Tuesday, 28 December 2010

HangAbouts Instructions

I've had requests for instructions on how to make these handy HangAbouts... (that's what I decided to call them from all the suggested names) Can't recall who came up with it but thank you and I think it is so apt! I'll do my best to explain as simply and clearly as I can.
Here's the finished article.....with a pocket inside this one.
Here's what you will need to make a HangAbout......
Patterned cotton fabric, contrasting or toning cotton lining, medium weight iron on Vylene interlining. Non slip mesh (I get a roll from the £1 shops) Machinable boning, (I paid 40p a metre for mine). Sand or gravel to weight the pad. I bought children's play sand from a supermarket for a couple of pounds for a big bag so this is clean. Beach or builders sand has too much salt in it which will absorb moisture and become damp.
Cut 3 x 15 cm round shapes, 1 from the patterned fabric, 1 from the lining and 1 from the Vylene.
Cut 3 x rectangles 45 cms x 19 cms, 1 from the patterned fabric, 1 from the lining and one from the Vylene
Iron the Vylene to the patterned fabric then sew up the 19 cm side seam. (NB: If you want an inside pocket sew this in before sewing the side seam)
Iron the Vylene round piece to the patterned one then sandwich together with the lining and zig zag stitch round the edge.
Sew the round base into the bottom edge of the bucket as shown in the photo below.
To give support to the top edge sew the boning to the inside top edge using a zig zag stitch as photos below.
Turn down the lining
Sew bottom edge of lining to round base with a zig zag stitch.
Turn bucket to right side out 
To make the non slip pad. 
First make two straps approx 3 cms x 15 cms when finished. Finish off one end of these straps. These will attach the pad to the bucket and can be patterned or plain to suit your colour scheme.
Cut  a 14cm square of patterned fabric, 1 of lining and i of non slip mesh. 
Lay down the lining square, then the mesh, then the two straps lying across the square with the unfinished ends to the edge of the square, then the patterned fabric FACE DOWN. Machine round 3 sides trapping in the ends of the straps .
Turn right side out as in photo below.
The mesh will be on the bottom side.
Make a rough cotton bag to fit inside the pad and part fill with sand, seaming with a small stitch size so sand does not leak out. Insert this into the pad and stitch up the end. 
Attach the pad via the straps with buttons and Voila! Simples! You've made it!
I've made over a dozen in the last few days over Christmas to keep myself busy and it looks like I'll be making more as so many friends want a HangAbout!. There will be one in my Blog Candy so add a comment if you'd like the chance to win one filled with goodies.
Hope I've explained this clearly enough but if there are any queries please shout and I will try to help.
Full details posted Tuesday Dec 21st!


voodoo vixen said...

Wow Jo, you are an absolute star, lovely clear instructions - must have taken you ages! Thank you so much, I will get the whip out and glue Mum's bottom to the chair until she makes me one!! LOL

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for this instruction. my todolist is getting longer and longer;))

lisa said...

Hi Jo
I hope you had a good Christmas and I'm so pleased you received the present you most wished for, what great news!!!!! I so hope things are still progressing well.
Thank you so much for these great instructions. I think I might be making these as birthday pressies this year, they are so useful. The sewing machine will be getting an airing after Christmas.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year. I hope it brings you better things than 2010.
Hugs Lisax

Sheila said...

Thanks for the instructions! I tend to call them scrap caddies or thread catchers, depending on the craft, but HangAbout is a great name too. Off to make one!

Julia Dunnit said...

Aha, Annette and I are almost of a mind...I was thinking of Lunch lady Jan..I even have fabric she could use, how selfless of me!!

Dotpat said...

Brill instuctions Jo, you have the patience of a saint. Love these

Angie said...

Thanks for these instructions ...just need to take them in step by step. Had a great xmas but came down with the flu on 27th ...just my luck ...glad you had a good time.

Diane said...

What a great idea these are, Jo - I can imagine them being endlessly useful for so many different types of craft!
Many years ago, in another life, I made door stops in the form of an angel and cat litter was recommended as the filler to provide weight and stability. I realise that it's designed to absorb moisture but it certainly worked well as a door stop! (Just in case you ever need an alternative to sand!)
Diane x

sam21ski said...

Great instructions Jo, but far to complicated for me!!!

Hope grandee is doing okay. Any idea yet when she can go home?

Unknown said...

i love these and i am so very lucky to receive one they are so brill if i am feeling brave i will give it a go and try and make one for my dd for her room for her brushes bobbles ect or even one for her straitners why they are on.

also for an alternative filling maybe you could use rice as i have used this for a weight in my craftroom and its still going strong tfs Jo another fantastic project big hugs jayne xxx

Twiglet said...

Brilliant instructions - I will have a go in the next week or so, Thanks lots. Happy New Year!

Sarah Anderson said...

These are fantastic!!! Love them, think I should get some of these made, they look fantastic and are so, so useful!

Unknown said...

fantastic work

cockney blonde said...

Brilliant Jo and I love all the samples you've displayed, x

Pat said...

That is so clever, Jo. I am just now getting back with my blogging, as my granddaughter that gave me her computer came tonight and made it more usable for me! lol See how clever they are when they are older? lol

Thanks for the visual on the sample. I do better when I see it, than just reading. I will have to try that soon.
Hugs, Pat

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wow Jo that is one good tutorial and really adore the fabric you have used to make the bag - so English makes me quite a longing for things ENGLISH again.. . but pickies of over there help cheer me up.. and did you mention candy??
- YES please do put me in, I will put it on my sidebar - if can work out which pickie maybe I will just guess..
...and have some over my way too as a BIG THANK YOU to all my Wonderful Encouragers.. please look see! God bless dear friend, Shaz in oz.x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Der and double der Jo, ..I should have read that date at the top - this is from 2010 came over from Janet's blog.. I just was posting it at sidebar when suddenly a light went on - bet it is old..not to worry! My candy is still current! Shaz in oz.x PS Off to see if you have done WOYWW :D