Tuesday, 14 December 2010

WOYWW & All Stitched Up

We came back from the South Coast rather hurriedly but cautiously as I was SICK, SICK, SICK all the way home so it rather spoiled things. It was horrible and I was never so glad for poly bags and newspaper. Yes! YUK, I agree ...YUK!!! but you've got to share problems with friends, heh, heh! I think I picked up a virus as no one else was ill and we'd all eaten the same food. Just had my first proper little meal since Saturday and I'm feeling OK again but shattered.
WOYWW or What's On Your Floor Wednesday!!!
I languored part of the day, still feeling sorry for myself but soon got fed up with being idle so I decided to sew some outstanding bits and bobs. Hence my desk was on the floor as I was cutting out fabric. 
Call in on Julia's blog, Stamping Ground to see some real crafty desks and crafty messes as we do this every week.
I think this is the neatest "desk" I've ever shown and it's just as well as my real desk is stacked high with things I've brought home and dumped. Too cold to go out there for a pic especially whilst I feel poorly! Well, that's my excuse, honest!
Here's what I made all in part of a day.... first the caped hood that I copied and cut out from my little grandees one that was shop bought in Germany.  (Wipso asked to see this finished too so there you go!) It's really snug as the cape tucks inside the little one's coat so no draughts in the cold!
Then I moved on to dress this cutie teddy, Snowy, for when my grandee visits for Christmas. It ended up with the full set....including a neckerchief like the children wear in Germany and a little tote bag because tiny little girls love putting things in and out of little bags. Now what can I pop in there? 
I think you are beginning to think I wasn't really very sick but sewing was a real distraction and helped my recovery I can assure you, as I then moved on this evening to tie bows on this bargain rusty heart 
(Yes! cheapskate as ever) I bought it in Rye for just £3 on Saturday! Easy peasy TV watching job!
It wouldn't be difficult to re-create this heart from a wire coat hanger, I'm sure! 
I finished off making a crochet flower so I think I'd be better being sick more often!! Nah!
Check out this fabulous Tim Holtz blog candy from Lin of LB Crafts (Yours Artfully) Link on my side bar!


Dragon said...

Poor you, Jo it sounds like you were really off, but VERY productive... I love that hoodie. Bet the real desk is fascinating though... Hope you are better soon

Nikki said...

Everything you did looks fab like the heart how it turned out and everything else looks great
hugs Nikki C

jude said...

Hope your feeling better theres sooo many virus bugs around this time of year.Anyway by looks of things you have been occupied i absolutely adore the heart tie decoration.stunning!
Have an easy wednesday take and feel better soon hugs judex3

Marjo said...

Hi Jo,

Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #25

Helen said...

Sorry to hear you had such a dreadful journey home - but glad you are recovered. You were certainly very busy.

Chrissie said...

I just love ALL your projects!
You really have been busy... but I wouldn't like to suggest that you get sick more often, even if all this lot is as a result of it!
Thanks for a lovely snoop!
Chrissie #1

Annie said...

Hi Jo. So sorry to hear how poorly you've been. Hope you are back to your old self really soon so it doesn't spoil your Christmas. Thank you for sharing the little cape. Its really gorgeous and yes I would love to make some :-) No rush though cos I'm really busy at the mo.
If you fancy being in with a chance to win a little knitted Christmas bear and haven't already put your name down then pop over to my blog to be in with a chance :-)
A x

Tuire Flemming said...

Glad to hear that you´re better now! You really have been very productive in spite of the illness... little red ridin´ hood ;)

Tuire #46

sandra de said...

My goodness you are amazing, you still managed to create so many lovely things while you were ill. Obviously you don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Hope the rest of the week gets better and better.
sandra #57

Zoechaos said...

Poor you, we used to be packed off to our Aunt in St. Annes every year from Bournemouth. for me it was a coach journey from Hell as i would be sick all the way there and all the way back. So you have my complete sympathy and it is so draining.

