Tuesday, 5 April 2011

WOYWW Tag Books & Pearl Maker

Whizzzzzz and I'm here again... was that only a day since the last WOYWW? It couldn't possibly be a whole week since we crafters shared our work desks with the blogging world. Well I've been making a mess with a few projects on my desk, tying up loose ends of things I started at CHA earlier in the year. Believe it or not, the tag folder above was meant to be a BOX, which I made on the Tsukineko Booth at CHA, but I never assembled it so it would pack flat in my suitcase. I decided instead to use the decorated card to make the above tag file. 
Still a few strawberries to be spotted on my desk, so it can't be toooo much of a mess, but all the chocoholics amongst you might recognise the collection of Bendicks Tubes Orange Bitters...Intensely gorgeously delicious and I adore them! I was given a tube as a gift from my friend Lynne but had difficulty in finding more until my really kind, thoughtful friend Paul, of Artsiders blog, tracked them down in Manchester for me. Well he's a chocoholic too so he understands!!! Thanks to Paul's generosity last Saturday the stock has increased yet again but I guarantee they won't last long!

Call in on the instigator of this great WOYWW idea if you are desperate to spy on lots more desks... our well loved and revered WOYWW MUM Julia of Stamping Ground. 
Here's the front of my tag file.
 Some of the tags.
A mini book with envelope pockets inside. Another project I brought home from America that I have, at last, got round to finishing.
 I dotted the centre of the flower with my recently purchased Pearl Makers.
 I find them really easy to use and very effective and they come in a variety of colours... here's a close up to show the detail.
Ian in Crafts4U2Do (in St Helens, where I bought them) gave me a good tip. If you aren't confident enough to apply them directly to artwork, then just dot the Pearl Makers onto acetate, let them dry, then peel them off and glue wherever you need them. Simples!

A huge THANK YOU to Twiglet from this little guy.....Isn't he gorgeous!!!??? 
(Pop over to her blog, Sisters Crafty Creations which is a joint venture with Twiglet's sister Wipso, to see all their range of fabulous items which are for sale in their blogshop.)
This is Baxter Mk2 who is now on his way to Germany to a very special little girl.
Stop Press... He has arrived in Germany... woo hoo!
WOYWWer Twiglet tracked him down on ebay and, even though the sale was closed, she wrote to the seller to reserve him and contacted me. Without Twiglet's kindness and thoughtfulness we wouldn't have found him. He has been packed off with a dozen eggs, Cadbury's Cream ones of course, and a dozen Hot+Buns to keep him sustained throughout his long journey. I didn't tell him he was going to hospital but I really don't think he'll mind when he sees his pretty new owner.
The quest for Baxter has been long and hard with ever increasing circles of friends and family joining the search through charity shops, toy boxes, cupboards and lofts. We appealed on BBC local radio and put ads in charity shops with no response. 
We have been donated some lovely Teds, including a special favourite one called Ana from a very kind 9 year old Amy, a friend's granddaughter (and who will be treasured as Baxter's girlfriend), but we had to have a real Baxter.
Thanks go to Marks & Spencer's, who sold the original, as they pulled out all stops at their chairman's office to try in vain to find a Baxter. They are sending one as near as possible via the manufacturer, but even they could not get a real Baxter.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you who joined the search, the panic is over, but if ever you come across another REAL Baxter we would gratefully accept a Baxter Mk3 so there will never be risk of loss or damage to the others during the little one's long course of treatment.


Carola Bartz said...

What a lovely messy desk - but the best I saw is the "Atomkraft? Nein Danke" button that you probably brought from Germany. They still look like they did twenty-thirty years ago when I wore them.
I'm so glad you found a Baxter!!! I'm very touched by this story. Your granddaughter will love him. We have a stuffed polar bear in our family that has rich (and unfortunately also sad) experience in hospital stays.

oneoff said...

I am so pleased that Baxter is on his way, and suitably provisioned for the journey (I hope he has some elasticated seams...). Bless Twiglet for tracking him down.

Love your tags and the tag folder.


PS I think House of Fraser still do the Bendicks if you need restocking at some point...

Sarah said...

Amazing news about baxter! Just fabulous! Hope all goes well - thinking of you and the desk is looking mighty productive!Thanks for sharing your space today. Have a fab week...
Sarah (sasa at 2)

jude said...

I am so pleased for you and now on it's way.I didnt foget on sat went to 4 charity shops no Baxter every other teddy going.I just love to see wee little face when she opens that box.So happy for you hope shes doing ok?getting stronger by the day.Happy wednesday
hugs judex 9

Dotty Jo said...

Gorgeous things happening on your desk this week Jo! Good to see Baxter mk 2 about to set out on his travels. My friends daughter had a doll called leggy who went missing. We started a similar search to track down 'doppleganger Leggy' as doll no.2 became known! Jo x

Helen said...

What a great desk - lovely tags - and how gorgeous is Baxter!

