Tuesday, 21 December 2010

34567 a magic number for Vicki B

It has been more than a difficult week for us here as my beautiful little grandee in Germany has been very seriously ill in hospital. The bottom fell out of our world when she took ill and these last few days have been so hard but at last there is a tiny spark of a slow recovery so I feel I can share it with you. They should have all be arriving for Christmas this evening so I will really miss them all but it really doesn't matter as long as this precious little one gets well.

I've been trying to keep myself busy and crafting has helped keep me sane whilst waiting for phone calls with news.
I made these two tree decorations for the children of a special friend. The first one, another wacky Angel Queen is for her teenage daughter. 
Rudolph is for her 3 year old son so I added the jingle bells for fun.
I'm planning some blog candy and will post all about it tomorrow but I also decided that when my blog count reached the magic number of 34567 I would give a small gift to the next person who left a comment......and that was Vicky B yesterday. If you email me your details Vicky I will get a little crafty surprise out to you. Everyone else will be in with a chance for Blog Candy if you pop in for tomorrow's post.


Deborah Frings said...

Jo - so sorry to read your news - I do hope that things improve soon.

On another subject - do drop by my blog - I've a little something for you.

Regards, Deborah x

lisa said...

Hi Jo. I'm so glad to hear things are improving slowly. Crafting is great for taking your mind off for a short while isn't it and these decorations are beautiful, your friend will love them I'm sure.
Hang in there and enjoy Christmas as best you can. Hopefully you'll be able to celebrate with all your family in the New Year!!
Thinking about you my friend.
Hugs Lisax

Vicki B in OP NY said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your little one. I'll whisper little prayers for comfort and wellness. Thanks for sharing with us.

Nan said...

So sorry about your little one..much love and prayers. I do love your creative ornaments and I'm sure they will too. :) Nan

Von said...

What fun they are Jo :)
Hug for your little treasure