Tuesday, 28 December 2010

WOYWW 82 & Blog Candy

Not too much to show on my temporary desk, still decamped to the spare bedroom, but I'm getting back to a little card making and paper crafting instead of all the sewing I've been doing of late, mainly to keep my mind off all that has been happening. I'll have to vacate the room tomorrow as my DD1, her fella and the other two of my lovely grandees( not the little one in Germany who has been ill !!) will be travelling up North to visit from the South Coast for New Year... weather and health permitting as they are all full of colds and coughs!!!
I'm in the middle of making a few general birthday cards to have in stock and I'm using up some spare stamped images. On the right you'll see the covers I made for my little grandees floor cushions. There is yet another HangAbout fabric bucket in a Cath Kidson fabric lurking there......BTW instructions for making them are in yesterday's post.
Hop over to Stamping Ground, the blog of our world famous inspiring leader, Julia, who started all this and you will be able to spy on the work desks of over 100 ardent crafters from all over the globe.
BLOG CANDY Still time to enter!
Don't forget, if you are a follower and add a comment you will be entered for my surprise blog candy and I'd be really extra pleased if you add it to your sidebar. If you like the HangAbout fabric buckets there will be a chance to win one in the blog candy,made by my own little mitts, filled with allsorts of yummy crafty goodies, as a thanks to everyone for a year of blogging, friendship, fun and inspiration.

Last but not least, I must give thanks to everyone who sent such lovely caring messages and prayed for the recovery of my little grandee who has been so ill. I was really touched and it all helped so much. I'm so pleased to tell you that she came out of intensive care on Christmas Eve, which was almost the best gift we could receive. Even better is the news that she went home today. Her lovely parents have gone through so much since the week before Christmas but we are blessed that it has all turned out well at last. Our Christmas plans had to be cancelled but there will be other Christmases and other chances to visit each other but the main thing is that the precious little one is getting well again.

Stay warm and well and have a Very Happy 2011


jude said...

Jo wishing you and yours a fabulous happy ,healthy ,crafty new year.Hope they manage to get over to you ,and weather not too bad for travelling.
hugs judex5

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear your little granddaughter is well! Praise the Lord! Happy New Year! #4

Marjo said...

Super cute B-day cards. I will add your blog candy to my sidebar. Can't enter though...I have way to much stash already...lol

Happy creative crafting in the New Year.

Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #10

Sheila said...

Have a great new year! I'm glad to hear that your granddaughter has been able to go home. All the best to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Your desk looks great and I have a feeling you don't mind vacating the spare room for your family. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the weather holds.

Happy New Year.
cheers, rachel #15

Sid said...

Busy but organised.....now that's what I like to see !!

Glennis F said...

So glad the little one is on the road to recovery.
All the best for 2011

sandra de said...

Lovely to spend some time with family and I do hope your youngest grandee in Germany is doing well. Love the hangabout (great name) will have to try to find the sewing machine.
Sandra #29

Ciara said...

Great news your grandee has made it home :-)

Your talents really have no end do they?! Those fabric buckets are brilliant

All the best for 2011 and thanks for making me feel so welcome in blog land this year, x

Cardarian said...

So happy to hear your grandaughter is much better! Have a lovely New Years Eve and lots of health, happiness and love in 2011!

oneoff said...

So happy to hear that your little grandee is home again - that must be such a relief to you all. Hope your prospective visitors are all well enough to make the journey.

It's a great name that you finally chose for the baskets. The Cath Kidston version looks very sweet too.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2011.

Bernie #17

sam21ski said...

Brilliant news Jo, I've just asked on your last post if you had any idea when she could go home, so pleased to hear that she is already there xxxx

happyglitzygirl said...

Mmmm, it does look like you had a similar Christmas to mine. One thing for sure is that good health is number one, everything else is second. I mean you don't really appreciate something until it;s gone. My prayer for everyone is Good Health. Praise God things are looking up for your grandaughter. Have a wonderful New Year, blessings Hilde

Susanne said...

Glad the little one is doing better and hope everyone is well by visit time. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy New Year. S #48

olive said...

Jo, so thrilled your GD is back home and is safe and well. Thanks for sharing so much with us on your blog, it is an inspiration especially to me. Wishing you and all your family and great and healthy 2011.... xxxxx

Deborah Frings said...

Your desk is lovely.

So pleased to hear that your grand-daughter is home - the best present of the year!

Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Ann B said...

Love your Hangabouts Jo, thanks for the instructions.
Have a good New Year and I hope Lotta continues to improve.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I came to see your desk and wish you a belated Christmas, but got better news. It's awesome that your granddaughter is doing so well. That's awesome news! I DO hope you had a great Christmas. Little did I know when I left suddenly last Wednesday that I would not have access to the internet. I didn't even get to wish you a Merry Christmas, and now another week has passed and I have some catching up to do. Here's to a swell 2011 where everyone is healthy, safe, and artful. And thanks for the directions on how to make the fabric bucket.

Also, thanks for always being so supportive, even when I was late visiting. All the best to you, dear friend. I'll see you in 2011.

