Tuesday, 1 February 2011


We've had so many freebies and make and takes and workshops at CHA I need someone to help squeeze all this lot into my hand luggage. I'm panicking I can tell you as I don't want to leave any of this amazing stash behind and I'm wondering how much excess baggage charges I may have to pay! As you can see I've developed a yummy mess here so it's like home from home folks!
It's the hotel room floor from me this week and not a messy desk but if you'd like to snoop on some of them then visit our illustrious leader Julia on her blog Stamping Ground.
So sorry folks that I'm not responding to comments but we are paying high for internet time here in this very expensive but meany hotel! I 'll catch up when I'm on free time if ever we get on a plane home!!
If we are stranded here due to the bad weather spreading across USA we've enough craft materials to keep us crafting happily for weeks! Stamps, ink pads, embellishments etc., etc.
Well, we've had a really fabulous time at CHA and now it's over we realise just how exhausted we are! We have compiled so many new ideas and made new friends and met old ones too. We managed to cram more make and takes today including this canvas with the talented Donna Downey at the Prima Booth. 
I never like to make something that isn't my own design but it was excellent therapy to relax with a no brainer as I just had to follow her good instructions and have fun. The 2 squares of painted canvas was torn into strips and woven into this design before stamping then adding all the flowers, tags etc.

The Prima booth was so beautifully staged and I adore these vintage embellishments.
Gorgeous albums too......
 I saw so many huge people around the show but these were definitely the smallest. We really enjoyed making them and they are only just over 1 inch tall!
We walked along to Macy's Plaza this afternoon then ate a fabulous early dinner in Cucina Rustica Italian Restaurant on the corner of Wilshire and Figueroa. I took pics of the amazing skyscrapers in daylight then on the way back to the hotel after dark. I love the reflections of buildings in the windows of their neighbouring ones.
We'll be doing some of the touristy bits round LA tomorrow and sapping up a bit of sunshine before the long haul home and hope that we don't have to spend toooooo long waiting in airports for flights. Keep your fingers crossed for us!


Sarpreet said...

great pictures, great workspace, Happy WOYWW - thank you for sharing.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I thought you were home. When you get home, please, please stop by my blog. I SO want you to know how grateful I am. Don't you just LOVE the Bonaventure? It's the one with the 5 round towers. I love that place. And I love it even more at night. (I'm #8)

Annie said...

Def looks like you will be bringing an extra case or two home with you....or maybe it would be cheaper to fill a crate and have it shipped home :-)
A x

Helen said...

Love the pics of CHA - and LA - enjoy the rest of your stay. I haven't seen any other pics of the Prima stand, so thanks for that - I love their stuff!!

Cardarian said...

Great pictures, lovely goodies! Have a safe trip home will be waiting for your reports!
I can't believe they charge so much for internet! They invented it - it should be the cheapest in the world!!!

karen said...

Of course you must bring all the stash you have collected back home! Even with the excess baggage charge it will be worth it I'm sure! Or maybe you could box it all up and mail it home?
Thank you for the tour of CHA! It is so kind for you to share with us that didn't get to go. I am in love with those albums you pictured!! Yum!!
xoxo Karen

minnie_mac said...

Sounds like you've had a wonderful trip and a real craftfest !

Hope your return trip goes smoothly.


Artyjen said...

Safe journey...thanks for sharing the pics of CHA :)
xoxo Sioux

Glenda said...

Looks like you made out like a bandit! Good luck getting home!

Theresa Plas said...

awesomeness!!!! So Jealous! Have a safe flight home Jo and Happy WOYWW!
P.S. Gotta Love those Purple Suede Shoes:)

Unknown said...

sounds like your having lots of fun, not jealous at all !!! AM BIG TIME

thanks for the snoop
judie 58

sam21ski said...

Great to hear from you again. Fantastic sky scraper photos, have to say the ones in the dark really look stunning.

Can't believe how much stuff you've collected in the few days you've been there, but still I am so jealous!!!!

Can't wait to hear what you got up to and see some of your makes and takes.

Safe journey home

Sam xxxxx

Sue Althouse said...

Wow, I'm totally impressed that you made the trip all the way to California to CHA! But it sounds worth it! Hope our weather doesn't ruin your travel plans home. Sue #83

Unknown said...

i hope you dont get stuck there missing you to much and i want to hear al about your travels too as for all your goodies maybe you could pins some to the inside of your coat lol. the pics are fab love the tall buildings specially at night safe journey home hugs jayne xxxx

Andria said...

Sounds like my kinda holiday, would love to go to America craft shopping, they always seem so far ahead of us!
Andria - 42

Julia Dunnit said...

Looks like a marvellous trip Jo - you are the ideal person to go if you ask me - sucl up all the info, atmosphere and product and then turn it to your style. Perfect. Good luck with the stash haul home!

Sue said...

Hi ya
sounds like you have had a brill time, lots of goodies, hope you get it all in ya case!have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(36)

Pam said...

WoW! You look like you had a blast! How smart to do the make and takes. I did a commando 24 hour seminar/keynotes and wikiwiki walk through - not nearly as much fun. Good luck with the luggage! Tschuss. #44

Carola Bartz said...

Jo, your photos are fabulous - those skyscrapers are quite amazing huh? I hope you have a safe flight home - I hate waiting in airports, too.

Angie said...

Oh ....WOW ... I WANT those vintage prima embelishments soooooo much ...hope you get everything back home with you.

Anonymous said...

Hope you manage to make your connections Jo, so many airports will be back logged with travelers now unfortunately. Good thing they held CHA in LA this year and not Chicago, although I'm sure there's worse places to be snowed in!!

Brenda 91

Mrs A. said...

Sounds like you have been having oodles of fun. Just fly home in the clothes you are standing up in, ditch the rest (cos you can always buy some more) and fill up suitcases with lovely stash. Simples!!!!
Hugs Mrs A. #82

Neet said...

Gorgeous photos Jo. Hope you get to NY ok and then to home - you must be missing Dave like crazy now.

okienurse said...

WOW look at the awesome stuff. Love the little yellow bicycle bags. I have a couple I use for everything!! Thanks for sharing all the pics and info. It looks like a fun trip.

katemade designs said...

Oh I wish I could have gone to CHA. So many fun new things headed for the shops.

Nicky said...

wow that a lot to bring home - hope the weather stays at bay so you can get home ~ thanks for sharing Nicky 12

Starla said...

This year was my first at CHA....I'm afraid I might have missed as much as I saw! Thanks for the pics....Star 125

Kezzy said...

Wow I have also looking at newer posts your photos are fab, what an experience it must have been over there. I could sit for hours looking at all the wonderful displays I bet your full of inspiration.