Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Angelina, Tags 9 & 10, & WOYWW 77

REMINDER... last day today to enter a tag for TIO... details on the side bar. A prize of a plate of stamps! 
I'm still beavering away trying to get my 24 advent tags made before I leave for Germany at the weekend. I've had some great inky handed fun messing with Alcohol inks and also using Angelina Fibres which I've had for years and forgotten about. How many other things are lurking forgotten in those drawers and cupboards?
Angelina is easy to use but I don't know if it will wreck clear UMs, so be warned!. I've only used rubber UMs as I know they are vulcanised and will withstand the heat of an iron.
(Just had a message from Angela who by bitter experience tells me that it won't work with CLEAR UMs ....so don't try it! Also she reminded me that Angelina works well with fabrics as it can be machined. Thanks Angela!)
First, I layered the fibres across the UM which was inked with Stazon and then laid a piece of waste copy paper on top. Next an iron, on low setting, no steam, (yes irons DO have their uses!) was pressed over the top for about 5 seconds.
A GOOD TIP... if you mess up your impression into the Angelina, don't waste it. Turn it over, re ink the stamp, add just a few extra shreds of fibres and iron it again on the reverse side.
 The edges look good left feathery but the poinsettia's were trimmed and red and yellow beads added to the centre. The Angelina gives a terrific sheen but as I had no pink or red, I used white  then coloured it really successfully with Alcohol Inks. It meant I could shade the poinsettia red, pink and green which gives an even better effect.
You can also see the effect below on some snowflakes and I've left the top RH one for you to see without Alcohol ink. A dosh or two of blending fluid helps the inks spread through the fibres and it means that by buying just the white sparkly Angelina you can create any colour or blends from it. The snowflakes, poinsettia, and the holly are all on the Winter plate I designed for Stampattack.
I tried it on this Winter Scene stamp from Crafty Individuals
Here below, several colours are applied to a Stampendous Gemstone image from their quad cube. I've given their link but I don't think the cube is still available.
The holly on the tag below is made from ready bought green Angelina Magic Fibres. 
Getting no tidier but also no messier... it's all action and I'm sure if I did nothing my desk would lay boringly empty, uninteresting, and very tidy. Believe it or not, (how double dare anyone say NOT!) I cleared desk space on Monday for an expected play day here with my friend, Olive. Alas she had to defer so I just had to mess it back up myself! She missed a load of fun, but we'll do it another time.
Well there a still strawberries to be seen and you can also see evidence of my Angelina/Alcohol Inky experiments!
My friend Neet recently showed me someone's fantastic display of ATCs so I thought I'd show you mine...maybe not as good as Neet highlighted but I do also have files of ATCs. They all start off on show behind this door before they go into the files.
Wondering why I'm rambling about my creative mess? Well, if you pop over to our Queen of the Desks ... Julia at her Stamping Ground blog, you'll be enraptured to find over a hundred other lunatics crafters and artists quite willingly showing theirs.


peggy gatto said...

Good lord, theses are to "dye" for!!!!
I want to try it!!!
so original!!!

sandra de said...

Gorgeous tags and what a beautiful productive desk

Chrissie said...

Wow, what a brilliant post... I've never heard of Angelina fibres, your projects look amazing, I'll have to investigate.
Enjoy Germany!
The box with the flap on my blog today is from the Really Useful Box company and Mr Google will probably give you lots of outlets where they can be bought. I think I got mine in Staples.
Chrissie #5

donnalouiserodgers said...

ditto - will be back for proper perusal - no voice on mine as I has drinking my coffee and grabbing my work stuff as well as trying to get the vid up before leaving home...my middle name is multi tasking,

i am going to zooom in to see your ATCs later mississ

Tuire Flemming said...

Never heard of Angelina fibres, either... but looks great!
Where in Germany are you going? I have been twice in Berlin, and I love that city!

But now I really am a bit lunatic when getting ready for Christmas Fair in december 2.-6. I´m selling my works there!

Happy WOYWW and happy Germany trip!

Neet said...

I have never liked AF's and only use them with my FP but now I think I might give them a try - have some lurking about in my FP drawer.

I must have missed your atc hanger last time I was over - you will have to direct me to it next time.

Susan said...

They look fabulous! Thanks for showing us something new.
Susan xxox #12

Zue said...

Wow, what interesting techniques. I have heard of these fibres, but have not tried them yet.
Funny, but when I make ATCs , I always want to keep them....your ATC storage is a good idea.
Sue xx 77

Theresa Plas said...

Really stunning Jo! Adding Angelina fibers to my Christmas list;)

Sue said...

Hi ya Jo
wow what fabulous creations on show this week, beautiful work,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(16)

Cardarian said...

That angelina looks lovely but I am not advanced enough to try something like that - it will take a while till I get to that level! Love your art though! Beautiful!

Helen said...

What an amazing way to use angelina fibres! Love how they've come out. Your desk looks pretty fab today, too!

Joey said...

Hiya Jo

Busy desk but so worth it!!! those tags are stunning

Joey 17 xx

G Peplow said...

Hello there, love your tags they are stunning and you have so many, well done. Have to admit I thought you had a very, very busy desk but when I looked closely I could see it's strawberries, yum what a brilliant covering for your desk, love it:0) xx #63

karen said...

