Tuesday, 21 December 2010

WOYWW81 & Blog Candy

Don't miss the blog candy at the end of this post!
I didn't have a pattern for these handy little hanging fabric bitty buckets so I've been playing around trying to make the perfect example. I think the red tartan one is about right in depth and size. I'd love a quirky name/title for them so if anyone has an idea then give me a shout.( So far we have... Utensilos, Bitty Bins or Tidy Tubs and later additions......Junk Buckets,HangAbouts, Totables, Hang it All, Tidy Totes, JoZartyTubs and ???? any more?) I love the way they grip onto any surface and hang there waiting to be filled. They'll hold the TV zappers, pens, post its and sweeties or your scissors and crafty bits and bobs. Also useful as a mini waste paper bin when trimming in front of TV.
I still have some of the above fabrics left over and I especially love the Clarice Cliff Bizarre panels on the first one above.
I've sorted out quite a few small length of fabrics from my quilting stash to make more of these pots and think I'll add one to the blog candy I'm offering as long as I can send it out without it's weighty filling in the holding pad. I think that everyone with a birthday in the next few weeks will be receiving one..... well that spoils any surprise but I suppose they could all hold a couple of unexpected items inside!
Hidden on the second yellow piece there are bees and bee hives and the orange and yellow one at the end is another Clarice Cliff design!
 Found some more! some unusual ones...Monopoly, snore cure cartoons,Texas, Cocktail party

It's WOYWW 81! 
Do I hear you ask what on earth I'm going on about? Well it's the fateful day we follow Julia's lead and show and tell all that is going on with our workdesks. Messes, chaos, tidy, organised it doesn't matter as long as we allow the world to snoop. Pop over to see over 100 more at the blog of our illustrious creator .... Stamping Ground... it's looking very festive right now!
With doing so much sewing to keep busy, whilst worrying over my lovely little grandee in hospital, my work desk has moved yet again from the dining room to the spare bedroom where I have set up my sewing machines. I haven't touched the desk in my workroom (originally the laundry room) for a couple of weeks and I haven't done much stamping or paper crafting. I seem to be sewing quite a bit. It's much warmer in the main body of the house compared to my work room which only has a small radiator in it.
Blog Candy
I'd like to thank everyone who has commented, peeped in or browsed my blog over the last year, my first full year of blogging, and I'm offering a surprise package of Blog Candy, surprise because I haven't had time to sort it all out !!!
My Christmas gift to everyone! Happy Christmas!
 I've a box full of crafty goodies to share so if you are interested in winning then it is open to all followers. To enter...just leave a comment, add the picky of the gift box below to your sidebar and mention the Blog Candy in a comment to any of my posts before the end of the year, and I'll announce the winner on 1st January.... 1. 1. 11 !!! If there are a lot of entries then I may even stretch to some consolation prizes too.


Neet said...

What you doing? It's not 8 am yet!

Love your buckets Jo, are these what have been taking your mind off your worries? Well, not taking your mind off but helping you carry on? Still doing my praying. Waiting for some good news.

Tanya said...

Awesome work! Great idea!
Thanks for the chance to win your candy! I would like to be the lucky winner - Loooove surprises :)
Linked candy on my blog.
Thanks and Marry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

jude said...

Thanks Jo for the chance to win your candy .Have added link to candy jar on sidebar,i am follower.
These are absolutely beautiful and think they could be named "The Handyandy Anytime Bucket /or Bag"
they are stunning and fab to hold crafty items in next maybe hanging from the desk next to you.
Well Have a Merry Christmas and Wishing You and Yours A Very Happy ,Healthy ,Crafty New Year
hugs judex

Chrissie said...

Those little buckets are superb!
I love them!
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Annie said...

Really love your fabric bitty buckets. What a brilliant idea. I'm more than happy to advertise your blog for you and will add your pic to my side bar :-)
Hoping you and yours have a Happy Christmas and that 2011 brings you all you wish yourselves.
A x

Annie said...

All the link have now been added. Really hope you get lots entering your draw Jo :-)
A x

Anonymous said...

i must stop, because i love your utensilos. i´ve sewn a lot of utensilos, but this version is new for me. it´s a good challenge in 2011 for myself. wish you and yours a merry christmas


Larisa said...

