Saturday, 2 April 2011

Art Doll Workshop

Don't miss the chance of some fab T!m blog candy from the STAMPMAN...
 see my side bar!
We have had such fun today at Vicky Stampers with Olive of Paraphernalia blog as our excellent tutor for an Art Doll workshop. I haven't made paper dolls since I was a kid but this is a whole new ball game and it was such a hoot!. Olive dressed in keeping with the subject of the class and she was a real doll!
There were ballerinas, mermaids, and glamour girls, amongst other styles and mine was the only male created as I had chosen to make the Mad Hatter so I could use up some of my stash of trimmings which I hoard for just such an occasion.
Here's the gang of tiny characters created by the group........
This dancer shows great movement and it's amazing from just a few pieces of card how elegantly she poses.
The friend of this mermaid had a strategically placed fig leaf which gave us all a good laugh when we saw it.
 I love the button boobs here!
Here's my Mad Hatter which was great fun to make..... move over Johnny Depp!
 Some people thought the girl on the left looks like someone from Eastenders.
 Posh ball gown... what's the occasion?
 I love the embossed look and the hair doos too.
Thanks to Olive and to everyone there for all the fun and friendship.


Dotty Jo said...

Wow!!!! I wanna play too, Jo x

sam21ski said...

WOW Jo looks like a fun day by all. Thanks for showing all the creations from the day xxxx

Sherry said...

What a fab day! I love art dolls and all the ones you've shown look great! Your Mad Hatter is outstanding, what a character!

Paul B said...

Wow you managed to get this post done quick. Your art doll is amazing Jo. You have a fantastically creative mind. Thank you for showing me how to marbleise an egg. I have it sitting here proudly in my craft room. Thank you also for your smashing company. Pxx

Unknown said...

Wow! These are fabulous... I used to love to make paper dolls when I was a child... it sounds so much fun!

Twiglet said...

Looks like a fab day out!! Mad Hatter is amazing!!

cockney blonde said...

What fab piccies Jo, sorry I missed it but looks like you had great fun, x

SheRar said...

Oh I want to play, they are fabulous, looks like you had a wonderful day:)

Sheilagh xx

Carmen said...

Brilliant - I love your Mad Hatter I have to say :D The expression on his face is brilliant!

hazel said...

These are great. Your Mad Hatter is brilliant.
xxx Hazel.

donnalouiserodgers said...

He is gorgeous, such fab colours and detailing, he is an excellent example of using and Art doll to showcase techniques and ephemera,


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

I love all the art dolls Jo, looks like a really fun workshop :-) Love the marbling below and those windows look fantastic. Yes it is an odd name for a Tandoori restaurant
Anne xx

olive said...

Jo... thank you for my gorgeous photo!!!! it was a marvellous day. your Johnny Depp is awesome. xxx

Dragon said...

They are all wonderful and whimsical but I adore your mad hatter!!