Tuesday, 7 December 2010

WOYWW and Angelina

This could well be one of the handful of Christmas cards I send ... I've given up thinking about them as I was getting toooooo pressured so I decided once again to give it a miss. Am I a Bah Humbug? Am I a Grinch?....Yes! but I don't care. I find that most people really don't notice they haven't had a card from me as everyone gets so many. Those who do notice are usually friends who then ring up and ask if I'm OK!! I sent this one out to my lovely friend Neet along with a parcel I had for her, due to her missing Saturday's Vicky Stampers party, so popped this card inside. Hope you are feeling better now Neet, we missed you!
It's Angelina stamped with my poinsettia image and painted with alchohol inks.
Yes it really is another WOYWW and only Christmas and Birthdays come round as quick as WOYWWs. Am I crazy?... Yes! Am I mad?... Yes! But so are over a hundred other crazy crafters who bare their souls desks each week so the world can spy on our messy (or occasionally tidy) crafting spaces. Pop on over to see the results and instigator of all this....  Julia at Stamping Ground to spy on the rest.
Here on my desk I am busy trying to finish a card for a special friend's birthday so it gets to her on time. Not showing too much of it incase she peeks before it arrives. My coffee is in one of the Lueneburg Christmas mugs I brought back from the Christmas Market, shame it isn't gluhwein in there! Must get to Lidl to buy some.
I may not get round too many of you this week as I'll be away again with no internet connection... off down to the South Coast to see DD1 and grandees but I'll be staying in Rye not Brighton. It's wonderful that I will have seen them all within the space of a week but it's a shame it was in two different countries and not all together! 


donnalouiserodgers said...

it's not that bad Jo - I can see strawberries, and you are still at the upper end of the descent into madness, the wise decision to forgo the pressures of Christmas, and enjoy it instead, is testament to your sanity...


Helen said...

I am baring nothing on my desk, it is too cold, lol. my crafty mess, well ok! Love your desk and the card you made with the angelina, I must dig mine out...! Have a great week. Helen #12

Leonie said...

Wow- love the colour on your desk!
happy woyww!
thanks so much for taking the time to visit my desk, and leaving such lovely comments!
have a fairy happy day

Debs said...

Cool stamps on your desk. Ohh I love Rye, got a fab deli and curry house there and Camber Sands is just divine xxx

Cardarian said...

Again thank you for your lovely angelina and I must say your work is really amazing...Christmas time does make us a bit crazy but I guess that isn't really the point of it - better to just relax and enjoy! If I can't read your address properly can you please send it to my email so I can send you a card!
Lots of hugs,

Neet said...

Ooh! Aren't I the lucky one then! Look forward to getting my goodies (eagerly awaiting)and now a Chrissy Card as well.
Lots of loveliness on your desk as always and get yourself off to Lidl quickly before they sell out.

Joey said...


WOW you are busy busy, this is a gorgeous card too, love the backing of it, I dont think your a grinch, it cost me £25 to send cards out here and I still have to go and post those abroad it all mounts up I have 20 left to make for family and I am ***sighing*** lol it should be fun! its not :O( lol

Joey #29 xxx

Theresa Plas said...

Beautiful card Ms Grinch;)

Spyder said...

I'm sending bought cards this year, so upset to see my card in the bin, I mean!!! I could've recycled it!! Only special people get made one this time round! I thought for a mo your table was covered in strawberry jam! but then remembered your table cover! Have a Happy WOYWW!

Serendipity Stamping said...

Have a wonderful visit!! Beautiful and happy looking poinsettia! #92

Dragon said...

I agree with you that we will be subjected whatever we do!!! I DO make cards as I like doing it, but its only about 36... interesting we both used angelina fibres this week... taa so much for your comments and have a great visit!!

Kath Stewart said...

beautiful card jo thanks for the crafty snoop...what a busy desk...hugs kath xxx

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

It's not mad at all to not take part of the Christmas pressures, at least I hope so as I'll buy cookies this year and instead of baking spend some time in my craft room.

The Angelina card is fantastic!

Maarit #37

Carola Bartz said...

Oh I love all the crafty and artsy things on your table. It makes my fingers itch over here! Enjoy the South Coast, I love both Brighton and Rye! - and so jealous that you can get Glühwein at Lidl!

Pam said...

Love the card. Hugs Pam x

Dotpat said...

Love your card Jo and like you I cannot get into making cards this year don't know why but I am struggling

minnie_mac said...

Beautiful card and lots of lovely stamps on your desk.

Enjoy Rye. It's such a beautiful little town.


Susan said...

Lovely card. Thanks for visiting. I am close to giving up on the Chrissy cards too but stay tuned I have another idea brewing! Hope this one works!
Susan xxox #13

Pam said...

Such a vibrant card - much too beautiful for a grinch to have made it. I think you only pretend to be a grinch!

Marjo said...

Love your busy colorful desk! Looks like a happy space.

Hugs, Marjo #45

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I see you are back home. And I had to laugh at the fact that some people get a lot of cards. I doubt I'll get more than four this year IF I don't get mine out pretty soon.

I love the tag with the Angelina fibers and the AIs. I will have to sit down and go over that technique one of these days. Have a great WOYWW on Thursday (grin).

sandra de said...

The tag is beautiful... we all aim for one gorgeous card and you did it. Sit back and enjoy.'

Annie said...

That card is really stunning Jo. I'm sure you are right with the cards. I send out lots but I bet noone would notice if I didn't :-)
A x

Anonymous said...

Lovely stuff as always Jo, great Poinsettia card too. Loved all your posts from Germany, what a beautiful town your daughter lives in. Enjoy your visit to Sussex, very nice part of the country.

Brenda 83

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous poinsettia - perfect Christmas card for me.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, Love what you've done with the Angelina :-) Of course I know that bit about the cards doesn't include me and I look forward with grea anticipation to receiving mine ROFL.
Hope you and OH are well.
Hugs Anne xxxx
PS love those Christmas hats, what a fantastic idea!

sam21ski said...

Gorgeous card Jo, I think everyone is struggling with their christmas cards this year!!!

Gez Butterworth said...

FAB card & lovely to have a peek at your desk. :) Love the strawberries, yum!

oneoff said...

Hope you had/are having a great time in Rye - what a lovely place to stay. That's a lovely soft and vibrant card (and it can't be easy to achieve both of those simultaneously).

Bernie #81

lisa said...

Christmas cards are stressful when you feel you have to send handmade ones aren't they. I'm still beavering away and they really need to be in the post. Your Angelina one is gorgeous though. I'm sure Neet will love it.
Lots happening on your desk as always and I hope you have a lovely break with your family.
Hugs Lisax

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm late enough to have seen the finished card - it's great, love how you put images together. Love that embossed pearly panel on the right too, gorgeous.