Friday, 31 December 2010

Folding Up 2010 & 12 Days of Turkey

 Folding Up the Year!
Sunday 2nd Jan message Will announce the winner of the blog candy later today when I get home..... watch this space!
I thought I'd end the year with the card I recently made for my SonIL's 40th birthday. It's a different take on the larger four fold cards I have posted a short while ago but this one doesn't have the corners cut out, they are just slit, folded back and to close they just interlock..... as you can see in this closed view below. 
Inside views
It is made from an 8x8inch square of  card. All sides folded to the centre, slits cut as shown, then flaps folded inwards. Quite simple but it looks impressively complicated!

I came across this parody of the 12 days of Christmas song in my computer files. It makes me chuckle so what better way to end a year of problems than with a smile. I'm looking forward to changes next year and being positive that we won't have so many negatives in our lives in 2011. 
Happy 2011 to everyone! (and I hope you've finished your turkey!)

On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love said to me
"I'm glad we've bought a turkey and a proper Christmas tree"

On the 2nd day of Christmas, much laughter could be heard
as we tucked into our turkey, a most delicious bird.

On the 3rd day of Christmas, we'd friends in from next door
And the turkey tasted just as good as on the day before.

On the 4th day of Christmas, me Nan came round (she's old)
So we finished up the Christmas pud and had the turkey cold.

On the 5th day of Christmas, outside the snowflakes flurried 
But we were nice and warm inside 'cos we'd had turkey curried.

On the 6th day of Christmas, the turkey spirit died,
The children fought and bickered and we had the turkey fried.

On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave a wince
As we sat down to our dinner and were given turkey mince.

On the 8th day of Christmas, the dog ran off for shelter
So I served up turkey pancakes and a glass of Alka Seltzer.

On the 9th day of Christmas, poor Dad began to cry.
He said "I couldn't stand the strain of eating turkey pie"

On the 10th day of Christmas, the air was getting blue
As everybody grumbled at eating turkey stew.

On the 11th day of Christmas, the Christmas tree was moulting,
The mince pies were as hard as rock and the turkey quite revolting.

But on the 12th day of Christmas at last Dad smacked his lips...
The guests had gone, the turkey too.... so we all had fish and chips!
Don't forget... still time for followers to enter for my Surprise Blog Candy. Just leave a comment and you'll have a chance! 
Check out all the generous offers from other bloggers  on my side bar too!


Diane said...

That's a very impressive card you made for your son in law, Jo! I wish you and all those you love a wonderful 2011 with no worrying times!
Diane x

Debs said...

Happy new year to you Jo, love the slotted card and the 12 days of Christmas song is hilarious.

sam21ski said...

Happy New Year Jo, hope 2011 will be more positive for you all than this year.

Great card and the 12 days of turkey did make me chuckle!!!

olive said...

have a great New Year Jo..... and that all you wish for comes true. Hugs Olive xxxx

Gez Butterworth said...

WOW! What a stunning card & a lovely keepsake too. Brilliant. :)
Oh how funny is the 12 days of turkey.. hehe!

Sending you very Best wishes for the New Year. Happy crafting. Gez.xx

Julia Dunnit said...

You're right about the card - it looks impressive enough and hugely complicated. I love it. I too look forward to 2011 anticipating some positives, so will join your name with mine on that list!

Dotpat said...

Love the song Jo, made me laugh. Your card is fab too as usual.
Happy New year Pet

cockney blonde said...

Love the card Jo and the rhyme made me chuckle. I hope 2011 is kinder to you. Love to you and Dave for a Happy New Year, x

Traceyr said...

The 12 days poem is so funny but we haven't had our turkey yet going to eat ours tonight only a small one so should be finished in one sitting. hahaha!

Love that card and yes it does look complicated. Thanks for your well wishes for 2011.

Happy New Year and lots of happy crafting in 2011.

Traceyr said...

That poem is so funny. We are eating our turkey tonight only a small one so hopefully will all be eaten in one session - hahaha.

That card does indeed look very complicated and very stunning.

Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by my blog.


Glennis F said...

I love your poem I can just imagine that happening!!

Serendipity Stamping said...

Funny poem. After looking at this card one more time I am thinking I may have to try my hand at one. Happy New Year and good health to you all.

nnalorac said...

Love the fab card and great little poem. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a Happy creative 2011. Carolxx

Carola Bartz said...

What a great card - way cool. I am always amazed by your incredible creativity.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Serendipity Stamping said...

Waiting for the winner of the blog candy. I still love the hangers you showed us. Have a happy.

Pat said...

That is so funny, Jo. The card is very clever and I know your son loved it.
Hugs, Pat Smith

Pat said...

Oh Jo I left the comment about the poem on the wrong list! It was so very funny.

I am so happy the little one is home and recovering.
Good Health and much happiness to you and your family in this New Year!
Hugs, Pat

Poppit said...

Your card is seriously cool!