Thursday, 2 December 2010

Rodney Reindeer Advent Tag 17

Had a wonderful time here in Germany but now I'm worried that the snow at both ends will stop me getting home. Whilst I don't want to leave my daughter and grandee, they will be with us in England for Christmas and now my DH is at home alone so I want to get back to him.
It has turned even colder here over the last couple of days and we've had more snow. This being Germany everything keeps running as usual and all the pavements are cleared. My daughter has been out twice today shovelling the white stuff and as fast as it's clear, more covers the pavement.
Here's my next Advent tag (made in England, of course) and I'd like to introduce you to Rodney the wonkey legged reindeer. He's a stand in for Rudolph, hence the red nose but his leg fell off and he was relegated to the subs bench.
Today we ventured forth to shop in the snow, which became thicker as time went on. It was beautiful in this quaint town and despite the cold I felt like a kid again. I was warm and toasty all bar my nose and cheeks. This is the scene from the window, looking into the garden, when the snow began....
We went into my favourite restaurant bar for lunch as it wouldn't be a trip to Lueneburg without a visit to the Malzer Bar and Brauhaus.
The food is great and they brew the beer in these copper vats....wouldn't like to polish them!
This is one the of their counters, an old apothecary cabinet, which I'd love to have in my workroom...
DD2 pushing grandee in the pram through the snow to the restaurant.
The Brauhaus next door
This shop looked especially pretty in the snow

I was amazed that the displays of goods were left outside even though the snow was falling.
Thanks for all your lovely comments and I'm pleased you aren't yet bored with my Lueneburg Saga!


sam21ski said...

Oh wow Jo, more stunning photo's, they are wonderful and that little shop looks so quaint.

LOL at the reindeer loosing it's leg!!! Great tag though xxxx

Hope you manage to get home ok, didn't realise that DH wasn't over there with you xxxx

minnie_mac said...

Loving your advent tags and the photos of your time in Germany.


Carola Bartz said...

Lovely lovely photos that bring back memories of Lüneburg.

Pam said...

Oh, how could this be boring ever? I started at WOYWW and glad I didn't get to commenting until today or I may have missed this wonderful post. So fun to live vicariously sometimes! Hoping the weather stays clear enough for you to get home. Thanks for the peek.
(We got lucky in Julia's #1 spot this week ;-)

Neet said...

Really enjoying all of these Jo - as I said before I will never tire of seeing the photos. As far as I know Manchester airport is open - Andy due to fly out this afternoon (Friday) for his trip to Munich. You could always kip at ours.

Dotpat said...

I love seeing all your photo's Jo, will never get bored with them. Your tag is great too