Tuesday, 16 November 2010

WOYWW 76 & Advent Tags 2, 3 & 4

Another week has flown and my work desk is suffering after Sunday's Christmas Card workshop. I still haven't cleared everything away as I'm still using most of it to finish my cards and now my Advent Tag Thingy is on the go.
May I introduce you to Dot, my Advent Angel, tag 2, named after my lovely friend Dot who is always  so helpful. I wish the photo would show her sparkle.
WOYWW 76... well here's the awful evidence but I can redeem myself somewhat later.
I pushed it back and still couldn't get going on here so I decamped into the living room and worked on a small folding coffee table.(next pic) I worked here happily making three more additions to my Advent Thingy. (Thingy because I don't know yet  how all the items will be displayed). As I shared in an earlier post, they are tags from IKEA which I am altering.
Well I will now shock all those who know what a messer I am...the shock is that I cleared up!! Here's the proof and NO! I did NOT take this next photo earlier!! How very dare you if you thought that!
You can guess which is mine.... to the right....one of my favourite Polish mugs and one slice of toast with yummy homemade chicken liver pate, with sherry and herbs in it... guess who gets the TWO slices?
If you want to see more mayhem just like mine then there are over a hundred crafters sharing their wonderful spaces, ie., messes, (but a few tidy ones) over at our illustrious leader Julia's blog... Stamping Ground.

Here's Sidney Snowman, Tag 3. I used DecoArt Snow Paint over one of the IKEA tags.
Snowflakes, tag 4, made with leftover bits from my production line cards.
That's four I've made so only 20 to go!  All together now "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...... la, la la, la la etc.," It must be getting close if I've started thinking about it!


Hels Sheridan said...

Mmm, that pate looks lush... am drooling now and it isn't even breakfast time LOL And.. I am singing that song now, looks like it will be in my head all day :O))

Chrissie said...

I loved all your pics this week!
The pate sounds yummy and the last tag is stunning!
What inspiration!
Thanks Jo

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

great tags, and even better that you can decamp somewhere else!!lol Am loving the mess you have ceated... makes me feel like I am not alone!!!
Happy Woywwing!

akilli melek said...

love the tags, specially the snowflake one. caroline #13

Joanne said...

please chuck us a slice of that toast so I can have a nibble while I look at your gorgeous tags.

donnalouiserodgers said...

Jo they are gorgeous , truly original, love those polish mugs too and the pate looks Delicious, Dx

Unknown said...

Morning Jo, busy & productive, beautiful tags! Jo xxx (35)

jude said...

Wow love those tags!Have crafty wednesday
hugs judex ~41

Helen said...

Your Advent "thingy" is going to be gorgeous! Good luck finishing it.

Mandi said...

Super projects
Love your workspace

mandi x

Sue said...

Hi ya Jo
wow a very busy desk & table, lovely tags, oh i could just eat that right now!have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (29)

cheryl said...

oh great makes,hun love,them and coffee and toast too oh is the other one for me,hehe great desk too love that wee snowman he is so cute,
,hugs cheryl 62 xxx

Spyder said...

oho my little mug has fallen love with your little cup! omg! You had me going there, there's me thinking I have my mug and eating off camera my Nutella toast....and there's me thinking you are doing the same, but its chicken liver pate!! (I'm not making a face, honest!) Happy WOYWW!!
((Lyn)) #40

Neet said...

Great tags Jo - and what a busy workdesk you have. Thanks for sharing.

karen said...

I love your advent tag! I am going to do something similar this year, an idea I am "borrowing" from another crafter.
That pate looks yummy!

Angela Toucan said...

love those tags, and the pate sounds gorgeous

be blessed
from Angela #83

Theresa Plas said...

Gotta keep your strength up for your latest project Jo! Looking Lovely!

Annie said...

What fab crafting this week Jo and that pate sounds really yummy :-)
A x

Cardarian said...

I loved all your tags and yummy, yummy, yummy that pate! I want some to!!!!!!!! Ha, ha...

olive said...

we want more.... they are fabulous. need a class... your desk looks a hive of activity. xx

Bettythebaglady said...

Popped in to ogle the Polish Mug which Spydie is drooling over and it is drooltastic.Tags are greta esp. Sidney.Hugs BettyXXX

Louise said...