Hello!! I love the surprise-candy!!! I linked it on sidebar
I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win))
Merry Christmas!!!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Marjo said...

Awesome buckets! Thanks for the peek and sharing.

Happy Holidays and creative crafting in the NEw Year.

Hugs, Marjo #5

donnalouiserodgers said...

Hi Jo -

i;ve been in bed ill since last Friday - walking about today but very wobbly - I just scanned the blog dashboard and saw your post about the little grandee- I do hope she is making daily progress, my thoughts are with you, save Christmas up for a, hopefully, not too distant time, when she is well again.


Kate said...

Yes the tartan one looks the right size and shape. looks like you have been keeping yourself busy.

Have a happy Christmas

** Kate **

Carmen said...

LOVE those buckets... And my mind has gone blank - I may be back later if I can think pf a snappy name ;)

Hope your Grand Daughter is well soon, I don't blame you for staying in the warm part of the house.

Will pop your giveaway in my sidebar in a mo :) Happy Christmas Jo.

Angie said...

Those pots are brilliant ...now you have perfected them , maybe you could create a pattern ...please ....are they easy ....I'm going to try sewing in the NEW YEAR ....last time I touched a machine was ....about 1980. Happy Christmasxx

Twiglet said...

Great little tidy tubs - I love the fabrics. Hope all is well with the little one and that you have a brilliant Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

minnie_mac said...

The little tubs are fabulous. Such great fabrics.

Thinking of you and hoping that your little grand daughter is making a steady recovery.


Cardarian said...

I just saw your post about your grand daughter! I hope she gets well soon!
Thank you for all the lovely comments on my blog - you inspire me with all the crafty stuff you get up to! I love the bitty buckets!
Wishing you a lovely and blessed Christmas, in the New Year 2011 lots of health and happines!
Love and lots of hugs,

Von said...

Your buckets are delightfully quirky Jo :)
Goona get your candy linked to my blog ;P
Thinking of your little'n
Von x

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

The fabric bins are great with their flat holding pad, saw one with a much larger pad once. Love your choice of fabrics.

Hope your grandee will be better soon and that you all get a wonderful Christmas.

Warm hugs

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm curious as to how these cuties stay in place. I got one similar once at a garage sale, but it never stayed in place. Once you put something in it, it fell.

Merry Christmas, dear friend. I wish you a safe, fun, and healthy, and joyous holiday.

lisa said...

You do right staying where it's warm, although it's hard to find anywhere apart from under the duvet with a hot water bottle at the minute!!!!
I love your tidy buckets, what a great idea. I may have to have a go at one, they'd be great for my scissors and bits when I'm doing my cross stitch. Having a change from paper crafting at the minute like you. All crafted out I think!!!
Your candy looks very intriguing. I have linked on my sidebar. You are so generous and congrats on your first year of blogging, is it only a year. I seem to have "known" you for ages. Here's to many more.
Love to all the family and my thoughts are with you all.
Hugs Lisax

Zue said...

What a wonderful storage idea. I like the name 'bitty buckets' or 'Betty buckets'. They are so unusual. Glad you like my icy photo.
have a nice Christmas.
sue xx 15

Vicki B in OP NY said...

Love the bits and bobs bins! How handy.
May your Christmas be merry and the New Year be filled with good health for everyone in your family, especially the little one.
Hugs, Vicki B #21

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I hope your little grandaughter makes a good steady recovery. It is bad enough when they are ill anyway but at Christmas, it seems doubly hard to cope with. We shall be thinking of you and watching for good news. XXXX

Sherry said...

Your fabric tidy bins are brilliant - I've been thinking of a name but have nothing yet!

Thanks for the chance of your mystery blog candy - I've added a pic to my sidebar.

Wishing you and all your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - but most importantly, wishing your little one a speedy recovery x

Ukka said...

Dear Jo, I'm in, in your lottery! So wonderful give away!I added a link to the sidebar http://pishitejulie.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!

Greetings from Russia,

Anonymous said...

Love the tidy buckets, I'd call them Toteables! I hope your little grandee is home soon and feeling better, what a worry for you all.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas,
Brenda 45

Sheila said...

Love the thread catcher. I was wanting to make one. Hope many enter your contest. Have a great Christmas!

sam21ski said...

Fab buckets Jo

Hope your little loved one is improving by the day, they will soon all be home together again and you can have christmas any day of the year!!!!

Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy, have put a link on my blog

Take care


sandra de said...

I do pray that your little grandee gets the absolute best care and gets better soon. Love your blog and always admire your beautiful projects. I am new to blogland so I can't work out how to link pic. So I wish everyone the best in the goodie draw. Wishing you a very merry christmas and love and prayers for your little one.
Sandra #81

Susan said...

Love your little storage (tidy) totes...they are so clever. Best wishes and good health to your granddaughter.
Thanks for the chance to win your candy.
Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas!
Susan xxox #9


Hi Jo - thank you for such mysterious candy! I will add your details to my sidebar. The tidy buckets are absolutely fantastic - such a great idea, and I think "Jozartytub" would be a quirky name, or maybe
"Junk-Bucket" or "Hang-it-All"? (Please bear in mind it's turned midnight so my brain cell is half asleep)!!
Have a great Christmas - Hugs, Sylvia xxx

Anonymous said...

Very cool idea. I hope your granddaughter makes a full recovery soon. Merry Christmas. #72

Serendipity Stamping said...

I just love your little tidy buckets, what a great idea! Have added all info to my blog, I think. #70

Tuire Flemming said...

How beautiful fabrics you have!

You said: "I think that everyone with a birthday in the next few weeks will be receiving one"..... hmmm how you count "next few weeks"? I have mine on 22.february... :P
And of course I want to win your blog candy :D

But in any case, Happy Christmas and creative year 2011!

Caro said...

What cute little buckets...sorry no brilliant ideas for names. Thanks for sharing. Have a very Happy Christmas

voodoo vixen said...

Now I need a few of these tidy tubs!! I have seen flat versions but yours are so much better!!
Merry Christmas to You and Yours, Annette #35

Minxy said...

Loving your fabric baskets, can't think of any new names but love the already suggested 'HangAbouts' thats a great name.
Wishing you Happy Christmas :D
Minxy #4

Dotpat said...

Love your buckets Jo, what a clever girl you are

oneoff said...

I'm definitely lacking in inspiration for naming those lovely storage buckets - I'm afraid my mind keeps veering off into Tiswas and the Bucketeers (UK readers of a certain age will know what I mean). And that Clarice Cliff fabric is gorgeous.

Hope your little grandee continues to make steady progress, and sending all good wishes to you and yours.

Bernie #59

Spyder said...

Love your bucket hanging things, fab colours and very pretty too. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! Happy WOYWW!! ((Lyn)) #2

Dragon said...

Woo inspirational lady!!! I will advertise you when I am on the main computer as my lovely iPad will not play blog nicely!!! I love your bitsy buckets and am sorry to hear your little grandchild is not well... Merry Christmas as can be and a Happy New Year

voodoo vixen said...

Oh yes please! Would love to have instructions for making the tidy tubs!! I have my Mum visiting me for a couple more weeks so could set her up with the sewing machine to produce them!! :)

LuLu said...

Wish I could sew!
For your bucket thing-a-ma-bobs name, I like 'Bits 'N Bobs' - my take on your bits and bobs description.

Or what about 'Bits 'N Babs'?
Ot what about 'Things-for-my-bobs'?

Would love for you to stop by my blog when you have a moment or 2!

Happy Holidays!

lou said...

hope the little one recovers soon and comes home.

Those are such cute buckets, perfect for lots of things.

Thanks for opporunity to win. x

HeARTworks said...

I love the things you make! And these buckets are really cute! Linked your candy on my sidebar. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Patsy from

Nicky said...

Love your little buckets and hope your Grandee is getting better - Nicky 52

Nikki said...

Adorable Buckets you've created :)
thanks for the chance I've linked you all up and Happy New Year
hugs Nikki C

MaryJoseph said...

Jo - these are amazing - thanks for all the inspiration

MaryJoseph said...

Jo - these are amazing - thanks for all the inspiration all year rouond

Rosalee said...

Sorry...commented on the wrong post. Thanks for the chance. I am now your newest follower and I've added a link to my sidebar.
Hugs, Rosalee

Gez Butterworth said...

awe, Jo thanks for the reminder about your blog candy.. I understand if I'm too late to enter.. I will certainly add a link on my sidebar..
I just love your bins.. will be back in the NY to see how you made them. :) Very Best wishes.. love Gez.xx