Sunday, 25 January 2015

Patchwork Bag of Appliquéd Chickens & my bargains.

This week I made myself a huge tote especially for carrying all my stash to and from my quilting classes. It has a zip pocket inside for all my small equipment and this special appliquéd chicken pocket on the outside. The bag has ties on the sides.
With credit to Chris's comment, and as it's over 20 inches square, I am going to call it my "Chuck" Everything In Bag!!!
Detail of the pocket I designed for a bit of fun, which has the  three chucks sitting on a wall, legs dangling. 
Here the ties, (made of ribbon printed with tape measures) are open to make it wider and they can just be slipped inside the bag. 
I took a trip to Sandbach in Cheshire today to a one day fabric sale and quilt exhibition. We had planned to go in a group but never got around to organising it and I really only expected it to be a small event. 
When the sun was shining this morning I asked if DH would take me there if I treated him to a pub lunch after the show and so we took a lovely drive off motorways, through the country lanes of Cheshire and the show was fantastic. Lots of retailers from all over the country and lots of bargains to be had. Demonstrations to from various quilt groups but not too many quilts on exhibition. There were refreshments, a sale of smaller hand made items in aid of a charity and a raffle.
I bought six fat quarters with little green apples design all for £6, yellow and green backing fabrics for two quilts for £4 metre. The diamond and black fabric for £4 metre.
This "Parade" print was a super bargain 3 metre remnant for only £4 for the whole piece and it will make Summer skirts for all 3 of my girly grandies as the design runs along each edge.
There was a stall that was closing down their business and selling the entire stock just to clear it. Everything was so cheap, but I controlled myself to items that I would be sure to use and could share with my friends. Below you can see rolls of 1 inch black and white elastic, a reel of narrow peach elastic and a reel each of black and white tape. All, amazingly, only £1 a REEL! Wow!
We left the Sandbach High school and drove to a favourite haunt in Tarporley, The Rising Sun Pub, a traditional pub with oaks beams and lots of copper and brass about, where we relished a super Sunday roast with all the trimmings. 

I can highly recommend this pub for food, friendliness and service. It changed hands not so long ago and we feared it might not live up to previous visits. It was excellent!


primrosesattic said...

You are clever, what a fab bag. love the dangling legs. Sounds like a great day out also.

Annie said...

Your bag is stunning Jo. I love those chickens :-)
What amazing bargains you've managed to find too. :-)
Annie x

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fabulous day you've had! Some real bargains there too - love the apples and the parade fabrics. Must say though, your "chuck" it all in bag is the star of this post! Love the dangly legs and the fact that you look as though everything will fit in! Hugs, Chrisx

sam21ski said...

Fabulous bag Jo, hope you're keeping okay xx

tilly said...

what a great bag, it's going to be very useful as well as being fun.... the girls will look super in their new skirts, some great bargins there!
Christine x

Helen said...

Oh, wow!! love the bag and the chucks with their legs dangling, how cute, what fun!! The pub sounds and looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

I had to come and leave a comment, as I love your bag. The trip out into Cheshire sounds brilliant - something I miss with living so remote down here in Pembrokeshire. My younger sister lives in Tarvin, not far from Tarporley and we have been to that pub. Ali x

Carol Q said...

nice bargains Jo. love your chicken bag - those dangly legs are SO fun!

Lee said...

Oh Jo,what a fun bag,love their legs and feet,adorable what a brilliant bag for your quilting bet you will get some fun comments about it.You look like from the pics,to have had a really lovely day out and the weather looks ok too.Love the fabric for the grandies bet they will look so cute.Huggles xx

Twiglet said...

Fantastic bargains Jo - and a truly gorgeous chicken bag - love the legs! x Jo

mamapez5 said...

Jo I love your chickens and the little green apples print. The tapes and elastic were a good find. They are the little bits that suddenly double the price of your project. The border print will make lovely summer skirts for the little ones too. It all sounds like a grand day out. Kate x