Gorgeous tags - really beautiful!
I though it was chocolate spread on toast - yuck!

Anonymous said...

Your tags are lovely and breakfast looks especially fine! Happy WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Those tags look totally different after the alterations. LOL Where is my Polish mug? i have the dotty one don't I for dotty moi. heheh


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a tidy camper you are! Love the Polish mug, I have a few nifty coffee mugs myself! Great Christmas cards and tags and I LOVED that pic of you dressed up as a maid in the other post!!

Brenda 92

Sherry said...

An advent tag calendar - what a great idea! Your tags look great - I love the snowman one. I need to go take a look at your earlier post now to find out more .......

Sherry (120)

Unknown said...

Love the tags you altered. i also thought it was chocolate spread. LOL


Carola Bartz said...

Wonderful, gorgeous, stunning tags!!! Delightful.
Oh, and that liver pate - yummy. I could have a helping of that.

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Beautiful tags and I'm going to end up singing that song all night!!

Have a fab week...A.xx(2)

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

What a lovely tidy desk you have but some very interesting looking items on there. Oh pate on toast - where's mine? Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 34)

Ciara said...

Great post today Jo, lots of stuff to look at. MMmmmm pate on toast - now that is something I've not had for a very long time. Must had pate to my tesco.com grocery order!

Thanks for the lovely card, it came today. I'm guessing the Japanese ladies are your own design? they are fab, the paper is beautiful too.


PS - do those tags come in a pack at Ikea?

Anonymous said...

Great looking desk and I love 'Dot' S #16

minnie_mac said...

Love your Advent Angel, and that messy desk makes me feel better !


Anonymous said...

Love your advent angel and your Sidney snowman! Happy WOYWW #143

Scrapcat 1 said...

lovely tags can't wait to see them all complete and displayed however you decide to show them.

Nicky said...

Love the desks and the tags are brilliant - bet pate sales have gone up now lol

Dotpat said...

Love your tags Jo and is that me or another Dot ?, wish I looked like that if it is

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i like the idea of doing something for advent but i don't know if i can find the time since the season is approaching so quickly. love your mug!
happy WOYWW from #20

Lizzie J said...

Mmmmmmmmm yum yum pate. Never made it myself - happy to buy it from Sainsburys. Love the tags.
Lizzie xx

Elizabeth said...

Lovely tags and now I'm off to eat something, anything, after seeing your toast and pate. elizabeth #113

Zue said...

Lovely Angel Dot... she is fab in pink. That toast looks like it has peanut butter on it, I don't eat meat but if it was peanut butter, then yummy.
Thanks for your advice, I do resort to that tactic sometimes.
Have a wonderful week what's left of it.
Sue xx 71

Mrs A. said...

love your snowman tag.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Love the tags Jo, especially the top one and am looking forward to see how you display them all. Just had a thought, perhaps you could do your own 12 tags of Christmas but make them all angels - as if you didn't have enough to do LOL Anne xx

Ann said...

Lovely tags and the messy desk to reassure me that I'm not the only who can create havoc with bits of paper ;)

Lisa said...

Mmmmm, don't spose there is any pate left by now? gorgeous tags and have a great weekend


Lisa (38 and also aged 40 lol )

Susie Jefferson said...

Love it! My desk is like this all the time (minus the great mug and the toast....) Love what you've done as well.

Sorry for not visiting back earlier - the anniversary dinner was a total non-event (went down with flu: OK in the morning, and by evening I was in bed!) Peter's got it as well, so we've been housebound the entire week. I only really got going again yesterday, and still feeling cottonwool-ish so big apologies for not leaving a comment earlier.

Have a great weekend!

Julia Dunnit said...

The tags are fab - and such a lovely idea Jo, you really are an inspiration. Ain't Doone sweet - that has to be the most treasure like ATC ever. I'm typing on Sunday..a day we reserve for soup and pate - I love the stuff!

Susan said...

Lovely tags! I too thought you were having Nutella! Sorry I am so late! Susan xxox #17

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow, Jo. To think I nearly missed these lovely tags! They are fun and funky. Sorry I'm so late getting here. You would think since I had most of my obligations out of the way, I would have freed up a bit more computer time. Unfortunately, what happened was, I was so far behind, I became overwhelmed. Will try to do better this week.