Friday, 16 January 2015

Dresden Plates Patchwork and Friday Smile

I've had such a productive week .....
Two Dresden plates as my contribution to my Quilt Group's "Block of the Month"
I also made 2 large design walls and a few small block layout boards (these dresden plates are displayed on them). I bought a bargain length of white felt from Abakan (fabric pieces cling to it) and scrounged a couple of large display boards from a local store. I am so pleased with them and they are so helpful. I made them to fold so I can pop them, out of sight, into the wardrobe in my sewing room.
I made this bed runner (below) for my SIL to keep her feet warm. She is diabetic and has circulatory problems and wanted something to go just across the bottom her bed.
I made it really quickly and easily from the leftovers of the full size strip quilt I made a few weeks ago and it is 65 cms wide by 2 metres long.
It matches the dish on my coffee table so well.

At the request of the members of my quilt group, I also prepped a pattern for them of the owl bag I recently made. (It's in my 26th Dec post)
Things seem to be going much better and I feel that I have come out of the gloom of January and found my mojo once again. I'm smiling and, 
as a result, I'm joining in again with Annie's Friday Share a Smile....
Pop over for a visit and you'll find lots more to smile about.
My main smile for today was to receive this super calendar from two of my far away grandies, the Brighton Belles.
Lovely to see their smiling faces each day in my kitchen, and I always enjoy turning the pages each month to remember what they got up to in 2014.
Have a good weekend, ......the evenings are staying lighter longer so Winter will soon be gone. Yes, really, it will!


Annie said...

My mojo has gone on holiday Jo so it's lovely to hear you're feeling more creative....hope it will rub off on me :-)
Annie x

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jo, Well I've just been browsing your blog for 10 minutes, I love your work and have become a follower. I really want to do lots more sewing and patchwork this year and your quick and easy quilts are a great start for my scraps. Love the DK calendar and your Dresden plates are so lovely, enjoy your weekend Robyn

Hettie said...

Aww Dresden Plate. I have not done any of that for ages, not since I made my Christmas kitchen and porch curtains about 18 years ago!! Seriously, I have kitchen and porch curtains cafe style that only go up for Christmas!!!
Lovely colours in this one.
I have enrolled on an online machine quilting course. Loving it. I only ever do in the ditch or straightline quilting. This will be the year I master quilting!! Wish me luck!

tilly said...

love the fabrics in both of your plates, well done on the scrounging front lol....pleased you are feeling better, I have not done much, still got the remains of the virus from before Christmas. Lighter nights do help though!

Cardarian said...

Such lovely things you have made and didn't show me the other evening! Naughty girl! :-) Love everything you made and yes I do hope winter will soon be over...see you soon!
Love and hugs

Twiglet said...

Glad you are feeling more like a bit of crafty activity Jo. You have such a great eye for colour - I love all your quilty items. Fab calendar too - certainly makes you smile I am sure. x Jo

lisa said...

Hi Jo
Lovely to catch up with you again after so long, on my part not yours!!!! and it's great to see what you've been up to. Your patchwork is really beautiful. That bed runner is sure to keep your Sil cosy and also cheer her with all the lovely colours.
Can't wait for spring too, I don't like these dreary months but it seems like the warmth is a long way away today with this cold!!
Take care
Hugs Lisax

Lee said...

Love your dresden plates,I love the blues.So glad you have got your mojo back Jo,you are such a talented lady,I love to see what you have created.I am thinking of going back to the quilting group this year.Love your calendar of your gorgeous lil grandees.Happy

mamapez5 said...

I love the Dresden plates. They are so pretty. I feel for your SIL. I have never had cold feet in my life, and still wear open sandals all year round, but this year, for the first time, I have needed bed-socks! I am diabetic too. Kate xx

Lynne said...

Do you know, a Dresden Plate quilt is something that has been on my to-do list for decades!! I love the block. And I must say the blue fabrics you've chosen are right up my street. Please keep posting your progress on this Jo! Lxxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, love all your patchwork items, especially the bed runner - fabulous colours. Glad to see you've come through the January gloom and I can quite see why that calendar helped to make you smile. Elizabeth xx

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Fabulous mojo! If you were in any kind of creative funk, you've certainly climbed out of it (from my perspective, anyway)!

Love the blue Dresden plates, and the bed runner is so cheerful and such a kind and lovely gift!

Merry creating!

Carola Bartz said...

The Dresden Plates are really beautiful. This has always been a shape I truly like in quilting. Very nice color selection.

Neet said...

Love those Dresden pieces - so subtle in colour/pattern change.
By sharp contrast love the throw you have made - really bright and very you.
See you soon - setting off later today.
Hugs, Neet xx