Your use of the Angelina fibres is beautiful! You are so very impressive in your creativity!
Happy WOYWW!
xoxo karen #82

Twiglet said...

Wow! What a fab way to use Angelina! The tags are gorgeous - I can see Wipso and I playing with the idea next time we have a crafty session. Thanks for sharing - and we love to see an untidy desk if thats what you get up to!!

Carola Bartz said...

I love your tag at the top of the post, it looks stunning! And of course I love your creative busy desk - you always inspire me! Lovely. Have a happy WOYWW! - Carola, 107

olive said...

brill Jo, loving the tags.... never thought of using the fibers, you are such a busy bee. just see the strawberries..... xxx

Carol Q said...

ooh, they're just gorgeous Jo!

oneoff said...

My eyes are absolutely zinging with all those lovely colours. What a great idea for the ATCs; I must steal it immediately! Loving the poinsettias and the snowflakes, and the prospect of real snow here overnight - I really am just an overgrown kid.

Thanks for all the info here. There are loads of ideas to take away and try - much appreciated.

Bernie #11


You have been a busy bee. I love the gingerbread man ATC on the previous post :)

Claire said...

Oh they are lovely
C (74)

Sherry said...

I love seeing your Angelia fibre experiments and creations, aren't they all simply beautiful, even the winter scene image works so well.

Your tags are fab! Good luck with getting them all finished before your trip to Germany x

Sherry (105)

Bluefairy4U said...

Hi Jo, lovely tags wish I could be so patient. The poinsettia is stunning, also your snowflakes Your ATC's are fabulous. Have a safe trip to Germany. Big Hugs. Jo. xx*24*

Spyder said...

No, I've never heard of Angelina fibres either, but don't they look fabulous,great snoop, and have fun away

Have a Happy WOYWW
((Lyn)) #54

Ali said...

Ooh what a lovely inky, busy, creative desk! And yes, I can well believe that you recently tidied and cleared.. the same thing keeps happening to me! :lol:

I also love your ATC display... what a great idea! May have to try something similar myself...

Thanks for sharing WOYWW.

Ali #87

minnie_mac said...

Love what you're doing with these fibres. Gorgeous colours and texture.


Daniele said...

never herad of Angelina fibres before but the results look gorgeous may have to google to see if there a video on how to..
thanks for the peek, your atc collection looks amazing
hugs fom Daniele

Dragon said...

Hi busy bee.... What lovely tags and productive desk... Thanks for your lovely comments and what about choosing the winner of your challenge??? Who will you pick

Carmen said...

Just wow at those impressions - I've never seen that before. I love the Christmas scene. I must now get some to have a play!

Loving your ATC display too. Will have to bookmark this one ;)

Carmen #101

Sheila said...

Your tags are fantastic! Inspiring me for sure.

Amanda said...

As always, your creations are gorgeous!!! Love what you are doing with the fibers! Yes, you are right, the clear unmounts will be ruined with heat! Ask me, I speak from experience :-) Isn't Angelina fibers just such a great product - we use it with the embroidery machine too - beautiful when put on the wings of a lacy butterfly or a flower. Have a great time in Germany!

Alisonw30 said...

Lovely projects going on there. Have a good week x

lisa said...

Hi Jo. I've just been having a lovely catch up with all that you've been up to. Your tags are stunning. I have loads of angelina fibres that haven't seen the light of day for ages. I might just have to get them out now.
The mermaid tag you're friend made is stunning, what a talented lady she is and thanks for sharing the photos of Southport. I love it there but haven't been for so long. We must make the trip.
Enjoy your trip to Germany.
Hugs Lisax

Carrie said...

Wow, what a fabulously full desk...love the creativity that is leaping out for me to peek at. Thanks for popping past and commenting on my desk this week xxx

Unknown said...

Afternoon, Lovely exciting desk and what lovely fibres to work with! Trying to catch up and have a nose at everyone's work areas.....thanks for sharing. Big hugs JO xxx (33)

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Well you have got a busy desk here with lots of nice things to use. Some gorgeous artwork. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)

Minxy said...

Totally loving your angelina creations, i have a bundle of that stuff too gathering dust somewhere in my room, maybe its time to hunt it out!

fluffy said...

And I thought Angelina was a new name for one of your Advent tag ladies!! Have a lovely trip to Germany ; )

Esther said...

Ooh..I love Angelina Fibres but have to admit they often get forgotten about...gonna have to dig mine out now and have a play! Thanks so much for reminding me of how beautiful they can look..Esther xx

Nicky said...

Love your tag and post never tried Angelian fibres they look like fun - thanks for sharing #127

akilli melek said...

wow these are gorgeous, i wouldnt mind a messy desk if it had this much lovely stuff on it.

have a lovely weekend
caroline #2

Unknown said...

Great use of your stamp designs. Love the colours.


Morti said...

I was going to say that only one word is needed, inspiring. But then I thought of "fabulous" and "gorgeous" and decided to give up and just say - love it all......

Shirley Pumpkin said...

Wow .. what a busy girl. I love the tag it is so pretty.. thanks for the nice comment on my blog!

Shirley Pumpkin #47

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

The Angelina fibre works are gorgeous! Never heard of it, don't really know if I would be brave enough to use my stamps with heat...

Maarit #96