Never produced anything as lovely as these the cape is adorable and so practical for winter babies. Always gorgeous inspiring work here thank you xx Zoe

donnalouiserodgers said...

what - you didn't make yourself a poly bag lined vomit bag? Love these things you have made and purchased, and I can imagine the need to cut fabric on your floor - those strawberries would make cutting out fabric very interesting....

hope you are drinking plenty even if not up to much else - ooh ohhh - soup- yes have some soup,

I am going to stuff the turkey poised upon my soap box - ramming that stuffing in all the way - yeah...


Joey said...

Hiya Jo

Wishing you well real soon, the cape is fantastic and such a fab idea! I love the little bears dress and the little bag too cute!

Joey xxx

fluffy said...

My, you have been really busy!! Did you also manage to post off your application to be one of Santa's little helpers?! The cape looks gorgeous--much nicer than the shop-bought one and Grandee is gonna love that ted

Debs said...

Hope that making those fabulous things was the best medicine for you xx

Anonymous said...

That red cape and the bear's dress both look adorable! Must be great fun to be able to sew like that. Happy WOYWW #23

Minxy said...

WOW Jo for someone so poorly you sure got alot done, hope you're now feelin much better :D
happy woyww
hugz Minxy #28

Twiglet said...

Hope you are feeling better now - I love all your pre-Christmas makes - its so satisfying to produce something isn't it.

Spyder said...

It all looks lovely, lovethe cape, I'm a rubbish sewer (sew-er or sewist??) anyway I'm not good, Love the teddy, very sweet! Happy WOYWW!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

sorry to hear you were sick, and RYe is a lovely place:)) go there often
Happy Woywwing
Jennie #9

Caro said...

You poor thing..I hate being sick and I hope you are feeling better now. Gorgeous work you are showing today. You are one super talented lady. Caro #58

Zue said...

At least you will be better for Christmas. You have made some pretty amazing things, takes your mind off everything else, when you are busy!
sue xx 86

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so sorry to read you were sick. By now I hope you are better. Love the teddy, and really, really love the "altered" heart. You made it your own. I can't believe I'm so early this week. Maybe I'm getting better or maybe I'm just avoiding finishing my cards (#4).

Dotpat said...

Jo I wish I had half your energy, love the things you have made

SueH said...

You’ve certainly been a busy bee considering you weren’t feeling well.
The teddy is really cute but I just love the rustic heart......it looks so expensive!

Hope you're feeling better soon.

oneoff said...

Aw Jo, that sounds like a nightmare journey home. Hope you are now well on the mend.

That bargainous heart looks gorgeous, and I love the bear's outfit (glad to see she has her own bag too - perhaps she needs a little bear hankie or a contrasting spare bow in there?). I think I need one of those snuggly cape/hoods in adult size!

Bernie #29

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been sick but it really seems to agree with you, rather than disagreeing with you!! Can't believe all the lovely things you've finished!

Brenda 83

Amanda said...

Hope you are feeling better now, the bear looks so cosy I am sure your grandee will love it

lisa said...

I'm so sorry to hear you've been poorly, Jo. I know how much yu were looking forward to your trip to the South Coast. Hope you are much better now.
You've certainly been busy. I love the little hood, how cute is that and very snuggly I'm sure.
You are so clever with your needle. The teddy in her smart new clothes will be much loved at Christmas by her new owners!!
Take care
Hugs Lisax

Neet said...

My words Jo, you have been busy. am sure Lotta will benefit from wearing this cape and love her gran even more for thinking of making it for her.

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm very late, but I get to see the adorable hats and socks...be still my heart! Almost worth learning to knit! I sure hope you're feeling better Jo, although Seeing your needle skills a your distraction has been a treat!

Nicky said...

Wow you have been busy while ill - I will have to go and have a nose around Rye see what bargins I can pick up - Your where right the gluhwein Mit Rhum was lovely - dispite the weather we made Dussledorf in a day and had a fanstanic time ~ Nicky

Pat said...

I am glad you are better, Jo. You made some great things there, love the cape for the baby!

Get well!
Hugs, Pat Smith

Susan said...

Happy Late WOYWW! Thanks for popping past my blog to check out my desk!
Love the cape...very clever!
Susan xxox #16

Nan said...

Sorry I'm so late in visiting this week but glad I came by your blog. Enjoyed the post and loved the liitle stockings advent idea. Hope you do this and we get to see it! :) Nan #20