Sunday, 5 December 2010

Glue Resist & Auf Wiedersehen Lueneburg

Home safely from Germany after a worrysome flight. My plane had to circle Manchester for half an hour until given a new landing slot due to a problem with another plane having to abort take off due to bad runway conditions. We were all worried we would end up landing at another airport, if there were any in reach still open, and also we feared that we had only been told the minimum of info. It all turned out well and we then only had the problem of driving home carefully in blizzard conditions with the screen wash jets frozen solid!
Before the last of my pics from Germany this is a card I made and filed before I went away....
 When my friend Caz came for a play day recently we messed about (what's new?) with clear drying glue as a resist and this card was one of the results. I still need to experiment a little more but the technique has prospects. 
The image (Hero Arts Clings, Dandelion Frame) was stamped on white card stock then I drizzled glue over in swirly lines. It had to dry overnight before I painted the voids with watercolours. I dried it and then swiped a Versamark watermark pad over the top before dusting with Perfect Pearls which enhanced the swirls.
Last of Lueneburg pics....
I love the doors in the altstadt (old town) and this below is one of my favourites.
This is a snowy side view of the historic Rathaus which amazingly dates from 12th Century
My daughter was married here in the Heinrich Heine Haus right in the central square.

An arty car park
The Nativity in the square
Luckily the German branch of my family will join us for Christmas so I won't have too much time to miss them before then.


sam21ski said...

Ooh Jo fab photos yet again. Thanks.

So pleased that you got home safely even if it was eventful.

Is your son in law German then, or did they just move over there for other reasons?

lisa said...

Hi Jo. Lovely to have you home safely. It sounds like an interesting journey. Bet you were surprised with our weather!!
The last photos of Germany are gorgeous and I love your glue resist card. I think I might have to have a go at this one. The colours are gorgeous.
How lovely that your family will be coming for Christmas, I know how much you miss them.
Stay warm
Hugs Lisax

Dotpat said...

Fab photo's Jo and your card is very clever. Glad you got home safe and sound. Not the weather to be travelling in is it

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah - will post some German pics on Weds, glad you landed safe and got home in one piece, if you ever get diverted to East Mids I am in shouting where you are going with the glue resist technique...