Dragon said...

What great stuff, finally finished, Jo... So glad tou found a bear for your grandee... Sending positive vibes as always

Tuire Flemming said...

Oh yes! I have lost two weeks somewhere - the time is going faster all the time!
Your tagbook is gorgeous!
And also I have a "atomkraft" button somewhere... from early 80´s and in finnish "Atomivoimaa - ei kiitos!"
At last it´s raining WATER here - and the snow is melting...jeeeee! :D
Have a lovely week!

Berry said...

Those tags are superb and I love Baxter! Happy WOYWW hugs Rebekah xx (63)

rach said...

Lovely tags, those pearl markers look brilliant. So glad you've found another Baxter hope you get MK3 too.

Artyjen said...

How fabulous that you found a Baxter!!! Obviously he must be a very special bear as no one seems to discard him!! ;) Never heard of the orange bitter stuff but sounds like I might like it! I'm not keen on normal chocolate only really like the odd square of good dark stuff!
Have a good week
xoxo Sioux

Cardarian said...

Loved this post so much info and interesting things going on on your desk! So glad the teddy Baxter was found...I am sure your grandie will give him lots of hugs and being in the hospital won't matter to him at all!
Things like this make WOYWW a very good place to be every week! Love to be part of it!
Sending you lots of hugs

Diane said...

Wonderful projects, Jo - all of them! Baxter is looking very handsome and it's good to know that he's now safe in Germany with his new owner!
Diane x

MvM-design said...

Wauwww a very creative desk this week !! lovely tags!

Happy Wednesday ;-)

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

What a lovely story about Baxter - I will keep my eyes out for MK 3.
What gorgeous tags!
Have a great WOYWW
Rebecca (48)x

scrapwordsmom said...

Love your creative looking desk. I know I am in the zone when my desk looks that way!!

Thanks for stopping by and making me feel welcome:)

Karen said...

Those tags are really gorgeous as is Baxter, I am so glad you found such a special bear for your Grandee {{{hugs}}}
Have a lovely WOYWW,
Karen #107

karen said...

All of your tags are gorgeous! And the folder for them is fabulous too!
I love the story of Baxter Mk2! A very special bear for a very special girl!
xoxo Karen

Caroline Hallett said...

What a lovely story - and now of course I too shall be looking out for Baxter 3. Thanks for Sharing and hope you have a happy WOYWW. Caroline (No 31 x)

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Good that the box turned up in a tagbook. I like it very much. Also the tags you've made for it.
Have a creative WOYWW.
Bye Franka

Twiglet said...

Aw Jo- I am so thrilled to read that lovely blog and know Baxter has reached his new little friend. I am just so glad to be able to do my bit to help. My little rainbow vibes are sent to you and all your family. x x Jo

Anonymous said...

Nice to see a busy desk again Jo! And I love that Pearl Maker pen, will have to look out for it over here. What heartening good news about Baxter!! How lovely the peeps on here are. Hope he settles into his new home quickly.

Brenda 98

Sheilagh said...

Your tags are fab:)
So glad Baxter Mark 2 arrived, hope he gives great cuddles to your little grandee:)



Julia Dunnit said...

How very thoughtful of Paul - isn't funny that when you see something, you think of someone in particular..have learned another little thing about you today! Sorry - did that sound a bit stalker-ish? Not meant to! I see strawberries so I think your desk is a laudable example; love that you've made the tag book from what was destined to be a box; it's lovely.
And hurrah for Baxter2 and Twiglet. What a gal.

okienurse said...

WOW your desk is just loaded with all sorts of fun things! I am glad that Baxter is on his way to his new home. Beautiful tag books. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #88

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, love the tag book, it's gorgeous :-) Mmm Bendicks, yum yum - though I've not tried the Bitter Orange! Well done Twiglet and bon voyage Baxter :-)
Anne xx

Lizzybobs said...

So pleased you have found a Baxter I have been hunting for you too but alas did not find one but will keep looking for Baxter MK3. loving your tags lv and ((HUGS) Liz

Angela Toucan said...

fabulous projects, I really like that tag book

Dotpat said...

Love you tagfile thing Jo wish I had half your patience

Sue said...

Hi hun
what fabby piccies you have been busy gorgeous tags & tag holder,, so pleased you have a teddy i did search the web for him, found similar but not the same,

Sue said...

ops ressie came in n i didnt finish me post! lol, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a wonderful story of the hunt for Baxter Mk2:)Good wishes to your granddaughter.
Fiona x

Serendipity Stamping said...

Beautifully done tags and holder. I too am happy to hear you found a Baxter and he is now in the arms of your granddaughter. #114

Cath Wilson said...

Good to see you keeping creative, Jo. Hope it's helping. Some lovely work lately and such good news about Baxter. Aren't there some lovely people around in blogland? Stay positive! x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what wonderful projects and news in your post today. i took a peek at the posts below and i'm going to go over them some more. i love the projects i see!