Mrs A. said...

Love your fabric buckety thingie. I could do with lots of these. Usually end up with a small plastic bag hanging off my work desk. These are much much better. Many thanks for for the tut. #59

Gez Butterworth said...

awe, great news about your little one. It really puts things in perspective when little ones are poorly. That's all I ever pray for is for my little ones to be healthy & think of everything else as a bonus. Your cards look gorgeous. Sending you very Best Wishes for the New Year. Happy crafting.xx

Larisa said...

Very nice desk!!! I love this disorder))) It is very creative!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Joey said...

Hiya Jo

I wish my desk looked like yours with birthday cards, I am desperately behind lol, enjoy the new year with your family

Joey xx

lisa said...

It all looks very busy as always Jo. I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family. At least the weather looks like it won't cause any disruption. I just hope the colds and coughs improve too.
Great news about your little Granddaughter. I'm so happy that she's improving and hope they all manage a belated trip over in the New Year.
Happy New Year to you and all your family.
Hugs Lisax

Helen said...

Such good news about your granddaughter! Am sure your visitors will get there - travelled up from the south coast today myself (home) and it was fine (even on the train!) Happy and Crafty New Year to you and continued recovery to your granddaughter.

Terry said...

Is that some of the new Stampin' Up! fabric I see on your container already? If so, you are FAST! I need to get my sewing machine out. That's awesome you're creating a stash of birthday cards. That'll be my next class! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Terry #25

Carole Campanile said...

I'm very happy to hear your grandaughter is improving. Here's to a Happy New Year and good health for you and all your family.
Carole #62

Elizabeth said...

So glad to hear your little grandaughter is recovering and home again - what a happy Christmas that must have been for everyone. I wish you and yours a Good Health and Happiness in the New Year. Elizabeth #57

Carmen said...

Lovely to read of your very special Christmas present - am so glad about that :)

Thank you for the HangAbout instructions :) Guess who got a sewing machine for Christmas? :P

Dragon said...

So pleased to hear the little one is on the mend... As you say, the holidays come and go but our families are most important!!! Your desk will take up and be more used I'm sure
Happy new year

Pam said...

Everything you do is always so classy! Great news about the baby. Hope all is well in the New Year! Hauoli makahiki hou. xoxo, #1

minnie_mac said...

So glad to hear that your little granddaughter is out of hospital. It must be such a relief after all the worry you've had.

Enjoyed reading your instructions on how to make the hangabouts. They are really beautiful.


Rosalee said...

Happy to hear everything is going good with your grandchild. They are oh so precious, aren't they?
Wonderful giveaway you have going there. I've added a link to my sidebar to help spread the word and I've also become a follower of your great blog. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Susan said...

Fabulous news about your Granddaughter. Love the name for your 'HangAbouts' too ~ very clever.
Thanks for visiting. I have to clean my desk before I can start 2011 Christmas cards!
Happy final WOYWW for 2010 and Happy 2011!
Susan #13

Neet said...

Glad to hear about Lotta going home - didn't realise it was Wednesday yesterday. What a dope I am.

Net said...

What super news about your little one!

I hope she goes from strength to strength.

akilli melek said...


Glad to hear your grandee is on the mend.

love your hang abouts in the previous post.

wish you a happy and healthy (for all) new year

caroline #50

Maggie's Crafts said...

Thank you for your invitation! :) Glad your grandee is better.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Such good news still about the little grandee, so glad she's at home now and I hope you get to see them all soon. Hope the weather wasn't too bad and your other daughter made it home to see you all too. I've tidied up my desk and found a few unused Christmas images... I'm debating making more Christmas cards to use them up or saying "to hell with it" and throwing them in a box for next year!!

Have a wonderful New Year.
Brenda 81

Spyder said...

Have a Very Happy New year, just think how many WOYWW there's been for me to get tidied up!! Your desk looks very productive!

Happy New Year


karen said...

I am so happy to hear that your little granddaughter is better and at home! That is the best xmas present of all!
Thanks for visiting me last week. I am now so behind that I didn't even do a WOYWW post this week as it seems I have lost an entire day somewhere along the line, lol!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
xoxo Karen (no number this week)

Traceyr said...

Great to see that you have lots of various crafts on the go.

Great news on your grandchild. Hope a full recovery is soon to follow.

Happy New Year :)

having a {me} day said...

Hello! Thank you for offering to help me with any Janome queries I might have, you never know when I may need to take you up on it, so thank you. I love your fabric buckets, they look like so much fun! Happy New Year! keeley §61

Regena said...

I'm very happy to hear your grandaughter is improving. Here's to a Happy New Year and good health for you and all your family.I love those fabric Buckets..Thanks for the chance..

Pat said...

Jo, I am so happy to hear that the little one is actually home! What a true blessing!

Much happiness and good health you you and your family in the coming year!
Hugs, Pat Smith

Nicky said...

Nice to see you have been creative on your temporary craft space - love the fabric holder a the back of your desk ~ thanks for stopping by my blog have a great New Year ~ Nicky 38