would pop those buttons off and use them on art!

hugs, Pat

akilli melek said...

love the lazy susan, what a good idea. The strawberries are cool too. liked the post about Japan day aswell. thanks for sharing. caroline #36

Zue said...

It is a long way up to Crosby from here and I don't come up often, these days. I used to live nearby and I have a sister who lives in Crosby and other members of my family are not far from there.
I used to love walking on either Crosby or Formby beaches. Have you seen the neolithic footprints in the sand at Formby amazing to think they are 7000 years old.

Have a great week
Sue xx 72

donnalouiserodgers said...

okay you are my last desk today ( this morning?) i am going ot be using hot tools later (today?) so must get some sleep - but I just have to check out my regulars in case I don't get chance to woywwer till next weds - but I am very late here cos i got sidetracked by the routine of thinking I can see them all,,,, I just love the strawbs - hee hee - I think you should out doo Carmens whoopydooings desk draped exploits and stamp black strawbs on your new suit and lay upon the desk (camoflage)for next weds...

Dx 104

Sunshine Girl said...

Sounds like you have had a fun week - lovely to see the tips on cleaning and the water but I really love the idea of the lazy susan - I have one of those in my cupboard which only comes out when we have a chinese takeaway (about twice a year!) so I will now put it to good use and use it on my craft table too - thanks for the inspiration (no. 46)

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Jo! Now I got the blog candy packet! It is great. When I looked the photo you had of the goodies, I thought that what I want is the Life´s Journey paper pad - and I got it! :D Also the stamp is my ´style´ - and so is everything in the packet. I´m so glad of it! Thank you SO MUCH!
There´s a posting in my Strange Enchantment blog.

lisa said...

When I clicked on your desk I thought you'd packed up and gone home Jo. No stuff!!!!!! and lots of strawberries. The lazy susan is great. I have one from Ikea for my cakes. Never thought of it for putting my stash on. Now there's a thought.
Your Japan day creations are amazing, I've just been having a catch up and I love how you try household products for craftiness. BTW that restaurant in Chester looks gorgeous. Hope the new car is going well!!
Hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

Yup tis me hiding behind that red suit. Finally got in to leave a comment as I got thrown out again last night.Blaming Leo's compie here. Looking forward to our next outing:-)))))
Carol (65)

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while I get a glimpse of strawberries on your desk and wonder what it is, then I remember your cloth! Interesting stamp cleaning experiment too, wonder if the tea tree oil will condition the stamp? Love the outfit, if the fact that it's in a charity shop isn't bad enough, someone must have bought it in the first place in order for it to be later donated there!! Looks like a Dynasty cast off, which leads me very nicely to your other post and the fantastic photos from Japan Day!!

Brenda 87

Kate said...

Lol at the cruise wear section. My mum volunteers in a charity shop I shall have to suggest it.

** Kate **

Jules said...

I love your desk! Those strawberries are fab :D Jules #63

Sue from Oregon said...

thanks for sharing a pic of your great bargain! Always exciting to find something that keeps your craftiness organized!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

All those strawberries have made me feel hungry. What a wonderful area to work. I'm a newbie to the WOYWW so please be gentle with me!! Best wishes, Kym (No 42)

Chrissie said...

You've given me an idea here Jo... I have a lazy susan somewhere or other, I wonder if it would fit on my desk!!!

Hope and Chances said...

Super strawberries, makes the desk so bright and cheerful - thanks for sharing :-) Christine #14

Janetlynne said...

What a great workdesk..... Love your glad you had an exciting week...I am sure you enjoyed it. Janetlynne (84)

hollybeary creations said...

Great strawberries... (Hand waving in the air) Me, Me I still iron actually I iron every week my husband is in the Navy and his uniforms have to be ironed every couple days.. I don't like it though!! lol

Yep that is a tattoo you saw on my foot in my floor shot, It's a Geisha stamp actually from Stamping Bella I had changed into a tattoo.

Sounds like you had fun exploring the consignments shops..

Holly #83

Rachael said...

Happy WOYWW.Thanks for the comment and sorry Im late the trefoil cupcakes took over. Centenary celebrations were fab and we all got snazzy new promise badges! Such a shame you had to leave Guiding but sometimes things happen.
Have a nice day :)
Rachael (106) xx
1st Silksworth North Street Methodist Guides and Senior Section, Sunderland (mouthful lol!)