Sunday, 28 November 2010

Candle & Bottle Advent Tags 11,12 & 13

Just a quick post before I fly out to Germany today to see my daughter and her family... and the Christmas Markets and enjoy the gluhwein! I'm taking my laptop so I'll be able to post pictures of all the loveliness there.
 Getting nearer to 25 ........and on the bottle again! Hic! Here are tags 11,12 & 13
and there just had to be mistletoe somewhere (it gives a bit of help and a girl can hope!)
This was made quite simply by stamping the image, painting it then clear embossing all over.
To mimic the running candle wax below I drizzled PVA glue then when dry, it was rubbed with Perfect Pearls.


Paul B said...

Very creative tags Jo, love the dripping wax effect. Enjoy the Xmas markets Px

olive said...

Jo so clever...... have a great trip...easy on the gluhwein! bring back lots of stuff for us to see. xxxxx

sam21ski said...

More fantastic ideas Jo, you'll have a great set when you get them all together.

Hope you got off ok today with all this snow around

Have a fab time with your family and the gluhwein


Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Jo! I´m making tags, too, for the craft fair. Yours are lovely!

And thanks for the idea in regard to the fabric flowers! Now I have no time, but for the summer the idea is great.

Have a great time in Germany with your family!

lisa said...

More wonderful tags, Jo. Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family. What a lovely time to go to Germany with all the Christmas Markets. Can't wait to see your photos.
Hugs Lisax

Dotpat said...

Fab tags Jo love the wax on the candle, hope you have a great time in Germany