Sunday, 4 January 2015

Easy Patchwork Decorations

Another belated Patchwork Christmas Decoration but I promise this will be my last until next November/December. Please forgive me as I know that if I don't record this now that I will have forgotten about it when I want to make more for next Christmas.
This one is even easier than the last.
Cut two circles of contrasting fabric (mine were 16 cms diameter) 
Sew together leaving a gap to turn inside out.
Press, then top stitch near to edge.

Bring two sides together  and catch a stitch in the middle to secure.
Repeat with the other sides.
Turn over the four corners
Neaten up so it looks like this one below.

Add a trim or button to the centre and a hanging loop and that's all there is to it. 
Easy peasy, or what? Happy Next Christmas!


tilly said...

Oh wow Jo.... how easy and beautiful are these!! I can see a mass of them being made next year for Christmas stalls and such... thank you.
Tilly x

Lee said...

Oh my word,that is soooo easy even I could do it lol.Thank you so much for sharing this I must do it.Happy 2015.Hugs xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Happy New Year Jo! These are so elegant, will give a real touch of class next Christmas! Just been catching up on your fabulous makes!! Big hugs, Chrisxx

sam21ski said...

Looks fabulous Jo and you make it look soooo easy xxx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's fab, Jo! And so simple to definitely going to have a go at this :-). Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, LLJ xx

Annie said...

Another fab idea pinned on my Pinterest ready to make some for next year....Thanks Jo.
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Thanks for sharing these Jo - fab idea. x

Kyla said...

Ooh, this look fabulous. I may have to give this a go.

Hetty said...

Happy New Year,Jo! Will you come to the Dutch stampshow in April??

sandra de said...

They are gorgeous and your instructions are so simple. Might even give it a go:)

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo I'm really doing the rounds this evening....catching up!
that decoration is so pretty but looks really easy to make

voodoo vixen said...

You make it sound easy.... but I know what my circles come out like... but I will give it a go and see what happens!!

Carla said...

Very cute! Thanks for popping by my blog today

Carola Bartz said...

It looks so beautiful and it sounds easy, however, I know that if I would attempt this it would end up completely messy. I'm just not good at sewing and have hated it since school. I stick to my knitting needles. I love the colors that you chose!